RERC Planner:Lent/Easter Primary 3/4

Month/Season: Lenten Planner Class:Primary 3/4 Level:First

Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class/School/Home/Parish / Resources / Assessment
Mystery of God
RERC 1‐01a
I am discovering God's precious gift of life and reflect on how this reveals God's love for me.
Hours of God
RERC 1‐18a
I know some of the signs and symbols related to Lent, Easter, Pentecost, Advent and Christmastide and I can use this understanding to help me explore the themes of these celebrations. / I know that God created, loves and keeps everything, both visible and invisible, in being.
I know that God created, the earth, sun, moon and stars and the angels, and I can appreciate their beauty and harmony e.g.,
  • the first account of creation(Genesis 1: 1‐10 & 1: 14‐19)
  • the glorious heavens (Ecclesiasticus 43: 1‐17)
  • Christ is the head of al creation (Colossians 1: 15-17).
I know that, just as the earth has seasons, which are influenced
by the sun and moon (see Genesis 1: 14), so too the Church’s year is divided into seasons, which we call the liturgical year: Advent, Christmastide, Ordinary Time, Lent and Eastertide.
Through reflection on my reception of ashes on Ash Wednesday, I can make connections between reconciliation/repentance and the season of Lent.
I can participate in the preparation for Christmas and Easter, through prayer and joyful expectation in Advent and through prayer, fasting and almsgiving in Lent. / Class:Teacher reads from the bible Genesis 1: 1‐10 to the class and discusses the story of God’s creation with the children. What was the earth like before creation? What did God create on the first day? How did God separate the light? What did God create on the second day? What did God create on the third day? How did God feel about his creations? How do we know that God was pleased with his creations?
Teacher leads a prayer time thanking God for creating the day, the night, the sky, the earth and the sea.
Class:Teacher reads from the Bible Genesis 1: 14-19 to the class and discusses the continuing story of God’s creation with the children. What lights did God create to separate day from night? What were the larger lights? What else did he make to light up the sky? How did God feel about his creations? How do we know that God was pleased with his creations?
Class:Teacher leads a prayer time thanking God for creating the sun, the moon and the stars. Children complete ‘God’s Creation’ worksheet (attached to planner).
Class:Teacher reads from the BibleEcclesiasticus 43: 1‐17 to the class and explains that this scripture reading is praising God’s creation and in particular the glorious heavens. Teacher asks the children to name all the different things being praised and makes a list of them on the whiteboard. Teacher divides the class into groups of four children and each group is allowed to choose a part of the reading to illustrate using paint, charcoals, tissues paper, etc. This art work with suitable quotes from the scripture could be displayed around the class altar.
Class:Teacher reads to the class from the bible Colossians 1: 15-17 and discusses with the children Christ being the head of all creation. What does it mean to be the head of something? Why is Jesus described as visible but God invisible? What seen and unseen things did God create?
Class: Children paint/draw a picture of Jesus as head of all creation.
Class- Teacher explains to the class that the earth has seasons which are influenced by the sun and moon and this was all part of God’s plan for creation. Teacher reads from the bibleGenesis 1: 14 to the class and discusses why God created light. What did the light separate? Why is it important to know when it is day and when it is night? When a year begins and ends? When religious festivals happen? How do we know that a year is progressing? What are the names of the seasons? How does the sun and moon influence the seasons? Teacher explains that the Church’s year is divided into seasons, which we call the liturgical year: Advent, Christmastide, Ordinary Time, Lent and Eastertide. Teacher shows the class a liturgical calendar and points out the seasons of the Church’s year.
Teacher emphasis the season of Lent and Eastertide. Teacher reminds the class of the liturgical colours of the Church: purple during Advent and Lent; white during Christmastide and Eastertide; green during Ordinary time.
Class - Children dress the class altar with the purple altar cloth.
Children colour in a liturgical calendar (attached to planner) in the correct liturgical colours.
Class:Teacher explains to the class that Lent begins on Ash Wednesday
and lasts for forty days. On Ash Wednesday we receive ashes. The
ashes, made by burning palms blessed the previous Palm Sunday, are
placed on our forehead in the form of a cross. The cross reminds us
that God loves us and always forgives us. The priest or person giving out ashes says to each person Repent and believe in the Gospel or
Turn away from sin and believe in the Gospel. During Lent we are asked
to make a special effort to live as God wants us to live and to ask his
forgiveness when we do not always show love to others. Teacher
leads a prayer time in preparation for ashes on Ash Wednesday.
Class: Children complete ‘Ash Wednesday’ worksheet (attached to planner).
School/Parish: Children receive ashes.
Class: Teacher explains to the class that during Lent and as part of our preparation for Easter we participate in prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Children are not expected to stop eating food but they could give up some treats such as chocolate or sweets and could give some of their pocket money to charity. Perhaps the school is raising money for SCIAF or MISSIO. Teacher asks the children to reflect on how they could prepare for Easter as an individual, a class and as a school.
Class: Children complete ‘Preparing for Easter worksheet (attached to planner).
School/Parish: Children participate in Lenten/ Easter services.
KEY VOCABULARY: Beauty and harmony of creation, seasons, liturgical seasons, liturgical colours, purple, white, year, Advent, Christmastide, Ordinary Time, Lent, Eastertide, ashes, prayer, fasting and almsgiving / Bibles
God’s Creation worksheet (attached to planner)
Art materials
God’s Creation Worksheet attached to planner
Art materials
Art materials
Liturgical Calendar
Copies of liturgical calendar (attached to planner)
Art materials
Purple altar cloth
Ash Wednesday worksheet (attached to planner)
Preparing for Easter worksheet (attached to planner) / Children know that God created the earth, sun, moon and stars.
Children will be assessed on their completed illustrations.
Children demonstrate awareness that Christ is the head of al creation.
Children demonstrate appreciation of God’s creation ofthe earth, sun, moon and stars.
Children know that the
Church’s year is divided into seasons, which we call the liturgical year: Advent, Christmastide, Ordinary Time, Lent and Eastertide.
Children know that the liturgical colour for Lent is purple and Easter is white.
Children can make connections between reconciliation/repentance and the season of Lent.
Children participate in the preparation for Easter through prayer, fasting and almsgiving in Lent.


