Batesville, MS

June 29, 2017


Circle the correct answer.

  1. If your sample is positive for total coliform, you must take repeat samples within:
  1. Immediately
  2. 24 hours
  3. 30 hours
  4. 48 hours
  1. The maximum residual disinfectant level (MRDL) for chorine or chloramines is ___ mg/L.
  1. 1.0
  2. 5.0
  3. 0.0
  4. 4.0
  1. ___% of all waterborne disease originates from distribution system issues.
  1. 10
  2. 20
  3. 30
  4. 50
  1. All of the following are correct sample collection steps except:
  2. Refrigerate or ice the samples
  3. Assemble Sampling Supplies
  4. Open cold water tap and immediately collect sample
  5. Adjust flow to about the width of a pencil
  1. All of the following are solutions to dead ends in a distribution system, except:
  1. Pipe Loops
  2. Flushing program
  3. Flushing valves
  4. Increasing chlorine residual
  1. There are ____ steps to an effective flushing program.
  2. Three
  3. Four
  4. Five
  5. Six
  1. Following a main break, the 4-step process to disinfecting pipe is:
  1. Flush the line to remove particulates
  2. Chlorinate
  3. Flush to remove chlorinated water
  4. ______
  1. Notify the state
  2. Flush again
  3. Refill and test for coliform
  4. Wait 24 hours before resuming service

8. The action level of lead and copper are:

  1. 1.3 mg/L for lead, 0.015 mg/L for copper
  2. 0.015 mg/L for lead, 1.3 mg/L for copper
  3. 0.015 mg/L for both lead and copper
  4. 0.010 mg/L for lead, 1.0 for copper

9. Which would not meet the definition of a Tier 1 sampling site

  1. Single family dwelling
  2. Multi-family dwelling
  3. If lead service lines (50% of the sites)
  4. Copper pipe and lead solder after 1982 and before 1986

11. Which would not be effective for corrosion control.

  1. Raising the pH
  2. Adding alkalinity
  3. Adding a corrosion inhibitor
  4. Adding aeration

12. Water systems are required to

  1. Replace lead service lines
  2. Monitor lead at the customer’s tap
  3. Sample schools and other public buildings
  4. Sample hospitals and other sensitive populations