Whitman-Hanson Regional High School provides all students with a high- quality education in order to develop reflective, concerned citizens and contributing members of the global community.

302/303 FRENCH II (A&B) Academic 9 – 12 120 Days
Course Description / This course includes a continuation of communicative skills learned in French IA, plus stronger emphasis on reading and writing through continuous vocabulary building. More advanced grammatical forms will be learned which will include irregular verbs and idioms. Simple conversation(s) utilizing newly acquired vocabulary, showing French cultural influences worldwide, will be enhanced through the use of tapes and videos as well as the text. Various aspects of French and Francophone cultures will be explored.
Instructional Strategies / Instructional Strategies include but may not be limited to the following:
Multimedia presentations
Laboratory work
Student Learning Expectations / 1.  Read, write and communicate effectively.
2.  Utilize technologies appropriately and effectively.
3.  Apply critical thinking skills.
4.  Explore and express ideas creatively.
5.  Participate in learning both individually and collaboratively.
6.  Demonstrate personal, social, and civic responsibility.



Unit of Study

MA Standard/Strands: / 1.8,1.9,1.10,2.5,2.6,2.7,2.9,3.7,3.8,3.9,3.11,4.1,4.3,4.4,4.5,4.6,4.7,4.9,5.1,5.2,5.3,5.4,5.6,5.7,5.9,5.10,6.2,6.3,6.4,6.5,6.6,6.8
Time Frame: / Two trimesters, 120 days
(Chapter/Pages) / Discovering French Bleu textbook Lessons 17-29 pages 135-305
Other Resources: / audio and video tape programs, writing, listening and communicative activities, CD Rom activities, Discovering French website activities; Internet Activities; Lyric Language and Sing, Dance and Eat Quiche audio song cassettes:
Videos in the target language and cultural videos; Assorted Games; teacher generated movies, songs and games.
Essential Questions
Concepts, Content: / How does learning about contemporary France highlight the common interests of French and American youth?
Why is it important to observe and apply the concepts of gender and noun-adjective agreement as students describe themselves and their family, friends, and personal possessions?
How is life different and similar in various French cities?
How do linguistic similarities and differences affect the learning of a language?
What impact do French concept of style and the ways in which young people earn and spend their money affect the way they live?
How making commands and expressing comparisons are similar and different in French and English?
How does where a person lives influence the sports and activities they choose to do?
What influence does personality and ability have on choices of leisure activities?
Targeted Skill(s): / Reading, writing and speaking in the target language using present and past tenses, mastery of essential questions.
Writing: / Independent research and cooperative activities, writing paragraphs, compositions and answering questions using the vocabulary
Assessment Practices: / Teacher created Unit Tests, Lesson Quizzes, Class Discussions, Projects, Presentations, Warm-up Activities, Student participation

Unité 5 Le Monde Personnel et familier Les personnes et les objets

Time Frame: / 5-7 days
(Chapter/Pages) / Discovering French Bleu Unité 5 Leçon 17
Other Resources: / Audio and video tape programs, writing, listening and communicative activities, CD Rom activities, Discovering French website activities; Internet Activities; Lyric Language and Sing, Dance and Eat Quiche audio song cassettes:
Videos in the target language and cultural videos; Assorted Games; teacher generated movies, songs and games.
Essential Questions
Concepts, Content: / How does culture affect the activities and habit of the French?
Targeted Skill(s): / Reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Mastery of essential questions
How to describe a person, tell what possession a person owns, and what objects are in the bedroom,
Give a physical description
Ask to identify something
Talk about personal possessions
Describe where objects are in the bedroom using prepositions of place
Writing: / Write paragraph using vocabulary and grammar using details
Assessment Practices: / Written and oral tests and quizzes, projects, class dialogues and discussions, warm-up activities, spontaneous dialogues, student participation

Leçon 18 Vive La Diffçon 18 Vive La Différence

Time Frame: / 5-7 days
(Chapter/Pages) / Discovering French Bleu Unité 5 Leçon 18
Other Resources: / Audio and video tape programs, writing, listening and communicative activities, CD Rom activities, Discovering French website activities; Internet Activities; Lyric Language and Sing, Dance and Eat Quiche audio song cassettes:
Videos in the target language and cultural videos; Assorted Games; teacher generated movies, songs and games.
Essential Questions
Concepts, Content: / How does culture affect the likes and dislikes of the French teenager?
Targeted Skill(s): / Reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Mastery of essential questions
Talk about preferences using target vocabulary
Use of avoir and avoir expressions
Use nouns in plural
Use of definite article with certain situations
Use of definite article with a negative phrases
Writing: / Write paragraph using vocabulary and grammar using details
Assessment Practices: / Written and oral tests and quizzes, projects, class dialogues and discussions, warm-up activities, spontaneous dialogues, student participation

