5 Story Steel Building

name of your company, inc.
5 Story Steel Building
CEN 408 Project NAME – Hospital or Office or???
Diane Freiburger
[Pick the date]
[Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.]

Table of Contents

1.0 General Structural Criteria 4

1.1 Building Description 4

1.2 Building Codes and Standards 4

1.2.1 State Building Code 4

1.2.2 Industry Reference Standards 4

2.0 Structural Systems 4

2.1 Foundations 4

2.2 Slabs on Grade 4

2.3 Floor Framing 5

2.4 Roof Framing 5

2.5 Columns 5

2.6 Lateral Force Resisting System 5

2.7 Cladding System 5

3.0 Design Loads 6

3.1 Floor Loads 6

Dead Load 6

Dead Load = Self Weight of Concrete System plus 20psf superimposed dead load (mechanical equipment, partitions, ceilings, finishes, etc…) 6

3.2 Roof Loads 6

Dead Load 6

Live Load 6

Snow Load 6

Rain Load 6

3.3 Snow Load 6

3.4 Live Load Reduction 6

3.5 Cladding and Veneer Loads 6

3.6 Seismic Loads 7

3.7 Wind Loads 7

3.8 Earth Loads 7

3.9 Load Combinations 7

4.0 Serviceability Criteria 8

4.1 Drift 8

4.1.1 Seismic Drift 8

4.1.2 Wind Drift 8

4.2 Brick Veneer Support Deflection 8

4.3 Floor Framing Deflection 8

4.4 Slab Flatness and Levelness 8

4.4.1 Slabs on grade 8

4.4.2 Elevated Slabs 8

5.0 Material Strengths 9

5.1 Concrete 9

5.2 Steel 9

5.3 Reinforcing Steel 9

5.4 Masonry 9

5.5 Frost Depth 9

6.0 Calculations 10

6.1 Column Design 10

6.2 Base Plate Design 10

6.3 Beam and Girder Design 10

6.4 Draw a Typical Floor Plan 10

6.5 Shear Connection 10

6.6 Lateral System 11

1.0  General Structural Criteria

1.1  Building Description

The proposed building is a 5 story ?? with …

All structural design criteria for the building are based on the building codes and standards listed below.

1.2  Building Codes and Standards

1.2.1  State Building Code

All design shall be based on the Massachusetts State Building Code, (International Building Code 2003, with code amendments), and its applicable referenced standards.

1.2.2  Industry Reference Standards

American Concrete Institute, “ACI 318-05 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete”

American Institute of Steel Construction, “AISC 13th Edition Manual”

American Concrete Institute, “ACI 530-02 Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures”

American Society of Civil Engineers, “ASCE 7-02 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures”

2.0  Structural Systems

2.1  Foundations

Foundation design is based on geotechnical report by “EAN DESIGN”, dated Nov 11, 2009. Design assumes spread footings on soil with 4,000 psf bearing capacity. Soil bearing capacity shall be verified by a PE during construction. Engineered fill shall conform to the project specifications.

Contractor shall limit monolithic pours to the lengths and areas specified on the project drawings and/or in the project specifications.

2.2  Slabs on Grade

Slabs on grade shall be 4” in thickness, with minimum reinforcement and composition as shown on project drawings. Contractor shall provide sawcut control joints within 4 hours of placement of slab, using an early entry saw. Control joint locations shall be as shown on project drawings or as indicated by architect.

2.3  Floor Framing

The floor system consists of 2.5” NW concrete on 3” metal deck spanning 8-12? feet to typical floor beams. The beams span to girders which span to columns. Using the following loads…

Live Load = 50 psf

Dead Loads:

Concrete + MD = 45 psf

Hung Mech’l = 5 psf

Ceiling = 5 psf

2.4  Roof Framing


2.5  Columns


2.6  Lateral Force Resisting System

The lateral system for the … .

2.7  Cladding System

Cladding will consist of a combination of brick veneer and a structural curtain wall system in portions of the façade. Brick veneer system will have a metal stud backup wall. Architect shall provide for adequate control joints to control cracking of veneer and backup wall, per Brick Institute of America standards.

It is assumed in this design that the structural curtain wall system will span between floor levels (vertically). Curtain wall and connections to the structure shall be designed by a PE employed by the curtain wall supplier to conform with the wind and seismic loads.

3.0  Design Loads

3.1  Floor Loads

The following are uniform loads applied to floors. All floors will also be designed for minimum concentrated loads as per IBC 2003 Section 1607 or ASCE-7 - 02.

