Brunswick High School
Introduction to Career Research Development
Course Syllabus Fall 2014
Mr. Beavan Room 106
Phone 240-236-8555 email
BHS Mission: “B – Strong, All on board for EXCELLENCE”
Course Objectives/Goals:
Ø Develop and apply the technical competencies and related academic skills that allow for economic independence and career satisfaction.
Ø Acquire essential habits of learning and values that foster continued education throughout life.
Ø Demonstrate the ability to communicate, solve problems, and work individually and in teams.
Ø Demonstrate the ability to seek, obtain, maintain and change careers.
Course Description
This course teaches students the process of career development and financial literacy. Students develop self and career awareness, explore careers and set academic and career-related goals through a series of activities using Maryland’s Career Development Framework. Students explore and assess their interests and abilities and use information from state and national labor market data to make future career plans. This course is open to all students in grades 10-12 and is required for all students who plan to be a Career Research and Development completer.
* Meets the Personal Financial Literacy requirement
1. A 2” 3-ring binder with loose-leaf paper 2. Blue or black ball point, non-erasable ink pens,
3. A personal e-mail address
Classroom rules and expectations
1. There will no food or drink in the computer lab
2. The teacher dismisses the class and students are to remain seated until dismissed.
3. All electronic devices will be powered off and put away.
4. Follow the rules as outlined in the student handbook and Brunswick planner.
5. Come to class prepare with materials and a positive attitude.
6. Sleeping or off task behavior is never acceptable.
Daily routine
Students are to bring their binders and school planners to class daily. The planner is required for passes outside of the class setting. Students are responsible for requesting work missed while absent. Most assignments will be submitted electronically through
Grading Policy
The following is to be used as a guideline and will assist you in determining your progress in the class. These figures are for each term. The percentage score earned by the student will be the result of adding the points earned and dividing by the number of points possible. Grades will be weighted. Grades will be posted to pinnacle in a timely manner and should be checked daily.
7 exams @ 100 points each 700 points
10 quizzes @ 10 points each 100 points
Classroom assignments and projects 700 points
Total 1500 points
Assignments given in class are typically due the same day they are given. Students absent from school are expected to make up the work upon their return. Assignments not completed in a timely manner may suffer a reduced grade. A “z” grade may still be submitted for credit, a “zero” grade may not. Many assignments will be submitted electronically. Students are encouraged to access late assignments at home and complete them ASAP. Any students found sharing their work will receive a zero on the assignment and a referral for cheating.
Students will be assigned a textbook “From School to Work”. The loss of this book represents a financial obligation of Fifty dollars. Please take care of your textbook.
BHS Honor Pledge
I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this assignment. My name on this work affirms my character and honor.
I have read, understand and agree to the content in this syllabus
Student signature Parent Signature
Date ______
Additional Resources and Tutoring
I am available after school for tutoring or make-up work until 3:00 p.m. Students who want extra help should communicate this to me in the morning before school starts or between classes.
(revised 8/14/14)