Regina Duplicate Bridge Club Executive Minutes
For the Annual General Meeting held Thursday June 24th, 2004
Present: A constituted quorum
President Jan Gray called the meeting to order at 6:17 p.m.
1)Adoption of the Agenda
Moved by Gordon Neill and seconded by Betty Von Hagen. Carried.
2)Adoption of the Minutes
It was moved by Gary Priestman and seconded by Irene Huber that the minutes of the 2003 AGM be adopted as presented. Carried
3)President’s Report
Jan thanked everyone for their efforts in making the past club year so successful and added extra thanks to her fellow Board members who gave much needed support during some challenging issues. Jan concluded her report by identifying a couple of the issues that the new Board would be facing in the upcoming club year. They were the challenge of increasing revenues and the new municipal anti-smoking by-law.
4)Treasurer’s Report
Pat Beharry presented the Treasurer’s report and prefaced her remarks by indicating that the Club’s financial statements have been audited by Eli Fluter.
Pat indicated the Club had suffered an operating loss for this fiscal year. This was due to increased operating expenses and decreased table counts. Pat indicated that the new Board would need to develop strategies to increase table counts by 4% to eliminate the loss.
The adoption of the Treasurer’s report was moved by Pat Beharry and seconded by James Dulmage. Carried
5) New Business
5.1) Revised By-Laws
Jan praised the efforts of Erin and Janice Anderson for their work in drafting the revisions to the Club by-laws. Jan called for a motion to approve the recommended changes.
It was moved by Erin Anderson and seconded by David Sabier that the revised by-laws be adopted as presented. Carried.
6) Election of Officers and Board Members for 2002/2003
The following slate of Officers was presented:
President Lyle Spencer
Vice President David Sabier
Treasurer Pat Beharry
Secretary Ilsa Krukoff
In addition the following slate of seven Board members was presented:
Erin Anderson
Dow Cooney
James Dulmage
Pat Harlton
Irene Huber
Cal McLeod
Ken Roland
Jan then opened the floor to any further nominations. As there were none, it was moved by Diane Neil and seconded by Roger Lumsden the nominations be closed. Carried.
Jan asked the Secretary to cast one vote for the acclaimed candidates and wished the new Board success in their new roles.
7) Trophies and Awards
Jan congratulated all the winners and presented those present with either an individual trophy or two free plays. The winners’ names can be seen prominently displayed on the Wall of Fame. A list of the winners is attached to these minutes.
8) Announcements
8.1) Audrey Sabier gave an uupdate on Joan Schneider’s condition and invited members to visit Joan in hospital.
8.2) Congratulations were extended to Claire Jones on his recent election as President of the Canadian Bridge Federation.
9) Adjournment
Jan adjourned the meeting and invited everyone to enjoy a free game and free refreshments. Lyle then met with the new Board members to set a date for their first meeting.