Job Description
Name of Employer: Gothon Samaj Kallan Sangstha
Designation: Farmers’ Center Manager
Job nature: Contractual
Job duration: One year
Monthly gross salary: BDT 25,000
02. Key Responsibilities :
The Farmers’ Center Manager will be the in charge of “Supporting sustainable livelihoods amongst aquaculture farmers in Mongla, Bagerhat” project. The position will be based at Gothon Head office at Mongla and will be responsible for planning and implementation of the project activities at field level. Working in close collaboration with the International Volunteer and Executive Director of Gothon, S/he will ensure effective and efficient use of the project resources, budgetary control and smooth implementation of planned activities.
03. Responsibilities & Tasks:
Responsibilities /DetailedTasks
Programme Implemantation /- Responsible for preparing implementation plan of the project activitiesin line with project proposal and approved budget
- Support International Volunteer/s to perform their field activities under the project
- Establish good linkage among farmers, buyers, depot holders and input suppliers to get better services and increase income
- Engage more farmers and buyers to make the center sustainable
- Establish and manage activities under Aquaculture Farmers’ Center
- Finding out potential farmers and youth for different training from targeted working unions
- Ensure timely and quality implementation of the project activities and track the achievement of overall project objectives
- Assist in preparation of training session plan, module& training materials
- Oversee training activities and evaluate skills of the farmers
- Ensure effective communication with Government department/ institutes as per the sub sector of aquaculture mentioned in the project proposal/agreement
- Communicate with respective buyers in the field of aquaculture
- Look after and monitor demonstration plots to disseminate improved technology and inputs
Coordination & Communication /
- Conduct need based meeting with respective stakeholdersand update them about project activities
- Ensure liaison and communication with government departments and privatemarket actors for farmers’ support
- Establish good linkage among farmers, buyers, depot holders and input suppliers to get better services and increase income
Monitoring & Supervision /
- Develop andimplement different monitoring and supervision tools
- Monitor quality services under farmers’ center
- Monitor ongoing training programs and ensure necessary support/s for further improvement
- Ensure timely and quality implementation of the project activities
- Monitor/track the achievement of overall project objectives
Reporting /
- Prepare event reports and otherperiodical reports e.g. monthly, quarterly, annual etc.
- Assist Gothon management in preparation of project reportsand need base documents
- Ensure preparation of project’sprogress reports on implementation including financial report
- Collect regular event picture, develop case studies and other documents
Financial management related task /
- Ensure project’s budgetary control
- Ensure local purchase and expenditures are done as per organizational finance/procurement policy
- Maintain the stock book, inventory, asset and other essential register properly and timely on effective manner
- Prepare supporting documents for approval of payments
Educational requirements and experience /
- At least graduate in aquaculture/agriculture or relevant subjects and 8 years working experience in relevant areas.
04. Accountability/responsibility/key Communication:
The Farmer Center Manager will directly report to the Executive Director and provide assistance to the International Volunteer
05. Working Area:
All selected unions of Mongla Upazila under Bagerhat district
Signature of employee Signature of supervisor