RERC Planner:Lent/Easter Primary 3/4

Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class/School/Home/Parish / Resources / Assessment
In the image of God
RERC 1‐02a I know that a loving God has created me and that my uniqueness can develop according to God's plan for me.
Revealed truth of God
RERC 1‐03a I am exploring God's relationship with others and I have reflected on how people's faith has helped them in difficult times.
Son of God
RERC 1‐06b I have examined the role of Jesus as a teacher and a healer and I have reflected on how His words and actions influence my own life and the lives of others.
Word of God
RERC 1‐11a
I can share some Bible stories and I can explore how God speaks to us through these stories. I have reflected on how these stories can help me to live a Christian life. / Primary 3 will start preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Please refer to Primary 3 Lenten Planners for the relevant core learning and resources. The ‘take home’ workbooks should be undertaken to compliment the work of the class.


RERC Planner:Lent/Easter Primary 3/4

Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class/School/Home/Parish / Resources / Assessment
Signs of God
RERC 1‐09a
I am exploring the Sacraments of Initiation and Reconciliation and I have reflected on how the Sacraments help to nurture faith.
Hours of God
RERC 1‐17a
I have, through liturgical experiences, reflected on an ability to respond to symbols and take part in rituals in order to worship God. / Primary 4 will be exploring the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Please refer to Primary 4 Lenten Planners for the relevant core learning and resources. The ‘take home’ workbooks should be undertaken to compliment the work of the class.


RERC Planner:Lent/Easter Primary 3/4

Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class/School/Home/Parish / Resources / Assessment
Son of God
RERC 1‐07a
I have explored the events of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus and I have reflected on the Catholic meaning of eternal life. / I can read and recall Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem (e.g., Matthew 21: 11; Mark 11: 1‐11; Luke 19: 28‐40) and I recognise that we pray the same words as the crowdwhen we pray the Sanctus (Holy Holy) during Mass.
I can compare and contrast the crowd’s reaction to Jesus during the entry into Jerusalem with the responses to his arrest (e.g., Matthew 27: 15‐26; Mark 15: 6‐15; Luke 23: 13‐25).
I have reflected on the narrative of the Repentant Thief (Luke 23: 39-43) and I know that when people die in friendship with God, they will live happily with him in Heaven.
I know that Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday and that, at his Ascension, He promised to be with us always (Matthew 28: 16‐20). / Class: Read to the class Luke 19:28-40.
Discuss the following :
1. What did Jesus tell two of His disciples to do? (Go to a village and get a colt.)
2. What did the people lay down in Jesus’ path? (coats and palm branches)
3. What did the people shout as Jesus passed by? (“Hosanna! Bless the one who
comes in the name of the Lord!”)
4. Did the people understand that Jesus was going to die on a cross? (No.)
Write the word ‘Hosanna’ on the board. Ask the children what they think it means.
Information for the Teacher: In the observance of Sukkoth, worshippers processed through Jerusalem and in the Temple, waving in their right hands something called a lulab, which was a bunch of leafy branches made of willow, myrtle and palm. As they waved these branches in that procession, the worshippers recited words from Psalm 118, "Save us (hosianna or hosanna), we beseech you, O Lord ... Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord."
Explain to them that it is a Hebrew word meaning ‘save now’ and it is used also to express joy and praise. Ask the children to reflect on the Mass. Can you think of a time when we say ‘hosanna’ during Mass. (The Holy, Holy) Class - Watch the clip from Jesus Christ Superstar.

