
Grade By 38Name

Chapter 13 – The Triumph of Industry (1865 – 1914)

Matching Directions:Place the letter of the correct term from the word bank with the description that best matches. For the terms that are NOT used, write a brief definition on a separate sheet of paper.


protective tariff

laissez faire


Thomas Edison

Bessemer process

suspension bridge

time zone

mass production




John D. Rockefeller


Andrew Carnegie

Social Darwinism


Sherman Antitrust Act


collective bargaining


Knights of Labor

Terence V. Powderly


Homestead Strike

Eugene V. Debs

Pullman Strike

1. a method for purifying iron, resulting in strong, lightweight steel


2. inventor of the light bulb


3. a person who invests money in a product or enterprise to make a profit


4. a system for turning out large numbers of products quickly and inexpensively


5. a tax that makes imported goods more costly than those made locally


6. a system in which businesses operate under minimal government regulation


7. ______suggested that those who had great wealth were entitled to it.

8. ______was an oil tycoon who used horizontal integration to increase profits.

9. In a(n) ______, a number of people share the ownership of a business.

10. The ______outlawed any trust that operated “in restraint of trade.”

11. Steel tycoon ______established libraries in part to help the disadvantaged rise in society.

12. A corporation that gains complete control of a product or a service is a


13. workers negotiating as a group for better wages or working conditions


14. leader of the American Railway Union and cofounder of the IWW


15. labor union that included all workers of any trade


16. labor union of skilled workers from small craft unions


17. a nationwide strike of railway workers in 1894


18. an economic and political philosophy favoring public control of property and income

Multiple Choice Directions:Write the letter of the best answer or ending in each blank.

_____19. Capitalism fueled industrialization by

a. requiring inventors to file patents.

b. encouraging entrepreneurs to establish businesses.

c. giving the country many natural resources.

d. ensuring that all workers received high wages.

_____20. Which innovation extended the number of hours in a day that Americanscould work and play?

a. Bessemer process

b. telegraph technology

c. refrigeration

d. electricity

_____21. Which industry most spurred economic growth and innovation in relatedindustries?

a. railroads

b. food

c. oil

d. steel

_____22. As farms became mechanized,

a. immigrants bought more land.

b. more people became farmers.

c. farmers moved to urban areas.

d. farm workers became rural entrepreneurs.

_____23. In which system does one company control the businesses that make upall phases of a product’s development?

a. horizontal integration

b. cartel

c. trust

d. vertical integration

_____24. Corporations had the important advantage of

a. being run by an individual or a family.

b. developing into monopolies.

c. reducing the financial risk for individual investors.

d. keeping prices high.

_____25. Which argument supports the perception of big business leaders as“captains of industry”?

a. Industrialists’ support for technology benefited the economy.

b. Monopolies forced small companies out of business.

c. Consumers were harmed by inflated prices.

d. Workers’ wages rose as industrialists profited.

_____26. The ICC was formed to

a. oversee railroad operations.

b. control interstate commerce.

c. make new transportation laws.

d. regulate communications.

_____27. In the late 1800s, workers tolerated poor wages because they

a. thought that the government would protect them.

b. believed it had to get worse before it got better.

c. could be replaced easily by other workers.

d. were tricked by employers into taking dangerous jobs.

_____28. Which labor leader began the American Federation of Labor?

a. Samuel Gompers

b. Terence V. Powderly

c. Eugene V. Debs

d. Uriah Smith Stephens

_____29. What was one result of the Haymarket Riot?

a. Steelworkers’ wages increased.

b. Public support for unions grew.

c. The AFL ceased to exist.

d. Membership in the Knights of Labor declined.

_____30. How did federal government support employers during labor unrest?

a. called on the Pinkertons to stop strikes

b. denied unions recognition as legally protected groups

c. imprisoned Eugene Debs and other labor leaders for life

d. made company towns illegal

The Octopus Who Strangles the World, Private Collection,

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_____31. The cartoonist portrays Rockefeller as a(n)

a. robber baron.

b. reformer.

c. innovator.

d. captain of industry.

_____32. Horizontal integration differs from vertical integration in that it

a. combines businesses involved in all phases of a product’s development.

b. merges stocks from multiple businesses into a new organization.

c. consolidates firms involved in the same business into one giant company.

d. requires investment from a number of people who share ownership inthe firm.

_____33. A cartel differs from a monopoly in that

a. one corporation has complete control of a product or service.

b. businesses making the same product agree to limit production.

c. one firm sets the prices for all goods in an industry.

d. all the firms involved in the same business merge into one entity.

_____34. Cartels, monopolies, trusts, and horizontal and vertical integration all share the goal of

a. driving up costs.

b. raising wages.

c. increasing profits.

d. combining resources.

_____35. Which event resulted in the execution of four anarchists and the decline of the Knights of Labor?

a. Railroad Strikes of 1877

b. Haymarket Riot of 1886

c. Homestead Strike of 1892

d. Pullman Strike of 1893