New CovenantMissionaryBaptistChurchSystem Testing

NCMB Church Website System Testing Procedures

October 23, 2018

Document: NCMB-UAT


Brenda Dumas

New CovenantMissionaryBaptistChurch


Dr. Chlotia Garrison, Assistant Professor

CSCI 680 – WinthropUniversity


Keneisha Gray, Project Leader

NCMBChurch Web Development Project


Contents...... …I

1. introduction …………………………………………………………….……….…II

1.1 Purpose. ……………………………….…………………………………………II

1.1 Test Auxiliaries..….……………………….…………………..…………………II

2. The Public User......

2.1The Home Page...... 5

2.1.1 Access Cores Pages from Home Page...... 5

2.2Prayer Request...... 7

2.2.1 Submit Prayer Request...... 7

2.3Contact Us...... 8

2.3.1 Submit Questions/Comments...... 8

2.4Guestbook...... 9

2.4.1 Sign and View Guestbook...... 9

2.5Request Membership...... 10

2.5.1 Public User requests Membership...... 10

3. The Church Member...... 11

3.1Problems Logging On...... 11

3.1.1 Log On...... 11

3.1.2 Log On: Forget Password...... 12

3.2Home Page Showing Available Links Under Member Link...... 13

3.2.1 Member displays Secured Member Links on Home Page...... 13

3.3Member Data Entry with Member Privileges...... 14

3.3.1 Member Fills in Personal Data after 1st Successful Login...... 14

3.4Member Pledge Data Entry and Reporting...... 15

3.4.1 Member makes Pledge and runs her Pledge Report...... 15

3.5Change Password...... 16

3.5.1 Member is logged in and changes her Password...... 16

3.6Member Reports...... 17

3.6.1 Birthday Report...... 17 Member runs Birthday Report...... 17

3.6.2 Member Directory Report...... 18 Member runs Member Directory Report...... 18

3.6.3 Organizations, Talents, and Interests Report...... 19 Member runs Organizations, Talents, and Interests Report...... 19

