Script for Setting Up ABC Call with Manager

rev. 8.12.16

1.  Be sure Manager's code # is in "Manager VFG ID" field. Update & Refresh.

2.  Get a commitment as to when they will watch the Intro Video & Video Tour. Start with "Are you able to watch them now"... then go to next few hours... tonight... etc.

3.  Set the appointment for ASAP after they will have watched the videos—ideally immediately after!

4.  Call them at the appointed time and ask what they liked best about the video. Reinforce whatever they said was great. Provided they are positive, say...

5.  What I am going to do for you, __name__, is set up a QUICK 5-minute call with my Manager, so we can get any questions you may have answered right there on the spot. (And, hey, if this business isn't right for you, no problem. We never pressure anyone; we don't need to! At least this way you'll know for sure.) [Click icon under "Manager VFG ID" to view Manager's calendar.] I see he/she has some time available tomorrow. Would __:__ work, or would __:__ be better? [If not tomorrow, next day at the latest: What would be better, daytime or evening?, etc...]
Set a 1/2 hr. appointment on your manager's calendar. It should read "Tier1/ABC w/name." Tell your prospect he/she will call sometime during that 1/2 hr. EDIFY the Manager and emphasize how valuable his/her time is and the importance of picking up the call. Tell them he/she will be calling from area code ( ). [Put very specific notes in the CRM record!]

6.  If they say that the business is not for them, tell them, Great __name__, I respect that. What I can do for you –as a free gift for having taken the time to watch our videos, is offer you a free financial checkup (it's called a "financial needs analysis") by one of our highly seasoned financial experts. You heard about the "FNA" in the 2nd video, right? I did one; it was great! It's something you could pay a lot of money for on the outside, but we do them at no charge. We can do that because we do them really efficiently online and over the phone. No one has to come to your home; you don't have to go to anyone's office... But hey, you don't have to decide now. Let me just set up a quick 5-minute call with my manager who can explain how it works, and if you decide you'd like to take advantage of it, he/she can schedule it for you. If not, no big deal. I see he/she has some time available tomorrow... [same as in #4 above]