Discuss who is happy about Jesus entering Jerusalem and who is not. Why is this?
The children should complete the ‘Hosanna’ worksheet attached.
Art: The children should make their own palm crosses. If possible ask the church to supply some if not strips of yellow card can be substituted.
Instructions attached to planner.
School/Parish: The priest could be invited to the school to bless the children’s palms.
Class:In our previous lesson heard the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem. Think back to how the people reacted?
Today we are going to read another story from scripture. This tells of what happened after Jesus was arrested.
Explain to the children that Jesus was taken to Pilate. He was the Roman governor in Judea at the time of Jesus. Read from the Bible Matthew 27:15 – 26. Discuss the reaction of the crowd in this scripture reading.
Class:Children dramatise the events of the trial of Jesus and make placards with the names of Jesus and Barabbas for the crowd scenes.
Class:Teacher discusses with the children the crowd’s reaction to Jesus as he entered Jerusalem and how different it was to the response from the crowd at his arrest. Children work in active learning groups to complete the worksheet What Went Wrong? Groups discuss their findings with the rest of the class.
Class:Teacher asks the children to imagine that they are Barabbas and write a short diary entry of the day when he was saved by Jesus. Children complete Barabbas Diarytemplate.
Class: Teacher reads to the class from the bible the story of the Repentant Thief Luke 23:39-43. Discuss the conversation Jesus had with the two thieves being crucified with him. Explain to the children that during Lent we are given the opportunity to reflect on past mistakes and sins that we have committed and make time to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Discuss with the children the phrase, “I promise you that today you will be in Paradise with me.”
Class:Childrenare given the opportunity to make a visual representation of Jesus and the Repentant Thief. List of resources needed and instructions are attached to planer.
Class: Teacher explains to the class thatwhen people die in friendship with God, they will live happily with him in Heaven. Teacher asks the children to imagine what heaven is like and to complete I will Live Happily with Him in Heaven worksheet. They can either write about heaven or draw pictures of heaven or a combination of both.
Parish: Contact parish priest to arrange for children in Primary 4 to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Class: Teacher reads to the class from the bible Matthew 28:1-10 and discusses the resurrection story with the children. The children are going to complete a storyboard of the resurrection by adding the text to the illustrations. The main story board illustrates:
  • The stone rolled away from the tomb
  • The angel telling the women Jesus had risen
  • The women look inside the empty tomb
  • The angel tells the women to tell the disciples
  • The women meet Jesus
  • Jesus meets the disciples
Class: Children complete the Resurrection Storyboard (attached to planner).
Class: Teacher explains to the children thatforty days after He arose from the dead, our Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven. We call this the Ascension. The Gospel according to Matthew contains the words he said before he ascended into heaven. Jesus promised the disciples to be with them always. Teacher reads to the class from the bible Matthew 28: 16‐20. Teacher discusses what Jesus meant when he said this to his disciples. Do you think the disciples were scared that Jesus was leaving them? Did his words make them feel more confident? How do you feel someone who is no longer with you? Teacher explains to the class that when someone you love dies, you do not forget them and can still feel their love. You have strong memories of them and find comfort in thinking about them. Jesus is still with us today and his love will be with us forever.
Class: Children complete Jesus’ Final Farewell worksheet by writing in the speech bubble- And I will be with you always, to the end of the age.
KEY VOCABULARY:Heaven. Jerusalem , Hosanna, repentant thief, Resurrection, Ascension / Bible
Internet Access
Mass Booklets
Hosanna Worksheet (attached to planner)
Palms or alternatively cut yellow card.
Templates of the names Jesus and Barabbas (attached to planer)
What Went Wrong Worksheet (attached to planner)
Barabbas Diary (attached to planner)
Jesus and the Repentant Thief Resources and Instructions
Paradise Quotes (attached to planner)
I will Live Happily with Him in Heaven Worksheet
Art Materials
Resurrection Storyboard
Jesus’ Farewell
Worksheet / The children will recall the story of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and its connection to the ‘Sanctus’ during Mass.
The children will make their own palm and have it blessed.
The children will actively take part in a discussion about the crowd’s reaction to Jesus as he entered Jerusalem and how different it was to the response from the crowd at his arrest.
The children will complete a relevant diary entry from the point of view of Barabbas.
The children will understand that when people die in friendship with God they live in Heaven.
The children will know that Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday.
Children develop an understanding that Jesus promised to be with us always.