Module Code Number / İMÜ-415
Number of ECTS Credits / 3
Hours / Week / 3 hours / week
Module Lecturer / Prof. Dr. Mehmet ÜLKER
Year / Term / 4rd / Fall
Type of Course
(Compulsory / Elective) / Elective
Pre requisites / Recommended / None / None
Module Contents / Introduction to steel structures. Riveted, bolted, pinned, welded connections. Elements of steel structures with their types, allowable stress design and detailing. Tension and compression members, beams and beam-columns, trusses and lattice girders, plate girders. Special topics.
Aims and Objectives of the
module / The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques used in steel structures
Method of assessment / One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%)
Teaching Language / Turkish
Text book /
Recommended readings / Prof.Dr.Yalman Odabaşı, Ahşap ve Çelik Yapı Elemanları Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş.,1997
Module Code Number / İMÜ-417
Number of ECTS Credits / 4
Hours / Week / 4 hours / week
Module Lecturer / Prof.Ali Sayıl ERDOĞAN
Year / Term / 1st / Fall
Type of Course
(Compulsory / Elective) / Compulsory
Pre requisites / Recommended / None / Reinforced concrete I
Module Contents / Mechanical properties of concrete and steel. Anchorage of steel and bond between concrete and steel. Concept of design. Strength design and working stress design methods. Sections under normal force. Simple bending moment. Sections under normal force and bending moment. Biaxial bending. Shear strength and shear reinforcement. Sections under torsion. Slender columns. Elements of structural system. Design of beams and columns.
Aims and Objectives of the
module / The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques used in statically determinate structures in the module contents. Teach about design of reinforced concrete structures elements.
Method of assessment / One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%)
Teaching Language / Turkish
Text book /
Recommended readings / E.Atımtay; Reinforced Concrete I, Bizim Büro Basımevi, Ankara,1998. Z.Celep, N.Kumbasar; Betonarme Yapılar, Beta Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 1998.
Module Code Number / İMÜ-423
Number of ECTS Credits / 3
Hours / Week / 3 hours / week
Module Lecturer / Prof. Ahmet TUNA
Year / Term / 4nd / Fall
Type of Course
(Compulsory / Elective) / Compulsory
Pre requisites / Recommended / None / Hydraulics
Module Contents / İntroduction to water resources and equilibrium of river channels, Dams, Reservoirs, Diversion weirs and gates, Intake structures. Energy dissipators. Hydroelectric power, Flood control, River regulation analysis in water resources
Aims and Objectives of the
module / The aim of this module is to provide an introduction the design of the dam types, reservoirs, diversion weirs, flood control, river regulation and river channels described in the module contents and is to teach the dam types, and its auxiliary structures (e.g. spillway, cofferdam, diversion tunnel, closed conduit and energy dissipation structures).
Method of assessment / One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%)
Teaching Language / Turkish
Text book /
Recommended readings / Erkek, C., Ağıralioğlu, N., Su Kaynakları Problemleri, İ.T.Ü. İnşaat Fakültesi, 1995.
Module Code Number / IMU-429
Number of ECTS Credits / 3
Hours / Week / 4 hours/week
Module Lecturer / Dr. M. Emin EMİROĞLU
Year / Term / 4rd / Fall
Type of Course
(Compulsory / Elective) / Compulsory
Pre requisites / Recommended / None/Fluids Mechanics and Hydraulics
Module Contents / Introduction, Water Consumption, Methods of Population Forecasting, Collection of Surface Water, Collection of Ground Water, Transmission of Water, Distributing Reservoirs, Distribution System, Collection of Wastewater, Flow in Sewers and Their Applications.
Aims and Objectives of the module / The aim of this module is to teach the student these subjects: importance of water supply and sewerage systems. Water sources. Stages of water from the source to the disposal of the waste water. Water demand. Methods of water diversion. Storage of water. Intake types. Typical problems encountered in supply lines. Main elements of supply lines. Distribution System. Computation of rainwater drainage systems. Computation of wastewater (sewerage) systems. Flow in Sewers and Their Applications.
Method of assessment / One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%)
Teaching Language / Turkish
Textbook /
recommended readings / 1. Muslu, Y., “Su Temini ve Atıksu Teknolojisi”, Water Foundation Publication, Istanbul, 1998. (in Turkish)
2. Muslu, Y., “Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation I” Lecture Notes, Istanbul, 2000. (in Turkish)
3. Tchobanoglous, G., Wastewater Engineering: Collection and Pumping of Wastewater, Metcalf & Eddy Inc., McGraw-Hill,1981.
4. Degremont, "Water Treatment Handbook: Vol I-II", Paris, Lavoisier Publishing, 1991.
5. Twort, A.C., Law, F.M., Crowley, F.W., Ratnayaka, D.D., “Water Supply”, Edward Arnold Publication, Great Britain, 1994.