3.6.4 Wedding Anniversary Report...... 20 Member runs Wedding Anniversary Report...... 20

3.7Download Member Data Entry Form...... 22

3.7.1 Member downloads Member Data Entry Form...... 22

3.8Download Pledge Entry Form...... 23

3.8.1 Member downloads Pledge Entry Form...... 23

4. The Department Manager...... 24

4.1Home Page Showing Available Link for Dept Managers Under Admin Link24

4.1.1 Department Manager displays Secured Admin Link on Home Page...... 24

4.2Department Manager Sub Web Page Content Management...... 25

4.2.1 Department Manager manages his Sub Web Page...... 25

5. The Web Site Administrator...... 26

5.1Home Page Showing Available Links for Administrator Under Admin Link26

5.1.1 Administrator displays Secured Admin Link on Home Page...... 26

5.2Admin Category List Management...... 27

5.2.1 Administrator adds an "Organizations" Category...... 27

5.2.2 Administrator adds a "Talents" Category...... 28

5.2.3 Administrator adds an "Interests" Category...... 29

5.2.3 Administrator adds a "Join Church" Category...... 30

5.3 Admin Event List Management...... 31

5.3.1 Administrator adds an "Announcements" Event...... 31

5.3.2 Administrator deletes/updates an "Announcements" Event...... 32

5.3.3 Administrator adds an "Events" Event...... 33

5.3.4 Administrator deletes/updates an "Events" Event...... 34

5.3.5 Administrator adds a "Sermons" Event...... 35

5.3.6 Administrator deletes/updates a "Sermons" Event...... 36

5.4 Admin Contact List Management...... 37

5.4.1 Administrator adds a Contact...... 37

5.4.2 Administrator updates/deletes a Contact...... 38

5.5 Admin Worship Service Schedule Management...... 39

5.5.1 Administrator adds a Worship Service...... 39

5.6 Admin Sub Web Page Dept Manager Access...... 40

5.6.1 Administrator assigns a Sub Web Page(s) to a Department Manager...... 40

5.7 Admin Create and Manage Sub Web Page Existence...... 41

5.7.1 Administrator adds a Sub Web Page...... 41

5.7.2 Administrator activates/de-activates a Sub Web Page...... 42

5.7.3 Administrator removes a Sub Web Page...... 43

5.8 Admin Sub Web Page Content Management...... 44

5.8.1 Administrator updates Sub Web Page Content...... 44

5.9 Admin Menu Management...... 45

5.9.1 Administrator sets up drop-down menu hierarchy...... 45

5.10 Admin Photo Maintenance...... 46

5.10.1 Administrator adds a Picture...... 46

5.10.2 Administrator deletes a Picture...... 47

5.10.3 Administrator edits a Picture Status/Description...... 48

5.11 Admin Guestbook Maintenance...... 49

5.11.1 Administrator maintains Guestbook...... 49

5.12 Admin Core Web Page Content Management...... 50

5.12.1 Administrator manages Home Page...... 50

5.12.2 Administrator manages Contacts Page...... 51

5.12.3 Administrator manages About Us Page...... 52

5.13 Admin Calendar Upload...... 53

5.13.1 Administrator uploads Calendar...... 53

5.14 Admin Viewable Church Contact Information Management...... 54

5.14.1 Administrator manages Page Header and Footer Viewable Content Information.54

5.15 Member Data Entry with Administration Privileges...... 55

5.15.1 Administrator Updates Personal Data for a different Member...... 55

5.15.2 Administrator Creates a new Member...... 56

5.16 Pledge Entry/Report with Administrator Privileges...... 58

5.16.1 Administrator runs Pledge Report showing all Members' Pledges...... 59

5.16.2 Administrator makes Cash Pledge for some other Member...... 60

6. Logout...... 61

6.1Log Out...... 61

7. Installation...... 62

7.1Install Church Web Site...... 62

TEST SUMMARY REPORT………………………………………………………….63

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of the NCMB project is to create a website that will meet the internal and external needs as requested by the customer. The desired outcome is a pleasurable web experience for visitors to the website that provides church information and promotes the activities and ministries of the church. Included in the solution will be an internal data management system for collecting and managing church member information within a secured member’s only area. This area will provide functionalities for collecting and reporting information for those church members with authorized access. The secured area will contain built-in administrative tools that will allow administrators and other authorized individuals to manage the content and pages within the website from any Internet connected location.

1.2Test Auxiliaries

Testing can be executed from any Internet connected location. All downloadable documents are in Portable Document Format (PDF). Test Results and Summary are to be forwarded to all members of the project team at.

Tester Name: ______

Project Affiliation: ______

Test Start Time: ______



New CovenantMissionaryBaptistChurchSystem Testing

2. The Public User

2.1 The Home Page

2.1.1 Access Core Pages from Home Page

RTM REFERENCE NO: 1.1.1 thru, 1.1.7, 1.1.8
Case / Expected Result / Actual Result / Date Tested / No. of Defects Found / *Source of Defects / Status:
(PASSED | FAILED | FIXED) / Date Passed
Pre Condition: User is connected to the internet.
The user requests / NCMB’s homepage is displayed
User clicks on the Sermons link / The Sermons page is displayed with a list of sermons.
User clicks on the Announcements link. / The Announcements page is displayed with a list of announcements.
User clicks on the About Us link. / The About Us page is displayed.
User rolls the mouse over the Departments/Organizations link. / A drop-down menu is displayed with a list of organizations/departments
User clicks on organization from drop-down menu / Organization information is displayed.
User clicks on the Calendar link / The Church’s yearly calendar is displayed in portable document format.
User clicks on the Photos link. / The Photos page is displayed with list of folders of pictures.
User clicks on folder of pictures. / Folder of photos is shown as thumbnails.
User clicks on thumbnail of photo. / Enlarged photo is displayed.
User clicks on the Contacts link. / The Contacts page is displayed with church contacts.
User clicks on the Guest Book link. / The Guest Book Form is displayed.
Case Ends

2.2 Prayer Request

2.2.1 Submit Prayer Request

Case / Expected Result / Actual Result / Date Tested / No. of Defects Found / *Source of Defects / Status:
(PASSED | FAILED | FIXED) / Date Passed
Pre Condition: User is on the church’s Home Page.
User clicks on the Prayer Request link / The Prayer Request page is displayed.
User fills in Full Name, e-mail address, Phone #, and Prayer Request. User clicks Send. / The system displays an automatic response message, “Your Prayer Request has been successfully sent.”
Case Ends

2.3 Contact Us

2.3.1 Submit Question/Comments

Case / Expected Result / Actual Result / Date Tested / No. of Defects Found / *Source of Defects / Status:
(PASSED | FAILED | FIXED) / Date Passed
Pre Condition: User is on the church’s Home Page.
User clicks on the Contact Us link / The Contact Us page is displayed.
User fills in Full Name, e-mail address, Phone #, and Comments. User hits Send. / The system displays an automatic response message, “Your Prayer Request has been successfully sent.”
Case Ends

2.4 Guestbook

2.4.1 Sign and View Guestbook on Guestbook Core Page from Home Page

Case / Expected Result / Actual Result / Date Tested / No. of Defects Found / *Source of Defects / Status:
(PASSED | FAILED | FIXED) / Date Passed
Pre Condition: User is on the church’s Home Page.
User clicks on the Guestbook link / The Guestbook signing page is displayed.
User fills in Name, City, State, e-mail address, Phone #, and Comments. User hits Send. / A message comes back to the screen that says, “Thank you. Your entry has been added.”
User hits View Guestbook link. / All the Guestbook entries are displayed on Guestbook viewing page.
User hits “Click Here to Sign Our Guestbook. / The Guestbook signing page is displayed again.
Click on “Back.” / Homepage is displayed again.
Case Ends

