“Bay of Bengal initiative for multi sectoral and technical and economical cooperation”
Establishment:- June 6,1997
BIMSTEC is an international organization involving a group of countries in south Asia and south east Asia. These are Bangladesh, India , Myanmar , srilanka , Thailand , Bhutan and Nepal .
Leadership :- Nepal (since march 2014)
Priority sector :- BIMSTEC has fourteen priority sector , cover all areas of co-operation.
Trade and investment , led by Bangladesh.
Transport and communication , led byIndia.
Energy , led by Myanmar
Tourism , led by Thailand
Technology , by srilanka
Fisheries , led by Thailand
Agriculture , led by Myanmar
Public health , Thailand
Povertyalleviation , led by Nepal
Counter terrorism and transnational crime,Environment and natural disaster management - india
Culture - Bhutan
People to people contact - Thailand
Climate change - Bangladesh.
Principal Organ Of UN
There are six principal organ of UN. All have their HQ in New York except ICJ (in Hague). General assembly, Security council, Economic and social council, Trusteeship council , International court of justice The secretarial
*why it is formed ?
After first world war (1914-1918) it was realized that an organization should be created to prevent future war so a league of nation was formed but that failed to achieve its objective.
But after second world war (1939-1945) from 25 April to 26 June representative of 50 nation met in san Francisco(USA)drew a character set of rules of world organization ,which was called united nation.
The charter was signedon 26th June 1945 by 50 nation includingIndia.
* Number of members - Currently there are 193 nation (member) countries of united nation.
Purpose of UN –
To maintain international peace
To develop friendly relation among nation
To cooperate in solving international economic,social, culture and humanitarian problem
To promote respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
General assembly (HQ- New York)
The main function of general assembly are-
to discuss the power and function of other organs .
To elect 10 non-permanent members of the security council.
To elect the judge of international court of justice.
To admit new members.
To appoint the secretary general who controls the secretarial.
Security council is mainly responsible for ensuring peace in the world it is composed 15 member. In which 5 permanent member and 10 non permanent members are elected by general assembly.
5 permanent nation of united nation- USA ,UK, Russia, ChinaFrance
Economic and social council – ECOSOC is UN’s welfare council which coordinates the economics and social activities of US. The ECOSOC is composed of 54 members.
Trusteeship council –
There are five permanent members of security council plus those nation who administer trust territories.
To safeguard the interest of inhabitants of territories which are not yet fully self governing and are governed by an administering country .
International court of justice :-
The league consist of 15 judge who are elected by the general assembly and the security council for a term of 9 year. It gives advisory opinion on legal matters to the bodies and special agencies of UN and considers the legal disputes brought before them.
Secretariat:- a secretary general who is appointed by the general assembly on the recommendation of security council . its chief administrative office of the UN which coordinates and supervise the activity of the UN.
It was constituted on January ,1995 and took, the place of general agreement for tariffs and trade (GATT), as an effective formal organization GATT was an informal organization which regulated world trade since 1948.
Its headquarter is at Geneva.Pascal lamy is a present directorgeneral of WTO. The highest authority of policy making is WTO’s ministerial conference which is held after every 2 year.
Conference year place
First 1996 singapore
Second 1998 geneva
Third 1999 seattle(USA)
Fourth 2001 doha(quatan)
Fifth 2003 cancun (mexico)
sixth 2005 Hongkong
Function of WTO’s :-
To provide facilities for implementation, administration and operation of multilateral and bilateral agreements of the world trade.
To provide a platform to member countries to decide future strategies related to trade and tariff
To administer the rules and process related to dispute settlement.
The organization officially commenced under the “Marrakech agreement” replacing the general agreement on tariff and trade(GATT)
Roverto Azevoda is present director general of WTO
Total eight conferences has been held.
Conference years place
seventh 2000 Geneva
eighth 2011 Geneva
Doha development round
The Dohadevelopment round is a current trade negotiation round of WTO which commenced in November 2001.
It’s objective is to lower trade barrier around the world which can help to facilitate the increase of global trade.