Dead Load

Dead Load = Self Weight of Concrete System plus 20psf superimposed dead load (mechanical equipment, partitions, ceilings, finishes, etc…)

Live Load

Live Load= 50 psf?? uniformly distributed

3.2  Roof Loads

Dead Load

Self Weight of Concrete System plus 20psf superimposed dead load (mechanical equipment, partitions, ceilings, finishes, etc…)

Live Load

25 psf (not to be combined with snow load)

Snow Load

See section 3.3 below.

Rain Load

(for pitch <1/4” per foot) Design against ponding instability ASCE7-02 Section 8.4

3.3  Snow Load

Basic Snow Load = 30 psf

3.4  Live Load Reduction

Not considered for this project ???.

3.5  Cladding and Veneer Loads

Weight of brick is assumed to be 40 psf.

Calculate the Wind and Seismic Base Shear of using ASCE 7-02 (see website). Remember the base shear is the total lateral loads in kips. …

3.6  Seismic Loads

IBC 2003 Section 1616.0.

Seismic Use Group II

Seismic Performance Category C

Seismic Importance Factor 1.25

Lateral Force Resisting System: Steel Not Specifically Detailed for Seismic ??

Response Modification Factor, R,??R=3, Cd=3, and Ω=3.

Soil – Site Class D and Fa = 1.4 and Fv = 2.4

Assume Floor and Roof Seismic Dead Uniform Load = 60psf and include 40psf of perimeter wall weight in the Seismic Weight calculation.

Seismic Coefficient: Ss = 0.182 and S1 = 0.052, use Seismic Importance Factor I = 1.15???

For the Period, use simple formula from Lecture

Draw Response Spectrum for Extra Credit

Calc Base Shear

3.7  Wind Loads

IBC 2003 Section 1613.0.

Main Windforce Resisting System:

Basic Windspeed (3-second gust) = 110 MPH

Exposure Category C

Importance Factor I=1.15

System Design Method: Method I (per ASCE 7-02)

Occupancy Cat = IV ?

Importance Factor, I = 1.15 ??

Lamda = 1.66

Base Shear X = Vwx = ??

Base Shear Y = Vwy = ??

3.8  Earth Loads

Walls retaining earth shall conform to the following:

Provide granular fill as backfill for all retaining walls.

Unevenly backfilled walls designed for an equivalent fluid pressure of 65 psf if the wall is supported prior to backfilling; 45 psf if the wall is unsupported prior to backfilling.

Coefficient of friction for footings and slabs resisting sliding: 0.50

3.9  Load Combinations

Per ASCE 7-02 Section 2.4

Insert all combinations here….

4.0  Serviceability Criteria

4.1  Drift

4.1.1  Seismic Drift

IBC 2003 Section 1617.3, ASCE 7-02 Table, maximum allowable story drift of 0.020 times the story height.

4.1.2  Wind Drift

Main building windforce resisting system drift will be limited to 0.0025 times the story height for maximum wind.

4.2  Brick Veneer Support Deflection

Limit deflection for brick veneer support members to span/600.

4.3  Floor Framing Deflection

Live load deflection will be limited to the span/360. Total load deflection will be limited to span/240.

4.4  Slab Flatness and Levelness

4.4.1  Slabs on grade

Ff=25, Fl=20

To be verified using a profilograph during construction

4.4.2  Elevated Slabs

Ff=25, Fl (n/a, see deflection criteria)

Flatness to be verified using a profilograph during construction.

5.0  Material Strengths

5.1  Concrete

Min. 28 day compressive strength f’c=4000 psi

5.2  Steel


5.3  Reinforcing Steel

Reinforcing bars: Grade 60 (Fy=60 ksi)

Welded Wire Fabric: Fy=65 ksi

5.4  Masonry

Minimum compressive strength F’m = 1500 psi

Mortar shall be Type M or S

Grout f’c=3,000 psi

5.5  Frost Depth

Bottoms of all footings shall be a minimum 3’-4” below grade.

6.0  Calculations

6.1  Column Design

Determine a typical interior and exterior column here (all 5 stories)…show calcs by hand or typed. Draw an elevation showing where the splices are located (simple sketch of how many stories each column is)

6.2  Base Plate Design

Design one Base Plate here…. Show sketch

6.3  Beam and Girder Design

Draw the shear and moment diagram a typical beam typical girder

For extra credit, size a spandrel beam and check deflection for L/600.

Design a typical beam and girder (use wide flange)

6.4  Draw a Typical Floor Plan

Sketch a typical floor plan for discussion….something like this from HW2 but show beam sizes that were calculated.

6.5  Shear Connection

Design and detail (draw connection) a typical beam to beam and a beam to column shear connection.

6.6  Lateral System

Describe lateral system (number, braced or moment frames, locations, etc – show plan of location of lateral system). Draw Elevation of a Typical Frame or any other way to describe your lateral system.

Student Name 11
