Lancashire County Council

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(Non-Assessrite Directorates/DSOs – C&YP, Environment, A&CS, LCES & Lancashire Care Services )

Notes for guidance for DSE Assessors using the model DSE and Workstation Audit and Risk assessment pro-forma.

Before commencing with the DSE risk assessment you should note that the guidance to Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 as amended by the Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002 (L26)

1.  Those undertaking the analysis and risk assessment of DSE workstations should be familiar with the main requirements of the Regulations and have the ability to:

·  Evaluate the workstation and the kind of display screen work being carried out, for example by completing a checklist;

·  Draw upon additional sources of information on possible risks to DSE users as appropriate;

·  Based upon the assessment and evaluation of risk, draw valid and reliable conclusions;

·  Make a clear record of the DSE / workstation analysis and risk assessment, and communicate the findings to those who need to take appropriate action (usually the DSE user’s line manager / supervisor);

·  Recognise their limitations as to the analysis and evaluation of risk so that further expertise can be called upon as necessary.

2.  You should have attended a DSE Assessor’s Training Course in order to ensure that you are able to fulfil the above requirements.

3.  Users whose workstations are to be analysed for risk assessment purposes will be identified by the user’s line manager in accordance with the Protocol for the Introduction and Use of Display Screen Equipment and Associated Workstations: Guidelines for the Risk Assessment and Safe Use of Display Screen Equipment and Associated Workstations.

4.  In order to be able to complete the analysis and risk assessment of a workstation, the model DSE and Workstation Audit and Risk assessment Pro-forma should be completed. This is a simple yes/no answer checklist with room for comments. It should be completed by the nominated DSE assessor, acting on behalf of line management, by asking the questions of the relevant user(s).

5.  In the case of workstations with multiple users, one copy of part 5 .0 Health of the checklist should be completed per user and attached to the relevant workstation questionnaire.

At the foot of part 5 of the checklist, is a space for the assessor to make recommendations to the users line manager / supervisor regarding any action to be taken to correct any identified DSE / workstation deficiencies for compliance. Recommendations regarding measures to reduce any risks to a user’s health and safety should also be included. The minimum requirements for workstations and DSE equipment are set out in the Guidelines for the Risk Assessment




Name(s) of DSE users who use this workstation:


Location & Identification of DSE and workstation:

Audit / Risk assessment carried out by: Date:

1.0 / EQUIPMENT / Yes / No / Comments
1.1 / Fixed Screen or Laptop / 1.1.1 / Does the screen have clear, well defined characters of adequate size. Or do you use software that enables you to alter the size and type of font that you use?
Fixed Screen or Laptop / 1.1.2 / Is the image stable and free from flickering?
Fixed Screen or Laptop / 1.1.3 / Are the brightness and contrast controls easy to adjust by the user?
Fixed Screen / 1.1.4 / Does the screen swivel and tilt easily?
Fixed Screen / 1.1 5 / Is the screen on an adjustable table?
Fixed Screen or Laptop / 1.1.6 / Does the user have access to screen cleaning materials?
Fixed Screen / 1.1.7 / Is the screen at a suitable height for the user?
1.2 / Keyboard
1.2 / Fixed Screen / 1.2.1 / Is the keyboard separate from the screen?
Fixed Screen / 1.2.2 / Can the keyboard be tilted by means of pop up feet or similar?
Fixed Screen or Laptop / 1.2.3 / Does the keyboard have a matt surface?
Fixed Screen or Laptop / 1.2.4 / Are the keys of a type, size and contrast to ensure their legibility from the user’s correct working position?
Fixed Screen or Laptop / 1.2.5 / Is the arrangement of the keyboard and characteristics of the keys such as to facilitate its easy use?
Fixed Screen or Laptop / 1.2.6 / Is excessive pressure required to operate the keys?
Fixed Screen / 1.2.7 / Does the user operate the keys correctly with wrists straight?
1.3 / Mouse
1.3 / Fixed Screen or Laptop / 1.3.1 / Is the user’s mouse responsive?
Fixed screen / 1.3.2 / Is there adequate space for mouse manipulation / movement?
Fixed Screen or Laptop / 1.3.3 / Is the mouse well positioned and comfortably within the user’s reach.
Fixed screen / 1.3.4 / Is the mouse of the correct left/right hand type?
Fixed screen / 1.3.5 / For intensive users – can the mouse be used in either hand?
Fixed screen / 1.3.6 / Is a mouse mat provided?
Laptop / 1.3.7 / Is an external mouse available for external work?
1.4 / Cables / 1.4.1 / Are cables securely fastened or otherwise located safely so as to prevent them being a tripping hazard?
1.5 / Work Desk / 1.5.1 / Is the workstation desk big enough to carry out the user’s work activities?
(1600 x 800mm preferred x 680 to 730mm height)
1.5.2 / Does the workstation layout allow for a flexible arrangement of the: screen, keyboard, cpu, document holder, documents and related equipment?
1.5.3 / Does the workstation work surface have a low reflectance finish?
1.5.4 / Is a document holder required for the user’s work activities?
1.5.5 / Is a document holder provided?
1.5.6 / Is the type of holder provided suitable for the users workstation layout and work activities?
1.5.7 / Is the document holder placed (can be) so as to minimise head and eye movements?
1.5.8 / Are there adequate space and storage facilities around the workstation to allow the user to adopt a comfortable working position and sitting posture?
1.5 / Work Chair / 1.6.1 / Does the user’s workstation chair have 5 casters?
1.6.2 / Is the seat height easily adjustable?
1.6.3 / Is the chair back easily adjustable in both height and tilt?
1.6.4 / Is the chair design such that it gives good lumbar support?
1.6.5 / Does the user have an adjustable footrest if required?
1.6.6 / Do the arms on the user’s chair, if fitted, ride under the workstation?
2.0 / Environment
2.1 / Space Requirements / 2.1.1 / Do the dimensions and layout of the work area provide sufficient space for the user to change position and vary movements?
2.2 / Lighting / 2.2.1 / Do any of the user’s tasks involve looking at information on the screen for the majority of their DSE time?
2.2.2 / Do any of the user’s tasks involve looking at documents for most of their DSE working time?
2.2.3 / Is there sufficient natural light for the user to be able to see ordinary typescript without eyestrain?
(300/500 lux measured horizontally at the work height for screen work; 750/1200 lux for word processing work)
2.2.4 / Can the correct level of light be achieved by the use of the artificial light available?
2.2.5 / Is a task light available if required?
2.2.6 / Is there glare or reflection on the user’s DSE screen?
2.2.7 / Is the glare / reflection caused by:
a)  any artificial lighting?
b)  light from windows?
c)  brightly coloured fixtures on walls?
2.2.8 / If the glare is caused by unshaded windows and the DSE screen cannot be repositioned, is:
a)  a window blind fitted?
b)  an anti-glare screen being used?
2.2.9 / Is the anti-glare screen of a glass type?
Is the anti-glare screen of a mesh type?
2.4 / Heat / 2.4.1 / Does the DSE or any of the ancillaries generate such heat that the temperature at the workstation location reaches excessive or uncomfortable levels for extensive periods?
2.5 / Humidity / 2.5.1 / Is the relative humidity at the DSE workstation location acceptable?
3.0 / User / DSE Interface
3.1 / Software / 3.1.1 / Is the software suitable for the task for which it is being used?
3.1.2 / Is the software easy to use after instruction?
3.1.3 / Is there user software documentation software available?
3.1.4 / Is the user able to control when natural breaks in the work activity occur, or to change to a non DSE activity.
4.0 / Health / 4.1.1 / At the end of a normal day does the user experience;
a)  fatigue
b)  excessive stress
c)  discomfort
4.1.2 / At the end of a normal day does the user experience discomfort in:
a)  neck
b)  back
c)  shoulder
d)  upper limbs
d)  lower limbs
4.1.2 / Does the user wear glasses when working at the display screen?
Are the glasses worn varifocals?
4.1.3 / At the end of a normal day does the user experience vision difficulties:
a)  headaches
b)  focusing
c)  general eye discomfort
5.0 / Training / 5.1.1 / Has the user previously received information, instruction or training about
a)  the importance of obtaining correct posture
b) the software packages used
Assessor’s comments and recommendations:

Line manager’s acknowledgement:

Name: Date:

Signature: Designation:

Line manager action to be taken:-

Date for reviewing this assessment:

Date assessment reviewed:

Line Manager signature:



I have read and agree / disagree (delete as appropriate) with the DSE assessment carried out on

I understand the recommendations made to me and I will assume, where applicable, the responsibility for carrying them out.

User’s signature:


If you have indicated that you disagree with the assessment, please detail your reasons for doing so, below.

Issue No: 1
Issue Date: May 08
Issued by: H&S Team
Last Reviewed: May 08 / DSE Risk Assessment pro-forma
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