Module Code Number / KMÜ-300
Number of ECTS Credits / 2
Hours / Week / 2 hours/week
Module Lecturer / Dr. Özgen SOMUNKIRAN
Year / Term / 3rd / Spring
Type of Course
(Compulsory / Elective) / Compulsory
Pre requisites / Recommended / None/
Module Contents / Nature, scope and methods of economics. Price theory, consumer equilibrium of the firm. Pricing in the markets. Distribution theory. Pricing of production factors. Theory of the firm. Prices and income policies, environmental economics and policies. Money and banking. Introduction to macro economics, monetary theories and policies. National income and employment theory kinds of unemployment. National income and expenditure theory. Economic development and progress. International trade and balance of payments. Illustrations from Turkish economy will be given.
Aims and Objectives of the module / The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to economics and economic development and progress.
Method of assessment / One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%)
Teaching Language / Turkish
Textbook /
recommended readings / 1.Besim Üstünel, İktisat İlminin Temelleri, 3. baskı, Doğan Yayınevi, Ankara, 1978.
2. P.A. Samuelson (Çeviri: Y. Demirgil), İktisat, 6. baskı, Doğuş Matbaacılık, Ankara, 1965.
Module Code Number / İMÜ-416
Number of ECTS Credits / 4
Hours / Week / 4 hours / week
Module Lecturer / Prof.Ali Sayıl ERDOĞAN
Year / Term / 2nd / Spring
Type of Course
(Compulsory / Elective) / Compulsory
Pre requisites / Recommended / None / Engineering Mechanics (Static),
Strength of Materials I, Reinforced Concrete Structures-I,
Reinforced Concrete Structures-II
Module Contents / Simple bending moment. Sections under normal force and bending moment. Biaxial bending. Shear strength and shear reinforcement. Sections under torsion. Slender columns. Elements of structural system. Design of beams and columns and other structural elements..
Aims and Objectives of the
module / The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques used in statically determinate structures in the module contents. Teach about design of reinforced concrete structures elements.
Method of assessment / One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%)
Teaching Language / Turkish
Text book /
Recommended readings / E.Atımtay; Reinforced Concrete I, Bizim Büro Basımevi, Ankara,1998. Z.Celep, N.Kumbasar; Betonarme Yapılar, Beta Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 1998.
Module Code Number / İMÜ-418
Number of ECTS Credits / 2
Hours / Week / 3 hours / week
Module lecturer / Asst. Prof. Perviz AHMEDZADE
Year / Term / 8 th / Spring
Type of Course
(Compulsory / Elective) / Compulsory
Pre requisites / Recommended / None
Module Contents / Definitions and specifications about the construction works. Preparing project. Specifications measurement. Rate analysis, preliminary estimate, kinds and modes of tendering. Taking building license and other administrative processes. Development law and regulation. Production groups and measuring modes. Drawing and attachment, certain estimates, construction progress sheet, other sheets and tables to be held at the building site. Progress statement reports. Final measurement total sheets. final estimates, temporary and final acceptance.
Aims and Objectives of the Module / The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques used in construction management.
Method of Assessment / One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%)
Teaching Language / Turkish
Textbook /
Recommended Readings / Şakir U.G., İnşaat Metraj ve Keşif İşlemi.
Module Code Number / İMÜ-422
Number of ECTS Credits / 2
Hours / Week / 3 hours / week
Module Lecturer / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yusuf CALAYIR
Year / Term / 4th / Spring
Type of Course
(Compulsory / Elective) / Compulsory
Pre requisites / Recommended / None / Structural Analysis I-II, Introduction Finite element Method
Module Contents / Causes of earthquakes. A review of the seismicity of the earth with special reference to Turkey. Single degree of freedom systems Response and design spectra. Multi degree of freedom systems. Modal analysis. Analysis of multi-story structures subjected to earthquake motions. Seismic behavior of reinforced concrete structures Earthquake resistant design of reinforced structures. Review of earthquake design codes. Damage assessment and evaluation of structures. Repair and strengthening of structures.
Aims and Objectives of the
module / The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques used in the earthquake engineering.
Method of assessment / One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%)
Teaching Language / Turkish
Text book /
Recommended readings / Celep, Z., Kumbasar, N., Introduction to earthquake engineering, Beta Dağıtım, İstanbul, 2004 (in Turkish).
Priestly, M. T. N., Paulay, T., Seismic Design of RC and Masonry Buildings, John Wiley & Sons, 1992.
Chopra, A.K., Dynamics of Structures, Prentice Hall, 2001.