4 - World Health Organisation(WHO)
Formation 7 april 1948
Type specialized agency of UN
Legal status active
Headquarters geneva,switzerland
Head margaret chan
Parent united nations economic and
organization social council (ECOSOC)
The use of the word “world”, rather than “international”, emphasized the truly global nature of what the organization was seeking to achieve. The constitution of world health organization was signed by all 51 countries of the united nation and by 10 other countries on 22 July 1946. It thus became the first specialized agency of the united nation to which every member subscribed. Its constitution formally came into force on the first world health day on 7 April 1948,when it was ratified by the 26 member state. The first meeting of world health assembly finished on 24 July 1948,having secured a budget if US$5 million (then GBP 1,250,000) for the 1949 year. Its first priorities were to control the spread of malaria. Its first legislative act was concerning the compilation of accurate statistics on the spread and morbidity of disease.
it has played a leading role in the eradication of smallpox. Its current priorities include communicable diseases, in particular, HIV/AIDS Ebola, malaria and tuberculosis; the mitigation of effects of non-communicable disease; sexual and reproductive health , development,and aging nutrition food security and healthy eating; occupational health substance abuse ;and drive the development of reporting publications, and networking.WHO is responsible for the world health survey, and world health day (7 April of every year).
5 - International Monetary fund
Established on December 2, 1945 in Washington d.c on the recommendation of bretton woods conference. But it started its operation on march 1 ,1997.
It originally had US member nation.
Christine legarde is the present managing director of international monetary fund.
Objective of international monetary fund :-
To promote international monetary co-operation.
To ensure exchange rate stability.
To ensure balanced international trade
To eliminate or to minimize exchange restriction by promoting the system of multilateral payments.
To grant economics assistance to members countries for eliminating the adverse the imbalances in balance of payments.
Main function is to stabilize exchange.
Offer facilities to the member nations for the expansion of international trade, the control of international exchange and to avoid competitive exchange depreciation.
Every IMFmember is required to subscribe to the IMF an amount equal to its quota . the quota of member is largely determined by its economic condition related to the member, an amount , not exceeding 25% of the quota is to be paid in reserve assets, the balance in members’ own currency.
The quota determines the amount of foreign exchange a member may borrow from the fund and its voting power on IMF policy matters.
The members with the largest quota are united state America ,Japan and Germany in first second and third spots.India is placed at 13th spot (1.961 present share).
The IMF makes its resources available to its members to meet there short term or medium term payment difficulties subject to established limits and conditions with respect to the amount of its drawing rights.
6 - South Asian Association For Regional and co-operation (SAARC)
Establishment- 8 dec. 1985Headquarters –Kathmandu(nepal)Official language –English
Members :- 8 members in SAARC
Afghanisthan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Srilanka.
There are also nine observer in SAARC
Australia, China, European union, Iran , Japan, Mauritius, Burma , South Korea, United states
It is an economical geopolitical organization of 8 countries that are primarily located in south Africa.
Objective of SAARC
To promote welfare economics collectives self reliance among the countries of south Asia and to accelerate socio-cultural development in the region.
17th summit (2011) – Maldives
18th summit (2014) – Kathmandu
19th summit (2016) - Pakistan
7 - Islamic state of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
Facts:-started as an al quedo splinter group ISIS also known as Islamic state in Iraq and Islamic state(IS)
The aim of ISIS is to create an Islamic state across sunni areas of Iraq and Syria. ISIS is known for killing dozen of people at a time and carrying out public execution crucifixions and others acts.it has taken over large swans of northern and western Iraq.
The ISIS group currently control hundreds of square miles. It ignore international borders and has a presence from Syria Mediterranean coast to south of Baghdad.
Leader: - adu bakral Baghdadi.
Very few is known about at Baghdadi but a biography posted on jihadist website in 2013, said he earned a doctorate in Islamic studies from a university in Baghdad.
Al Baghdadi wasdetained for four years in camp bucca , which was a US run prison in southern Iraq. he was released in 2009.
Timeline :- 2004 – abu musalo al zarq qwi established al queda in Iraq(AQI)
June 7 2006 :- al zarqawl is killed in U.S. strike
Abu ayyalo al-masri also known as abu hamza al-muhazer takes his place as leader AQI.
October,2006 ;- AQI leader abu ayyub al-masri announces the creation of Islamic state in Iraq (ISI) and establishes abu Oman al-baghdadi as leader.