Leçon 19 Le Copain de Mireille

Time Frame: / 5-7 days
(Chapter/Pages) / Discovering French Bleu Unité 5 Leçon 19
Other Resources: / Audio and video tape programs, writing, listening and communicative activities, CD Rom activities, Discovering French website activities; Internet Activities; Lyric Language and Sing, Dance and Eat Quiche audio song cassettes:
Videos in the target language and cultural videos; Assorted Games; teacher generated movies, songs and games.
Essential Questions
Concepts, Content: / How does culture affect friendship?
Targeted Skill(s): / Reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Mastery of essential questions
Description of male and female friends using target vocabulary
Make adjectives plural
Writing: / Write paragraph using vocabulary and grammar using details
Assessment Practices: / Written and oral tests and quizzes, projects, class dialogues and discussions, warm-up activities, spontaneous dialogues, student participation

Leçon 20 La Voiture de Roger

Time Frame: / 5-7 days
(Chapter/Pages) / Discovering French Bleu Unité 5 Leçon 20
Other Resources: / Audio and video tape programs, writing, listening and communicative activities, CD Rom activities, Discovering French website activities; Internet Activities; Lyric Language and Sing, Dance and Eat Quiche audio song cassettes:
Videos in the target language and cultural videos; Assorted Games; teacher generated movies, songs and games.
Essential Questions
Concepts, Content: / How does culture affect friendship?
What personal possessions do the French value?
Targeted Skill(s): / Reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Mastery of essential questions
Description of people and objects using colors and other descriptive adjectives
Show difference between il/elle est and c’est
Give opinions using impersonal expressions
Compare and contrast personal possessions
Writing: / Write paragraph using vocabulary and grammar using details
Assessment Practices: / Written and oral tests and quizzes, projects, class dialogues and discussions, warm-up activities, spontaneous dialogues, student participation

Unité 6 En ville leçon 21 La ville et la maison

Time Frame: / 5-7 days
(Chapter/Pages) / Discovering French Bleu Unité 6 Leçon 21
Other Resources: / Audio and video tape programs, writing, listening and communicative activities, CD Rom activities, Discovering French website activities; Internet Activities; Lyric Language and Sing, Dance and Eat Quiche audio song cassettes:
Videos in the target language and cultural videos; Assorted Games; teacher generated movies, songs and games.
Essential Questions
Concepts, Content: / What are French cities like?
How does culture and climate affect the living arrangements of the French?
Targeted Skill(s): / Reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Mastery of essential questions
Description of places in the city
Giving directions in the city
Describe the rooms of a house
Writing: / Write paragraph using vocabulary and grammar using details
Assessment Practices: / Written and oral tests and quizzes, projects, class dialogues and discussions, warm-up activities, spontaneous dialogues, student participation

Unité 6 En ville leçon 22 Weekend à Paris

Time Frame: / 5-7 days
(Chapter/Pages) / Discovering French Bleu Unité 6 Leçon 22
Other Resources: / Audio and video tape programs, writing, listening and communicative activities, CD Rom activities, Discovering French website activities; Internet Activities; Lyric Language and Sing, Dance and Eat Quiche audio song cassettes:
Videos in the target language and cultural videos; Assorted Games; teacher generated movies, songs and games.
Essential Questions
Concepts, Content: / How does history and climate affect the culture in the city of Paris?
Targeted Skill(s): / Reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Mastery of essential questions
Describe where one goes using the verb aller
Appropriate use of contractions with à + definite article
Describe activities one can do in the city
Express future intent using aller + infinitive
Writing: / Write paragraph using vocabulary and grammar using details
Assessment Practices: / Written and oral tests and quizzes, projects, class dialogues and discussions, warm-up activities, spontaneous dialogues, student participation