Module Code Number / İMÜ-426
Number of ECTS Credits / 2
Hours / Week / 2 hours / week
Module Lecturer / Assist. Prof. Dr. Nihat KAYA
Year / Term / 4nd / Spring
Type of Course
(Compulsory / Elective) / Compulsory
Pre requisites / Recommended / None / Hydrology, Hydraulics
Module Contents / Introduction. Soil and water properties. Crop, water and soil relationships. Crop-irrigation requirements. Irrigation methods. Causes of harmful wetness. Drainage theory. Drainage ditches. Design and construction of drainage networks. Under drains, their design and construction. Irrigation systems, intakes, conveyance structures, canals, trickle and sprinkler irrigation. Water distribution methods and system design.
Aims and Objectives of the
module / The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques used in irrigation and drainage described in the module contents.
Method of assessment / One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%)
Teaching Language / Turkish
Text book /
Recommended readings / 1)Orson W., Israelsen, V., and Hansen E. “Irrigation Principles and Practices”, John Wiley and Sons, 1962.
2)Erkek, C., and Ağıralioğlu, N. “Su KaynaklarıMühendisliği”, Beta Publication, 2002. (in Turkish)
Module Code Number / IMU-412
Number of ECTS Credits / 2
Hours / Week / 3 hours/week
Module Lecturer / Dr. M. Emin EMİROĞLU
Year / Term / 3rd / Fall
Type of Course
(Compulsory / Elective) / Elective
Pre requisites / Recommended / Fluids Mechanics, Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering /Hydroelecric Power
Module Contents / Introduction to dams. Structural philosophy and generic types of dam. Statistical perspective. Historical perspective. The aim of construction of the dams. Classification of the dams. The site selection. The selection of the type of dam. Embankment dam engineering and their design, construction and rehabilitation. Concrete dam engineering and their design, construction and rehabilitation. Dam outlet works. Energy dissipation. Reservoir, and their physical characteristics, yield, capacity, waves and sedimentation.
Aims and Objectives of the module / The aim of this module is to provide an introduction the design of the dam types described in the module contents and is to teach the dam types, and its auxiliary structures (e.g. spillway, cofferdam, diversion tunnel, closed conduit and energy dissipation structures).
Method of assessment / One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%)
Teaching Language / Turkish
Textbook /
recommended readings / 1)Novak, P., Moffat, A.I.B., Nalluri, C., and Narayanan, R. “Hydraulic Structures”, Unwin Hyman Ltd., London, UK., 1990.
2)Linsley, R. Franzini, J.B., Freyberg, D.L., and Tchobanoflous, G. “Water Reseources Engineering”, McGraw Hill, New York, 1992.
3)Erkek, C., and Ağiralioğlu, N. “Su Kaynakları Mühendisliği”, Beta Publication, Istanbul, 2002. (in Turkish)
4)Ağiralioğlu, N. “Baraj Planlama ve Tasarımı I-II”, Su Vakfı Publication, Istanbul, 2004. (in Turkish)
Module Code Number / İMÜ-444
Number of ECTS Credits / 2
Hours / Week / 3 hours / week
Module lecturer / Prof. Bekir YILDIRIM
Year / Term / 8 th / Spring
Type of Course
(Compulsory / Elective) / Elective
Pre requisites / Recommended / None
Module Contents / Volume, speed and travel time studies. Traffic studies. Measurement techniques of fundamental traffic stream characteristics. Statistical distributions, traffic stream models. Capacity of rural highways, freeways, signaled intersections. Traffic management techniques. Traffic accidents. Intersection count.
Aims and Objectives of the Module / The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques used in traffic engineering.
Method of Assessment / One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%)
Teaching Language / Turkish
Textbook /
Recommended Readings / Fred, L., Walter, P., Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis
Module Code Number / İMÜ-420
Number of ECTS Credits / 2
Hours / Week / 3 hours / week
Module Lecturer / Assoc.Prof.Dr. Zülfü Çınar ULUCAN
Year / Term / 2nd / Spring
Type of Course
(Compulsory / Elective) / Compulsory
Pre requisites / Recommended / None / Reinforced Concrete I-II
Module Contents / Design of prefabrice Structures. Accommodation of prefabric structures, economic utility of prefabric structures.
Aims and Objectives of the
module / The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques used in statically determinate structures in the module contents.
Method of assessment / One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%)
Teaching Language / Turkish
Text book /
Recommended readings / Prof.Dr. Asım Güralp , Prefabrike İnşaat ve Hesap esasları, YTÜ İnşaat Fakültesi yayınları.
