Whitchurch Primary School

Spring Term 2018

Dear Parents,

Year 1


Please bring children into school between 8.30 am and 8.45 am. Please encourage children to be independent by coming in on their own, changing their book in the library, putting away their belongings (book bag, snack, water bottle) and putting up their coats and bag on their peg. Afterwards the children need to go back outside into the playground and you need to stay with them until the bell rings at 8.45 am. They will then line up outside the class room door and be collected by the class teacher. It is important that all children are ready to line up outside the classroom at 8.45 am.

The Teaching Staff in Year 1 are Mrs Higginson, Mrs Milligan (TA), (TA), Mrs Higgs (TA) and Mrs Crick (TA). On Tuesday afternoons Mrs Higginson is released for planning time, Year 1 will remain with Mr Jones, Mrs Craig and Mrs Higgs.

PE this term will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday as normal. Please ensure your child has PE kit in school for these lessons.

Contacting us

If we have any concerns about your child’s well-being or progress we will contact you.

However, if you have any concerns please come and talk to one of us, we are more than happy to help. Alternatively, please email Mrs Higginson as she checks her emails daily (). If you cannot talk to us in person, please contact Lindsay in the office by phone or email and she will ensure the message is passed on.

Home Learning

At the end of each week Mrs Higginson will send home a little note about what the children have been learning. Included is information about how you can support your child at home.


We encourage parents to read with their child as often as possible and make a note of the book in their reading records. Please choose one book from the child’s coloured book band. It is also important for you to do shared reading at home, so please take story books home to read together.

Children will read on a one-to-one basis as often as possible in school. Children will also read in a guided reading group.


I will continue to send home some spellings/phonics for your child to practise. The spellings are selected from a bank of words that all Year 1 children are expected to read and spell by the end of the year.

We are looking forward to another exciting term with your children!

Yours sincerely,

Karen Higginson, Annemarie Higgs, Fiona Milligan and Katherine Crick