Ryc[hard] Tennant for increse of farm of 2 shops in Giggleswick bylded by him besid 2d of incres of Ferme th[er] above charged in this lese 22d

William Lawson for an mylne by hym buylded upon my lord[es] ground next the corn mill of Giggleswick 3s 4d

Olyv[er] Burton for a cottage by him built 2d

John Lyndsey for one house by hym buylded containing 30 feet in length and xij [12] feet in width lying at paley green [Yes] 2s

John paley for one parcel of ground containing 1 rod by him enclosed At Hundwixte 6d

John Ancoke For the new rent of one waste in Giggleswick nigh the brege ende 4d

Thomas Craven for incres of Ferme Of one cottage in Giggleswick late in the holding of William Iveson For 2s by year and now let to the said Thomas Craven for 2s 4d by year by my lord[es] comyssioners in the 11 yere of King Henry the 8 4d

Robert Clapham for incres of Ferme Of one cottage in Giggleswick ov[er] ayenst the style of the chantre th[ere] on the south part Late in the holding of Roger Lawson clarke For 6d and now letten to the said Robert Clapham for 12d by year And so encresed yerly 6d

Richard Chewe for incres of Ferme of 1 cottage arentyd at 6d lat [ie late

] John Calton and now lettyn to Richard Chewe for 2s by year 18d

William Iveson for incres of Ferme of one cottage in Giggleswick late in the holding of Thomas Proctor at 8d by year and now letten to the said William for 2s

Incres of Ferm of 2 cottages in Settle in the tenure of Richard Tennant of Cleatop whereof one was wont to pay 3s 2d and now letten to William Somerscales [Yes] for 4s anoth[er] cottage called olde Pinfold Cottage charged at 8d by yere and now letten to Christopher Grene for 4s & a noth[er] cottage th[a]t was wont to gyve 4s 8d and now letten for 6s 6d by year and so encrese 6s


Thomas Bukden for one house by him built upon the lords ground in Settle containing 18 fothe [feet] in Length & 6 fote in bred 2d

Richard Jackson [Yes] For a house by him built in Settle cont. 20 fote in length and 12 fote in bred 12d

Olyv[er] Foster for one parcel of ground 8d

Robert Middop for one house built by him in Settle 4d

Robert Som[er]scalle for a house 4d

William Iveson mylner for incres of farm of one cottage in Giggleswick late in the holding of William Lawson for 2d by year and now letten to the said William mylne for 6d 4d

(penult bottom)

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