Pass Road Elementary School Weekly Lesson Plan
Grade: Kindergarten Date: August 14-18 (week 1.2 –Jamaica’s Blue Marker)
English Language ArtsEssential Question(s) / What are characters? What are events? What letters capture the sounds /A/ and /T/? What are rights and responsibilities? How do you show respect to others?
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Standards Addressed / RL.K.2 With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
K.RF.1d Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet. K.L.1a Print many upper- and lowercase letters. K.L.2c Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes).
K.SS.3.a Define the terms – “rights” and – “responsibilities”. b. Distinguish between rights and responsibilities of individuals in relation to different social groups including, family, peer group, and classmates (e.g., courteous public behavior, honesty, self-control, respect for the rights and property of others, fairness, etc.). c. Name figures of authority and their position in upholding human and civil rights (e.g., parents, teachers, principal). d. State the importance of classroom and school rules and the consequences of failing to obey them (e.g., raising hand before speaking to eliminate noise and allow every person to be heard; follow school/classroom rules to prevent accidents).
Target Questions / What letter captures the sound /a/? What letter captures the sound /T/? / Who is the story mostly about? / Who is the story mostly about? Who are some of the other characters? / How do you know Jamaica feels sad? Why does Jamaica feel sad? / Why does Jamaica decide to give Russell her blue marker?
“I Can” Statements / I can identify and make the sounds for A and T.
I can retell a story I have heard.
Rationale / Students will begin to master sounds, so they can become readers. TSW be able to answer questions about stories better if they can retell the important parts of the story.
Success Starters
7:00 – 7:25 / TSW complete morning work.
7:30-7:45 / Breakfast
Anticipatory Set 7:50 – 8:00 /
TSW sing The letter songs for the week and the Alphabet song Phonics Song 2. TSW learn the color word song for red.
Teacher InputPhonics
8:00 – 8:23 / TTW introduce the letters and sounds for A and T. TTW have TS skywrite and will model the correct sounds / TTW generate a circle map based on the anchor charts for letter A / TTW generate a circle map based on the anchor charts for the letter T. / TTW review the circle maps for letters T and A. TTW add a couple of new words that students suggest. / TTW review the circle maps for letters T and A. TTW add a couple of new words that students suggest.
8:23-9:08 / Specials
Reading Center from 9:30-11:00
The rotation chart in classroom
Teacher Center / TTW introduce the letters and sounds for T and A. TTW have TS skywrite and will model the correct sounds
With the interactive file.
TTW have TS identify the letters in the alphabet and identify them as turtle, monkey, giraffe, or gorilla letters.
The student will salt and felt write the letters for the week.
TTW model the sound and formation of letter t and A. TTW model each new center.
Guided Practice:
TSW make the speech sounds /t/ and /A/, and practice skywriting the letters. / TTW review the circle maps for letters T and A. TTW add a couple of new words that students suggest
The students will sort the letter buckets
TTW display the book Jamaica’s Blue Marker, and point out that the people in the story look like real people. TTW read the author and illustrator’s names, and describe their roles. TTW briefly define reason, bother, moving, upset. TTW read aloud the book, pausing only to go over unfamiliar words. TTW model identifying the characters in the book, then ask: Who is the story mostly about? Who are some of the other characters?
TTW have TS complete workbook p. 1, drawing a picture of Jamaica and Russell. TTW have TS turn and talk, telling about each character. TTW guide the discussion by asking: What does Russel do after Jamaica lets him borrow her blue marker? What does Jamaica give Russell at his going away party?
TTW model completing the workbook page.
Guided Practice:
TSW draw a picture of Russel and Jamaica. / . The students will identity pictures that star with the letters..
TTW read aloud p. 5-15 of the book Jamaica’s Blue Marker. TTW ask guiding questions: p. 6 What does Mrs. Wirth ask Jamaica to do? P. 6-9 What are Jamaica and Russell doing? P. 9-11 What does Russell do with Jamaica’s blue marker? P. 12-15 How does Jamaica feel about what Russell does?
TTW use the Close Reading Activity to help children understand why Jamaica is angry and calls Russell “mean”. TTW reread p 14-15, asking: How does Jamaica tell her father about her picture? What does Jamaica do when she looks at her picture? What does Jamaica call Russell? Why?
TTW have TS complete p. 2 in the workbook, then turn and talk, asking and answering the questions: How do you know Jamaica feels angry?
TTW model completing the workbook page.
Guided Practice: TSW draw a picture that shows how Jamaica feels after Russel scribbles on her drawing. / TTW reread p 16-25, asking guiding questions: p. 16-17 What does Mrs. Wirth ask the class to do for Russell? Why? P. 18-23 How do Jamaica’s feelings about Russell change? P. 24-25 What happens before Jamaica can make a good-bye card for Russell?
TTW use the Close Reading activity to help children understand why Jamaica decides to change her mind and make a card for Russell. TTW reread p 20-22, asking: What does Jamaica say about moving? What evidence tells you Jamaica starts to think about how Russell feels? Why does Jamaica decide she wants to make a card for Russell?
TTW have TS complete p. 3 in the workbook, then turn and talk, asking and answering the questions: Why does Jamaica feel sad?
TTW model completing the workbook page.
Guided Practice:
TSW draw a picture that shows how Jamaica feels when she thinks about moving. / TTW reread p. 26-32 of Jamaica’s Blue Marker. TTW ask guiding questions: p. 26-27 What does Jamaica do because she didn’t make a card for Russell? P. 28-29 How does Jamaica feel about Russell at the end of the story? P. 30-31 What does Russell do when Jamaica waves good-bye to him?
TTW use the Close Reading Activity to help TS identify evidence that shows why Jamaica gives Russell her blue marker. TTW reread p. 28-29, asking: What does Jamaica learn about Russell’s feelings? What does Jamaica say that helps you know she likes Russell? What do the words “as if he’d won a prize” tell you about Russell and the blue marker?
TTW have TS complete workbook p. 4, then turn and talk, asking and answering the question: Why does Jamaica decide to give Russell her blue marker?
TTW model completing the workbook page.
Guided Practice:
TSW draw a picture to show what Jamaica does at the end of the story.
Assistant / The student will practice writing their names. / The student will practice writing their names
and writing the letter for the week. / The student will practice writing their names.
The students will complete a letter activity / The student will practice writing their names.
The students will complete a letter activity. / The student will practice writing their name
The students will complete a letter activity.
Practice / Centers:
Match a letter
Clip a letter
Play-doh build
Letter writing
Letter/sound identification
Criteria for Success / TSW make the /t/ and /a/ sound and skywrite t and m correctly. / TSW illustrate in their workbook and turn and talk on topic. / TSW illustrate in their workbook and turn and talk on topic. / TSW illustrate in their workbook and turn and talk on topic. / TSW illustrate in their workbook and turn and talk on topic.
Social Studies
10:50 - 11:20 / TTW talk to student about the difference between solids and liquids / TSW watch the video Berenstain Bears Trouble in School. TSW answer target questions – Why didn’t Brother do his homework? Why did Brother get a zero? What was the biggest mistake brother made? How could Brother have been responsible? / TSW construct an anchor chartwith the words “I can be responsible!” TSW discuss ways they can do this. / TSW relate respect to Jamaica’s Blue Marker, answering questions about the story: When was a character disrespectful? Respectful? Has anyone ever treated you that way? How did you feel? / TSW complete the following sentence: “I can be respectful to my classmates by ______.” TSW illustrate their idea as TT writes their response.
Materials / Music files (S Drive), center materials, laminated names, Project Read materials, Berenstain Bears video, Jamaica’s Blue Marker, RCC workbooks.