The meeting was called to order by Chairman James Ferrell at 6:30pm.
Bond Oversight Committee Members Present
Susan Adams, Andy Byerley, James Ferrell, Bill LeMaster, Kraig Ludwig, Barb VanAmerongen
Members Absent
Denise Bacon, Mark Bortnem, Kat Ricker, Todd Thomas, Carley Thomas
Presenters and District Staff Present
Jim Henry, Boora Architects
Dr. Kym Leblanc-Esparza, Superintendent
Claudia Stewart, Communications Coordinator
Betty Bault, Administrative Assistant to Director of Finance
James Ferrell, Chairman welcomed committee members and guest. Committee members reviewed the agenda. No changes were made.
Approval of Minutes of June 6, 2012
Minutes were reviewed. No changes were noted. Kraig Ludwig motioned to approve the minutes as submitted. Bill LeMaster seconded. Vote was unanimous to approve the minutes.
General Bond Update via Pictures
Jim Henry, Boora Architects showed current pictures from each of the job sites. Several members commented on how quickly the sites have changed since construction had begun. Jim stated that we are approximately 40% complete overall and some of the smaller projects will be completed within the next two weeks. Mountain View Middle School STEM project is projected to be complete by December 2012. The new “AlternativeBuilding” is projected to be completed by August 2013. Construction of the new commons area at NewbergHigh School will also continue into the next school year. The Track and Field are about a week behind schedule, and should be completed by mid September. There have been a few unknowns uncovered; asbestos that needed to be abated, a water drainage line that was not adequate; but since most of the demolition is complete, change orders related to those types of things should be coming to an end.
Role of Architect
Jim gave some background information regarding Boora’s involvement in this Bond project. They were involved in the Pre-Bond evaluations of all District buildings and worked with District staff and community members to develop the published bond that was presented to the public for approval by vote. After the bond was passed, Boora moved into the schematic phase and then into design development. He stated that all of this activity was on a much accelerated time line as requested by the District. They have been working with the City of Newberg on a strategy regarding submission of drawings for permits to avoid delays. Boora was also involved in the selection of a contractor. They are now working with the District as evaluators of the construction as well as making certain that the materials being used are what were called for in the plans. Conversations occur daily between the District’s Project Manager, Architects, the District and the contractor and meetings are held Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. District representatives and Joshua Dodson, Project Manager are also present at these meetings to review and approve any change orders if necessary and to help avert any possible obstacles or delays.
Committee Q and A
Susan asked who is responsible for approvals of change orders. While it is a combination of Architect, Project Manager and District, ultimately the District has final approval of all change orders. Kraig asked if we know how many workers are currently working on the projects. Betty stated that the District has badged over 250 workers. The District performs background checks on everyone prior to issuing a badge. Claudia mentioned that there is a dedication ceremony for the Track and Field scheduled for September 21, 2012. Plans are to invite former NHS athletes, especially the two who are 2012 USA Olympians.
Agenda Items for Next Meeting
- Committee members would like to have another update via pictures.
- It was suggested that the committee might be able to do a walkthrough at some of the sites. Betty and Claudia will work with Joshua and P & C to see if that is possible.
- Budget update and more information on alternates.
- Overview of Tech Pilot Projects.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:29pm
NEXTMEETING WednesdayAugust1,2012
(If site visits are available, Committee will be notified of change of venue)