April 2010 ;- abu bakr al Baghdadi becomes leader of ISI after abu omal al Baghdadi and abu ayyub al masri were killed in ajoint U.S Iraq operation.
May 24 ;- ISI kidnaped more than 140 kurdish school boys in Syria. Forcing them to take lessons in Islamic theology.
Last summit, (17) was held in Addu in Maldives, in November 2011. After a gap of 3years the 18th summit meeting is to be held in Nepal on November 2014.
8 - Organization of petroleum exporting countries (opec)
1. the organization of the petroleum exporting countries (OPEC) is an intergovernment organization of twelve oil producing countries.
2. it constitutes Algeria ,angola , Ecuador, Iraq ,iran,Kuwait,Libya.The united arab emirates and Venezuela Indonesia withdrew in 2008 after it becomes a net importer of oil, but started it would likely return if it become a net exporter again.
3. its headquarter Vienna
4. OPEC pursues the means of ensuring the stabilization of prices in international oil markets with a view to eliminating harmful and unnecessary fluctuations giving due regard at all times to the interest of the producing nation and to the necessity of securing a steady income to the producing income to the countries an efficient and regular supply of petroleum to consuming nations and of air return to their capital to those investing in the petroleum industry.
5 opec members collectively hold 79% of world crude oil reserve and 44%of the world’s crude oil petrol production capacity.
6. the next largest group of producer member of the OECD and the post soviet state producer only 23.8% and 14.8% respectively of the world’s total oil production.
Established;-OPEC is a permanent intergovernmental organization created at the Baghdad conference on 10-14 September 1960 by 6 countries.
Purpose: - to control production and pricing of crude oil.
Members:-middle east (6 members) Africa (4 members) and Saudi Arabia (2 members)
Iran 1960 ; Iraq 1960 ; Kuwait 1960 ; Saudi Arabia 1960
Venezuela 1960 ; Qatar 1961; Libya 1962 ; United Arab emirates 1967 ; Algeria 1969 ; Nigeria 1971 ; Angola 2007
Ecuador 2007
9 - Association of south EastAsian nation (ASEAN)
Established: - 9 august 1967 with headquarters in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Purpose:-to accelerate economic progress and maintain economic stability in south east India.
Member: - the organization was established in Thailand along with Malaysia and the Philippines. Indonesia ,Singapore and Brunei joined in 1984 .the ASEAN is headed by a secretary general who is elected on rotation in alphabetical order for a term of three years the other member countries are Cambodia ,laos,Malaysia , Myanmar and Vietnam.
There are 10 member in ASEAN and 2 observer in it
Brunei ,Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar
Philippines, Singapore, Thailand,
Two observers-East Timor, Papua new guinea
Established – 1st Jan.1989 on call for more effective economic co-operation across the Pacific Rim Region by the Australian PM, Bob Howke.
Purpose- APFC is a group of 21 Pacific Rim nations that seek to promote free trade and economic co-operation throughout Asia-Pacific region.
Member Countries- there are 21 member countries in APFC.
1. Austria 2.Brunei3.Canada4.Chile
8.Japan9.Malasyia10.South Korea
11.Mexico 12.New Zealand 13.Papua New Guinea14.Peru15.Philippines
20.United States21.Vietnam
Founder-Member of NAM- 1. Marshal Tito-President of Former Yugoslavia. 2.Dr.Sukarno-President of Indonesia. 3.G.A. Nasser-President of Egypt. 4.Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru, first Prime Minister of India
The credit of involving the concept of Non-Aligned Movement goes to Pt. Nehru.
Established- A conference of like Minded nations was held in Aprial,1955 in Indonesia(Bandung) which became the forum for the birth of NAM.
Basic Principles of NAM- (1)Mutual respect for each other territorial integrity and Sovereignty. (2) Mutual non aggression. (3) Mutual non-interference in each other affairs.(4) Equality and mutual benefit. (5) Peaceful coexistence
These principles are collectively known as Panchsheel and are the basic guidelines for the functioning of the NAM
Membership- As of 2012 the movement has 120 members and 17 observer countries.
Argentina, Elsavador, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Bosnia, Kyrgyzstan, Herzegovina, Mexico, Brazil, Montenegro, China, Paraguay, Costa Rica, Serbia, Croatia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uruguay.
