Tuesday 15 March 2016
Present: Tony Scofield Philip Jackson Sheila Stroud Susan Stoodley Andrea Ball
Apologies: Trish Willis Dr Juliet Balfour
1 Minutes of the meeting held on 8 December 2015 and matters arising
Care Data - AB reported that there was no further news about progress on this project.
Terms of reference - are now available on the surgery website.
Flu Vaccination Programme - AB reported that despite the adverse publicity for flu vaccination generally, the practice achieved similar numbers and percentages towards targets for 2016 as for the previous year.
The minutes were approved.
2 Friends and Family Test Feedback December 2015 to February 2016
AB reported that overall four negative comments were received and four positive comments. These will be uploaded to the surgery website under the PPG tab and were discussed by the group. With reference to the negative comments:
i A suggestion was put forward that an antiseptic hand gel dispenser should be provided at the toilet door. Having taken advice from the infection control lead nurse, it was deemed that this would be inappropriate as it would necessitate provision of hand gel for every door in the building and was felt not to be necessary. Comment was made that should patients wish to sanitise their hands at this level, then perhaps it should be a personal responsibility.
ii It was agreed to tidy up the leaflets in the waiting room. All leaflets other than the surgery newsletter should be contained within the leaflet rack.
iii It was agreed that at the forthcoming upgrade of the television screens in the waiting room, the speed at which the slides are displayed should be slowed down.
iv The practice has recently gone through the selection of music available in the waiting room to make sure that it is appropriate for general listening.
3 Raising Awareness of the PPG
Susan explained that both she and Trish will be available in the surgery waiting room on Thursday 17 March to try and raise awareness and support for the PPG. AB agreed to ask Justine Harris to provide a table, leaflets and badges to facilitate this. It was agreed that the following questions would be asked of those patients who wished to communicate with the group:
Have you heard about the PPG?
Would you like to get involved?
What do you like best about the surgery?
Is there anything that is an issue for you?
Trish and Susan will report back at the next meeting and will try to recruit some additional members either for our meeting group or for the virtual group.
4 Report from Chairs of PPG Meeting
Tony had attended a recent Somerset Together meeting in Bridgwater. He reported that there was a lot of good intention but his worry is that neither the PPGs nor the CCG are in a position to make changes until the restriction of funding use is removed by government. Phil queried the degree of influence that the local PPGs can possibly have and it was generally agreed that the scope of influence remains at practice level.
Tony suggested that it might be helpful for the group to meet with the chairs of the PPGs in Wells, Street and Glastonbury Health Centre to have a discussion about how they could perhaps work collaboratively.
5 Surgery Extension Plans
AB shared the plans and drawings for the planned extension which has currently received NHS England funding to progress to the point of going out to tender for the building works. AB explained that a subsequent application for funding needs to be submitted to NHS England/Somerset CCG in April 2016 in order to continue the project and sought support from the PPG in taking this plan forward.
6 Any Other Business - none
Date of next meeting Tuesday 14 June 2016 at 2pm
16 March 2016