Membership Form

Join or renew online at

Fax or mail: ACDA, 545 Couch Drive, Oklahoma City, OK 73102-2207

Phone: 405-232-8161 x 110 Fax: 405-232-8162 Email:

  • I want to be a part of ACDA!

Or renew my membership (member no: ______)

Name: ______

Address: ______


Telephone: ______

Email: ______

Choir Type:□ Boy □ Children & Youth Community □ Ethnic & Multicultural □ Girls

□ Jazz □ Men □ SATB/Mixed □ Show Choir □ Women

Activity Type: □ ACDA Student Chapter □ College & University □ Community □ Elementary

□ Junior High/Middle School □ Music in Worship □ Professional □ Sr. High School

□ Supervisor/Administrator □ Two-Year College □ Youth & Student Activities

ACDA Membership – including Choral Journal subscription (Active & Retired members receive a print journal; Associate and Student members receive an online journal), among many other member benefits.Visit our website for a description of these member types:

Active (US and Canada) – (category for choral directors, full benefits)□ $95

Retired□ $45

Associate (choral singers, administrators & non-directors)□ $45 (not all benefits of active membership apply – see for details)

Student (full and part-time students, or graduated without FT position)□ $35

Institution (ensemble or school/church music dept)□ $110

□ I’d like to make an additional tax deductible donation to the Fund for Tomorrow in the amount of $______

Total Payment: $______

Payment Method

Membership will be renewed upon receipt of payment.

□ Check (enclosed, payable to ACDA in US Dollars). Check number: ______

□ PO no. ______(PO form & this form must arrive together)

□ Please charge my credit card: □ Visa □ MasterCard □ Discover □ American Express

______- ______- ______- ______Expiration Date: __ __ / 20__ __ CVV2 Code ______

I agree to pay the total according to the credit card issuer agreement and acknowledge that all sales are final unless duplicate payment is made.

Name on card: ______Signature: ______

Billing Address (if different from above):Date: ______

