These procedures must be read in conjunction with Working with Children and Young People – Volunteers and Visitors(Interim) Policy.






Principal/supervisor responsibilities

Support for volunteers

Code of conduct for volunteers and visitors

Working with Vulnerable People – Registration Card

Volunteer and Visitor Nomination Forms

Daily Sign In Forms

Insurance arrangements for volunteers

Insurance arrangements for visitors






1.1.These procedures assist schools insupporting and supervising volunteers and visitors.


2.1.The procedures aim tominimise risk to students, ensure compliance with the Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Act 2011(the Act) and support the valued involvement of volunteers and visitors in ACT public schools.


Principal/supervisor responsibilities

  • The principal/supervisor will provide staff and volunteers including visitors (where appropriate) with clear advice on their roles and responsibilities in relation to the policy and procedures.
  • The principal/supervisor will address any breach of the policy in accordance with the principles of natural justice.
  • The principal may decline the services of a volunteer or visitor.
  • Where a contractual or other form of agreement is in place, the terms of agreement will also be relevant.

Support for volunteers

  • Schools are encouraged to develop a volunteer action plan to better assist the recruitment and use of volunteers to support school programs and students learning.
  • Schoolsare encouragedto provide accessto arangeofinduction, training and support opportunitiesfor volunteersin schools.
  • TheDirectorateinconjunction with schoolswill provide volunteerswith informationregarding theirrightsandresponsibilities.
  • TheDirectorateinconjunction with schoolswill provide training and support opportunitiesforstaffwithkeysupervisoryroles forvolunteers.
  • Volunteersinschoolswill be covered byACTGovernmentinsurance arrangements in place at thetime.There isprotectionfor volunteerswho mayaccidentally incur legal liabilityfor thirdparty injuryand/or damageto thirdpartyproperty (refer Insurance Arrangements).

Code of conduct for volunteers and visitors

  • To assist schools in providing a safe environment and a positive educational climate, volunteers and visitors will be asked to comply with the Code of Conduct for Volunteers and Visitors.
  • The Code of Conduct for Volunteers and Visitors has been formulated to clarify the type of conduct that is expected when supporting educational programs in ACT public schools.

Working with Vulnerable People – Registration Card

  • Schools will confirm registration and monitor compliance with the requirements of the Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Act 2011for volunteers and visitors in contact with children and not exempt to be registered with the Office of Regulatory Services (ORS).
  • There is no exemption for overnight camps for children.
  • A Directorate guide is atWorking With Vulnerable People – Information for Volunteers and Visitors in Schools. This isto assist volunteers and visitors understand whether their activities require registration with the ORS.
  • Transition arrangements apply to people who have made an application for registration with ORS but a decision has not yet been made. Once issued, the card should be carried by the person whilst engaged in a regulated service or activity.
  • Where a volunteer or visitor is not required to be registered to work with children by reason of an exemption under the Act, they must consider whether there are any serious convictions, circumstances or reasons that might preclude them from working with or near children and young people. They must discuss these with the principal before signing the Visitor Nomination Form.
  • More information about working with vulnerable people is available from the Office of Regulatory Services.

Volunteer and Visitor Nomination Forms

  • Volunteers and visitors must provide a completed Volunteer and Visitor Nomination Form to the school before commencement of activities.
  • Schools will provide assistance to complete this form where it is necessary. Assistance is also provided in the Volunteer and Visitor Nomination Form information sheets.
  • These forms are completed annually and should be updated if personal details change.
  • Schools will arrange the secure storage of all Volunteer and Visitor Nomination forms in accordance with the Directorate’s record keeping policy and provisions of the Information Privacy Act 2014.

Daily Sign In Forms

  • TheDaily Signin Forms will recordthe date, start and finish times andthe tasks undertaken by a volunteer or visitor and should becompleted for each visit.
  • Supervising teachers will have copies of the forms available for volunteers and visitors assisting with excursion, sport carnivals, camps and other activities which occur away from the school campus.
  • Schools will arrangethesecure storage ofallDaily Signin Forms in accordance withtheschool’s record keepingpolicy.

Insurance arrangements for volunteers

  • Volunteers whosupport educational programsarecoveredbydefined personal accident insuranceasdetailed in theInsurance Arrangements for Volunteers Information Sheet.Volunteers may wish to consider whether they need to take out any additional form of insurance.
  • Arrangements are in place to protect volunteers wherea volunteer mayaccidentallyincur legal liability for third partyinjuryand/or damagetothird partyproperty. Professional coachesshould bereferred to Insurance Arrangements for Volunteers information sheet.
  • Insurancecoverage for volunteers is generated when thecompleted Volunteer Nomination Formis receivedbytheschool.
  • Theprincipal/supervisor must beinformedof all injuries or incidents which occur while volunteering. Anofficial record of injuries/incidents may require the completionof appropriate forms and witness statements.
  • TheDaily Signin Form will provideproofof involvement as a volunteer for ACTInsurance Authority purposes.
  • People volunteering under the auspices of a school’s ParentsCitizens’ Associationor Preschool Parent Association for fundraising or associated activities arenotcoveredbytheseinsurance arrangements.
  • For further information on insurance arrangements and claims contact the Directorate’s Risk Managementand Audit Section (Phone:6207 1974).

Insurance arrangements for visitors

  • Different insurance arrangements apply to visitors who are not covered by the Directorate’s volunteer insurance arrangements.
  • TheSummary of Insurance Arrangements for Visitors provides further information.
  • Further information is available by contacting the Directorate’s Risk Management and Audit Section (phone 6207 1974).


  • Directorate staff have certain obligations and responsibilities under the Information Privacy Act 2014 and the Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997. These Acts contain principles governing the collection, safeguarding, access to, use and disclosure of personal information and personal health information.


4.1.For support contact the Governance and Assurance Branch on (02)6205 4379 or email .


5.1.Any concerns about the application of this procedure or the procedure itself, should be raised with:

  • the school principal in the first instance;
  • the Directorate’s Liaison Unit on (02) 6205 5429;
  • online at
  • see also the Complaints Policyon the Directorate’s website.



  • Duty of care: is the responsibility to exercise reasonable care to protect the safety of any students against injury that should reasonably have been foreseen. This duty exists whenever a student/teacher relationship exists, while students are on school premises during hours when the school is open and while on school based activities taking place elsewhere.
  • A parent: is a person having parental responsibility for the child under the Children and Young People Act 2008 including a carer appointed under that Act.
  • A supervisor: is a teacher or Directorate officer delegated by the principal to be responsible for educational programs orrelated activities.
  • A visitor: is a person from the wider community who provides services directly to students or in support of students for financial gain through a sponsoring or employing organisation, or are self-employed.
  • A volunteer:is a person whosupportseducational programs ofschoolseither through direct contact with students or throughschool activities without financialgain or reward. They may volunteer either directly to a school as individuals or through the auspices of a community or other organisation.
  • RelatedPolicies and Documents
  • Code of Conduct for Volunteers and Visitors
  • Insurance Arrangements for Volunteers Information Sheet
  • Summary of Insurance Arrangements for Visitors
  • Working with Children and Young People – Volunteers and Visitors (Interim) Policy
  • Working with Children and Young People - Information for Principals
  • Working with Vulnerable People – Information for Volunteers and Visitors