To:County Treasurers and Staff
From:Peggy Stalcup, Assistant Manager, Title & Registration/Dealers Licensing
Date:March 14, 2005
Subject:Number of receipt or receipt copies (Revised)
It has come to our attention that some counties are reporting there are end of day reports they do not want printed. Consequently, programming is being completed and will be downloaded sometime this week to enhance the tables for setting the number of copies. Some of the reports can be set to zero and the report will not be printed.
The table for setting the number of copies will be downloaded with the test file settings. You will need to reset the table with the number of copies required for your individual county requirements.
The number of receipt copies menu option can be found on the office maintenance menu selection number 13 entitled “nmbr of rcpt or rpt copies”. After selecting option number 13, you will notice the first change. You will find submenus broken out as follows:
Sales Tax reports
End of Day Reports
Miscellaneous Reports
When selecting menu option for sales tax reports the choices will be broken out as follows:
Daily Isolated tax 0
Monthly Isolated Tax1
Monthly isolated w/Adjustments1
Daily Compensating Tax0
Monthly Compensating Tax1
Monthly compensating w/Adjustments1
Daily Residential Tax0
Monthly Residential Tax1
Monthly Residential w/Adjustments1
When selecting menu option for End of Day Reports, the choices will be broken out as follows:
Daily cash summary 0Daily Credit Card0
Daily cash detail0Detail Credit Card0
Credit Card Summary0
Property Tax Summary0
Void Transaction List0
Individual Preparers1Junked Transactions0
Vehicle Collection1Inventory qt on hand0
Unassigned Tax Units0Issued Inventory Lstg0
When selecting menu option for Miscellaneous Reports, choices will be broken out as follows:
Returned checks1
Pending mail receipts1
Pending e-renewal receipts1
Pending e-renewal errors1
Pending disabled cards1
Tax unit listing1
Property tax hard cards1
Property tax grandfather cards1
Sequenced inventory listing1
When selecting menu option for Miscellaneous Reports, choices will be broken out as follows:
Sales tax receipts2
Title receipts3
Additional receipts for leins1
Registration receipts3
Additional receipts for state1
Misc sales receipts3
Verification receipts2
Delinquent property tax2
The number of copies downloaded off the test file is the minimum number of copies to be requested. If the number is zero, you can increase the number. If the number is 3, you can increase the number but you cannot lower the number.
If you have additional questions, please call the county support number at 785-368-8384.
Thanks for your continued support and assistance, it is appreciated.