There are four former member of NAM-
Argentina(1973-1991), Cyprus(1961-2004), Malta(1973-2004) and Yugoslavia including Federal republic of Yugoslavia (1961-1962).
17th summit (2015) – Venezuela
Formation:-International Atomic Energy Agency was formed in 1957.
Headquarters and head chief:-
The head quarter of IAEA is in Vienna Austria .Its head chiefis Yukiya Amano.
The International Atomic Energy Agency is an international organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of Nuclear energy and to inhibit its use for any military purpose including nuclear weapons. The IAEA was established as an autonomous organization on 29 July 1957.
The IAEA has two “Regional safeguards offices” which are located in Toronto. Canada and in Tokyo Japan . It has also two liaison offices which are located in New York city and in Geneva Switzerland.
The former Director General of IAEA was Mohamed EI Bardai were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on 7 October 2005
In 2004 the IAEA also developed a Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy (PACT)
The IAEA has 162 member states.
Most UN members and the holy see are member states of IAEA
Cape Verde (2007),Tonga (2011),Comoros(2014), Djibouti(2014, Guyana(2014) and Vanuatu(2014) as non member states
North Korea was aMember State from 1974-1994. Cambodia became amember in 1958. Cambodia withdrew its membership in 2003 and also rejoined in 2009
List of Director Generals
Name Nationality Duration
1. W. Sterling U S 1957- 1961
2. Sigvard Eklund Sweden 1961 –1981
3.Hans Blix Sweden 1981- 1997
4.Mohamed ElBaradei Egypt
1997 –2009
5.Yukiya Amano Japan 2009 - Present
13. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Established: - 4April1949 with its headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.
Purpose:- The member countries promised to maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack and consult each other if any of the member nations was threatened politically, they agreed that an armed attacked against any of them would be countered by combined action.
Members:- There are28 members state in NATO.
1 Albania2 Belgium3 Bulgaria4 Canada 5 Croatia6 Czech Republic7 Denmark
8 Estonia9 France10 Germany
11 Greece12Hungary
13 Iceland 14 Italy 15Latvia
16 Lithuania17Luxembourg
18 Netherland19 Norway
20 Poland21 Portugal
22 Romania23 Slovakia
24 Slovenia25 Spain
26 Turkey27UK 28 U S
Dialogue Forum
ABSA (India, Brazil, South Africa) dialogue forum is an international tripartite grouping for promoting international cooperation among these countries. It represents three important poles for galvanizing South-South co-operation between three important countries of the developing world namely Africa Asia and South America
[“On 6June 2003, ‘Yashwant Sinha’ (External affairs minister of India), ‘Celso Amorim’ (Foregin minister of Brazil) and ‘Nakosazana Dlamini – Zuma’ (Foreign Minister of South Africa) met in Brasilia. Where was “IBSA” Dialogue Forum was formalized through the adoption of “Brasilia Declaration”.]
[“On 6 June 2003’ the Brasilia was signed by the foreign minister India , Brazil and South Africa . They agreedon the urgent need for reforms in the United Nation especially the security council .It’s also touched upon the subject of International terrorism, transnational crime and illegal arms dealing,stating that such threats to international, peace much effectively tackled with respect to the sovereignty of the states and for international law.
Objectives:- The IBSA Dialogue Forum aims to promote south- south cooperation and consensus on issues of international importance. It also aims at increasing the trade opportunities among the three countries.
It promotes the international poverty alleviation and social development with main focus being on equitable development.
It also aims to explore avenues to promote cooperation in broad range of areas which includes agriculture,climate change/global warming,culture defence,education,energy, health,information society,science technology,social,development,trade and investment,tourism and transport.
IBSA Summits
Sep.2006 - Brazil - Luiz Inacio Lula da Saliva Brasilia
Oct.2007 - South Africa - Thab O Mbeki Petoria
Oct.2008 - India - Man Mohan Singh New Delhi
15 April 2010 - Brazil - Luiz Inacio Lula da Saliva - Brasilia
18 Oct.2011 - South Africa - Jacob Zuma - Pretoria
16 May 2013 - India - Man Mohan Singh New Delhi
2015 (Planned) - India - Narendra Modi New Delhi
15. Prevention of Terrorism Act 2002
An act to make provisions for the prevention of and for sealing with terrorist activities and for matters connected there with.