Unité 6 En ville leçon 23 Au Café de l’Univers

Time Frame: / 5-7 days
(Chapter/Pages) / Discovering French Bleu Unité 6 Leçon 23
Other Resources: / Audio and video tape programs, writing, listening and communicative activities, CD Rom activities, Discovering French website activities; Internet Activities; Lyric Language and Sing, Dance and Eat Quiche audio song cassettes:
Videos in the target language and cultural videos; Assorted Games; teacher generated movies, songs and games.
Essential Questions
Concepts, Content: / Why is the café an important part of French culture?
Targeted Skill(s): / Reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Mastery of essential questions
Express to play a game or instrument using jouer à ou jouer de
Express where someone comes from using venir de
Use of contraction de + definite article
Use of the stress pronouns
Writing: / Write paragraph using vocabulary and grammar using details
Assessment Practices: / Written and oral tests and quizzes, projects, class dialogues and discussions, warm-up activities, spontaneous dialogues, student participation
Time Frame: / 5-7 days
(Chapter/Pages) / Discovering French Bleu Unité 6 Leçon 24
Other Resources: / Audio and video tape programs, writing, listening and communicative activities, CD Rom activities, Discovering French website activities; Internet Activities; Lyric Language and Sing, Dance and Eat Quiche audio song cassettes:
Videos in the target language and cultural videos; Assorted Games; teacher generated movies, songs and games.
Essential Questions
Concepts, Content: / How does culture and climate affect family life?
Targeted Skill(s): / Reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Mastery of essential questions
Talk about your family
Use of possession with de
Use of possessive adjectives
Ordinal numbers
Writing: / Write paragraph using vocabulary and grammar using details
Assessment Practices: / Written and oral tests and quizzes, projects, class dialogues and discussions, warm-up activities, spontaneous dialogues, student participation

Unité 6 Leçon 24 Mes Voisins

Unité 7 Le Shopping Leçon 25 Le Français practique: L’achat des vêtements

Time Frame: / 5-7 days
(Chapter/Pages) / Discovering French Bleu Unité 7 Leçon 25
Other Resources: / Audio and video tape programs, writing, listening and communicative activities, CD Rom activities, Discovering French website activities; Internet Activities; Lyric Language and Sing, Dance and Eat Quiche audio song cassettes:
Videos in the target language and cultural videos; Assorted Games; teacher generated movies, songs and games.
Essential Questions
Concepts, Content: / How does culture and climate affect shopping habits of the French?
Targeted Skill(s): / Reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Mastery of essential questions
Describe shops and boutiques in France
Describe clothing
Have conversation in a store including asking the price
Use large numbers
Writing: / Write paragraph using vocabulary and grammar using details
Assessment Practices: / Written and oral tests and quizzes, projects, class dialogues and discussions, warm-up activities, spontaneous dialogues, student participation

Leçon 26 Rien N’est Parfait

Time Frame: / 5-7 days
(Chapter/Pages) / Discovering French Bleu Unité 7 Leçon 26
Other Resources: / Audio and video tape programs, writing, listening and communicative activities, CD Rom activities, Discovering French website activities; Internet Activities; Lyric Language and Sing, Dance and Eat Quiche audio song cassettes:
Videos in the target language and cultural videos; Assorted Games; teacher generated movies, songs and games.
Essential Questions
Concepts, Content: / How does culture and climate affect the shopping habits of the French?
Targeted Skill(s): / Reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Mastery of essential questions
Use of acheter and verbs like acheter
Express what you bought using demonstrative adjective
Use of question word quell/quelle
Use of verb mettre
Writing: / Write paragraph using vocabulary and grammar using details
Assessment Practices: / Written and oral tests and quizzes, projects, class dialogues and discussions, warm-up activities, spontaneous dialogues, student participation

Leçon 28 Alice A Un Job

Time Frame / 5-7 days
(Chapter/Pages) / Discovering French Bleu Unité 7 Leçon 28
Other Resources: / Audio and video tape programs, writing, listening and communicative activities, CD Rom activities, Discovering French website activities; Internet Activities; Lyric Language and Sing, Dance and Eat Quiche audio song cassettes:
Videos in the target language and cultural videos; Assorted Games; teacher generated movies, songs and games.
Essential Questions
Concepts, Content: / How do French teenagers earn extra money?
Targeted Skill(s): / Reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Mastery of essential questions
How to talk about money
Use of combien, combien de, avoir besoin de, and avoir envie de
Use of pronoun on
Use of re verbs
Use of imperative
Writing: / Write paragraph using vocabulary and grammar using details
Assessment Practices: / Written and oral tests and quizzes, projects, class dialogues and discussions, warm-up activities, spontaneous dialogues, student participation