Module Code Number / İMÜ-419
Number of ECTS Credits / 2
Hours / Week / 2 hours / week
Module Lecturer / Prof. Dr. Mehmet ÜLKER
Year / Term / 4rd / Spring
Type of Course
(Compulsory / Elective) / Elective
Pre requisites / Recommended / None / None
Module Contents / Industrial and multi-story steel buildings. Design of the structural system and members. Loads and loadings. Purlins, trusses, beams, girders, frames, struts, ties, bracings, stanchions, crane girders and stanchions, as well as their connections and bases
Aims and Objectives of the
module / The aim of this module is to provide an extra information about steel structures
Method of assessment / One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%)
Teaching Language / Turkish
Text book /
Recommended readings / Prof.Dr.Yalman Odabaşı, Ahşap ve Çelik Yapı Elemanları Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş.,1997
Module Code Number / IMU-432
Number of ECTS Credits / 2
Hours / Week / 3 hours/week
Module Lecturer / Dr. M. Emin EMİROĞLU
Year / Term / 4rd / Spring
Type of Course
(Compulsory / Elective) / Elective
Pre requisites / Recommended / None/Hydraulics and, Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal
Module Contents / Urban sewerage systems and their design. Calculation of longitudinal section of the channels and their drawings. Calculation of street and channel slopes. Calculation of channel diameters and related drawings.
Aims and Objectives of the module / The aim of this module is to prepare a project related to urban sewerage systems.
Method of assessment / One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%)
Teaching Language / Turkish
Textbook /
recommended readings / 1. Muslu, Y., “Su Temini ve Atıksu Teknolojisi”, Water Foundation Publication, Istanbul, 1998. (in Turkish)
2. Muslu, Y., “Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation I” Lecture Notes, Istanbul, 2000. (in Turkish)
3. Tchobanoglous, G., Wastewater Engineering: Collection and Pumping of Wastewater, Metcalf & Eddy Inc., McGraw-Hill,1981.
4. Degremont, "Water Treatment Handbook: Vol I-II", Paris, Lavoisier Publishing, 1991.
5. Twort, A.C., Law, F.M., Crowley, F.W., Ratnayaka, D.D., “Water Supply”, Edward Arnold Publication, Great Britain, 1994.
Module Code Number / IMU - 445Number of ECTS Credits / 2
Hours / Week / 2
Module Lecturer / Prof.Dr.Necati KULOĞLU
Year / Term / 4rd / Fall
Type of Course
(Compulsory / Elective) / Elective
Pre Requisites/ Recommended / None/None
Module Contents / Introduction, The railway vehicles and properties, Draw mechanic, The equation of the movement of the wagons and application, The description of the location’s elements, The geometric properties and survey, Slopes, Curves, Transition curves, Pavement, Rails, Sleepers, Balast, The construction of the pavement, Stations,
Aims and Objectives of the Module / The aim of this module is to teach structural design of railways.
Method of Assessment / One written midterm exam(40%) and one written final exam (60%)
Teaching Language / Turkish
Textbook /
Recommended Readings / Demiryol I by M.BOZKUTR, Demiryolu By G.EVREN, Üstyapı ve Demiryolu Mekaniği By F.KUMBASAR, Toprakişleri ve Demiryolu By İ.SEÇKİN
Module Code Number / İMÜ-435
Number of ECTS Credits / 2
Hours / Week / 2 hours / week
Module Lecturer / Assist. Prof. Dr. Ragıp İNCE
Year / Term / 4th / Fall
Type of Course
(Compulsory / Elective) / Elective
Pre requisites / Recommended / None / Strength of Materials I-II
Reinforced Concrete I
Module Contents / Materials. Pre-stressing techniques. Types of structural systems. Loss of stresses. Design principles. Loading conditions. Allowable stresses. Design of sections under bending moment. General principles. Design of post and pre-tensioned structural systems. Behavior of a statically determinate pre-stressed beam. Limit design. Shear strength. Behavior under service loads. Continuous statically indeterminate structures. Anchor sections. Constructional principles.
Aims and Objectives of the
module / The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques used in pre-stressed concrete structures in the module contents.
Method of assessment / One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%)
Teaching Language / Turkish
Text book /
Recommended readings / T.Y.Lin; Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures, John Wiley and Sons, 1963.
The Work Law
Module Code Number / KMÜ-400
Number of ECTS Credits
Hours / Week / 2 hours/week
Module Lecturer / Av. Behiç CANTÜRK
Year/Term / 4rd / Spring
Type of Course
(Compulsory / Elective) / Compulsory
Pre requisites/Recommended / -
Module Contents /
- Entry to work law
- İmportant code of work laws
- Fundamental features of work law
- Practice places of work law
- Forbidden works of made of work law
- Justice and loans due to work aggrement of employer and employee
- Social sequrity
- Cancelled of work aggrement
- Periods of work time
- Permission and salary
- Law of Unions
Aims and Objectives of the module / The aim of this module is to provide laws arranged of work life and topic of law arranges depended on it.