Unit 8 Review
I. La Belle Époque
Population: Explosion due to lower death rates (due to better medical care) Birth rates DID NOT increase
What did “leisure time” lead to?
Second Industrial Revolution: Steel (Bessemer production), mass production, electrification of Europe, assembly line production, steamships, telegrams, etc.
1. Science
-Freud (page 191)
2. Education
-The Education Act of 1870
-Bismarck’s reforms (all German schools became public)
3. Art
-Realism: (Millet and Courbet) -Why did this art movement die?
-Impressionism (Monet and Degas) -How did Impressionists artists overcome the camera?
-Post-Impression (Van Gogh)
-Expressionism (The Fauves, Matisse and Munch) -Why did art critics hate these paintings calling them “beasts”?
4. Literature (Realism)
-Dickens -Victor Hugo
5. Liberalism (Republicanism)
-Economic: Free trade
-Political: Expansion of suffrage, elected parliaments, legalization of labor unions, free education, social security systems
II. The Crimean War
-Who fought it? - The “real” and “phony” reasons for the war Who won?
-Why did the Russians think this would be an “easy” war?
- Why was the “Snow Ball Riot” of 1855 important?
Th impact the war had on the Congress of Vienna
Florence Nightingale
III. The Unification of Italy: “Risorgimento”
Mazzini, Victor Emmanuel, Count Cavour and Garibaldi
Cavour’s 4 accomplishments Why was he a “genius”?
Who were the “Red Shirts”?
Why was Garibaldi criticized for all allowing Victor Emmanuel to become king?
IV. France’s 19th Century Failures 1815-1871
How did Louis Napoleon become Emperor Napoleon III? (“Little Napoleon”)
Nap III’s reforms: (Allowed Baron Haussmann to rebuild Paris)
Nap III’s foreign policy disasters: Mexico, USA, Franco-Prussian War
V. The Unification of Germany
What influence did Napoleon Bonaparte have on Germany?
Who was Bismarck? List the 5 steps of Bismarck’s unification of Germany
The Franco-Prussian War
What was the Paris Commune?
Why was it crushed?
What was the “Bloody Week”
Impact of the Franco-Prussian War
What two things led to France’s recovery in the 1880s? (Imperialism and the 2nd Industrial Revolution)
VI. Russia Failed to Become a Constitutional Kingdom
-Why was Alexander II the last “good czar” of Russia?
-List 4 reforms made by Alexander II
-Who were the “People’s Will”?
-Why did the “People’s Will” assassinate Alexander II?
-What was the impact of Alexander II’s death?
-Why was Alexander III so unpopular
-Why did Russia’s defeat to Japan in 1905 cause so many problems for Nicholas II?
-What was “Bloody Sunday”
-Who was Lenin? Why was Lenin obsessed with the over-throw of Nicholas II?
-What reforms did Nicholas II finally allow after 1905?
VII. Britain in the 1800s (Victorian Age)
-What did the three Reform Acts of 1832 to 1884 do for the people of Britain?
-What did the “Peoples’ Budget” do for poor people in Britain?
-How did the Parliament Act of 1911 finally make Britain an advanced democracy?
-What was the “Irish Question”?
-What was “Home Rule” and why was this a problem for Ulster County?
VIII. Austria-Hungary
-Why was Austria unstable?
-What was the “Dual Monarchy”?
-What was “Magyarization”? - What is Zionism?
-Why did Theodor Hertzl create Zionism?
-What did “Der Judenstaat” become in 1948? (Israel)
IX. European Instability in the late 1800s
-What was the Dreyfuss Affair about?
-Why did Bismarck lose his Kulturkampf campaign?
-Why did Germany enter the “Scramble for Africa” last?
-How did Wilhelm II put Germany on a course for war with Britain?
-What two things did British Suffragettes fight for?
-What was the Labour Party?
-What main belief did the Anarchists have?
X. Imperialism
-Why did “New Imperialism” take place?
Racial Darwinism Scramble for Africa Livingstone and Stanley
Congo Free State Berlin Conference of 1884
Cecil Rhodes Muhammad Ali
The Boer Wars Herero Genocide France and Algeria
The Belgian Congo “Force Publique”
East India Company Sepoy Rebellion 1877
M. Gandhi
The Canton System The Opium Wars
Treaty of Nanking
The Boxer Rebellion