Private Bag X84, PRETORIA, 0001, the dti Campus, 77 Meintjies Street, Sunnyside, 0002, Tel: (012) 394 0000

the dti Customer Contact Centre local: 0861 843 384 International: +27 12 394 9500,

Corporate Permit Application: Companies Request for a Recommendation in the ICT Sector

The following document needs to be completed in WORD and submitted to:

Ms Tebogo Shole Tel: 012 394 1124; E-mail:

  1. Signed cover letter from the company applying for the Corporate Permit requesting the recommendation.
  1. In terms of the employees to be recruited: Companies need to provide a mutli dimensional matrix showing the resource required against the project’s that they will be used on, as well as, the estimated time (duration) of the project. (Please add additional lines if need be)

(Skills) / Qualifications / Number of years’ experience required / Project (s) / Total skills
Name / Quantity (number of skills to be used) / Duration
  1. Company Profile: (include details re the current establishment i.e. number of employees and their designations)


  1. Information re current, future and proposed projects: (demonstrating the need for a Corporate Permit)

NOTE: Proof of tenders and or contracts award, must be attached.


  1. If the company held a previous Corporate Permit – kindly provide a copy of the actual Permit(s) that was issued.
  1. Kindly provide information regarding the Previous Permit(s); did your company recruit the full complement of employees as originally anticipated?
  2. The employees that were recruited, did they all depart from the RSA?
  1. Information on steps taken to recruit the skills needed locally as well as the result of the recruitment process:


  1. Information on skills transfer plan:


  1. Information on internal training programmes and or other steps taken to address the skills concern in your company:


  1. Important: kindly attach – letters of support from Industry Associations / Membership of Industry Associations or Councils / Registration with the relevant Bargaining Council