2.5 Request Membership

2.5.1 Requests Membership on Request Membership Core Page from Home Page

Case / Expected Result / Actual Result / Date Tested / No. of Defects Found / *Source of Defects / Status:
(PASSED | FAILED | FIXED) / Date Passed
Pre Condition: User is on the church’s Home Page.
User clicks on the Request Membership link / The Request Membership page is displayed.
User fills in Full Name, e-mail address, Phone #, and Comments. User hits Send. / A message comes back to the screen that says, “We are honored that you wish to become a church member. We will respond to your request soon.”
Case Ends

3. The Church Member

3.1 Problems Logging On

3.1.1 Log On

Case / Expected Result / Actual Result / Date Tested / No. of Defects Found / *Source of Defects / Status:
(PASSED | FAILED | FIXED) / Date Passed
Pre Condition: User on the church’s home page. User is a member.
User puts wrong username and password in the Login area at top right of screen. / The “Forgot Password?” screen is displayed, with “incorrect username password” message.
User puts in her correct username (i.e. Login ID) and password, and hits “Login” button. / The home page appears with the words: “Welcome. Firstname Lastname” and a new Members link on the left.
This means the user is successfully logged in to secured web site area.
Case Ends

3.1.2 Log On: Forget Password

Case / Expected Result / Actual Result / Date Tested / No. of Defects Found / *Source of Defects / Status:
(PASSED | FAILED | FIXED) / Date Passed
Pre Condition: User on the church’s home page. User is a member. User tries to log in with the wrong password / The “Forgot Password?” screen is displayed, with “incorrect username password” message.
User cannot remember password. User clicks “Forget Password?” link. / Retrieve Password pop-up box appears.
User fills in her username (i.e. Login ID) and hits “E-mail” link. / The Retrieve Password pop-up box comes back with the message, “An e-mail with your password has been sent to your e-mail account.”
Post Condition: An email has been sent to the user’s email account with the user’s password.
Case Ends

3.2 Home Page Showing Available Links Under Member Link

3.2.1 User displays Secured Member Links on Home Page

Case / Expected Result / Actual Result / Date Tested / No. of Defects Found / *Source of Defects / Status:
(PASSED | FAILED | FIXED) / Date Passed
Pre Condition: User is a member who is successfully logged in to church’s home page.
User rolls her mouse over the Member link / Secured links are displayed in a drop-down menu under Member link.
User rolls over Member Reports link (shown under Member link). / Four secured Report links are shown in a drop-down menu under Member Reports link.
Case Ends

3.3 Member Data Entry with Member Privileges

3.3.1 Member Fills in Personal Data after 1st Successful Login

Case / Expected Result / Actual Result / Date Tested / No. of Defects Found / *Source of Defects / Status:
(PASSED | FAILED | FIXED) / Date Passed
Pre Condition: User is a member who is successfully logged in to church’s home page.
User clicks on Member Data Entry link. / The NCMB Member Information Entry Screen appears with just member’s name and e-mail address filled in.
Member fills in the rest of the personal data about herself and hits “Update” button. / The screen refreshes itself, thus showing that all entered data is now in the database.
Case Ends

3.4 Member Pledge Data Entry and Reporting

3.4.1 Member makes a Pledge and Runs Her Pledge Report.

Case / Expected Result / Actual Result / Date Tested / No. of Defects Found / *Source of Defects / Status:
(PASSED | FAILED | FIXED) / Date Passed
Pre Condition: User is a member who is successfully logged in to church’s home page.
User clicks on Member Pledge Entry and Reporting link. / The Pledge Commitment screen is displayed.
User fills in Pledge Amount and “Pledge Designated for” fields. Then User hits Submit. / The screen comes back with Thank You for Pledge, Amount of Pledge, and Pledger’s Full Name.
User enters Start Date and End Date for Pledge Report on this same screen, and hits “Run Report.” / Pledge Report for this member only is displayed for the given date parameters.
Case Ends

3.5 Change Password

3.5.1 Member is logged in and changes her password.

Case / Expected Result / Actual Result / Date Tested / No. of Defects Found / *Source of Defects / Status:
(PASSED | FAILED | FIXED) / Date Passed
Pre Condition: User is a member who is successfully logged in to church’s home page.
User clicks on Change Password link. / The Change Password screen is displayed.
User fills in Old Password (i.e. the one she is already logged in with). Then, she fills in her desired New Password twice, and then hits “Change.” / The Change Password screen comes back with a message saying, “Your password has been successfully changed.”
User enters Start Date and End Date for Pledge Report on this same screen, and hits “Run Report.” / Pledge Report for this member only is displayed for the given date parameters.
Case Ends

3.6 Member Reports

3.6.1 Birthday Report Member runs Birthday Report.

Case / Expected Result / Actual Result / Date Tested / No. of Defects Found / *Source of Defects / Status:
(PASSED | FAILED | FIXED) / Date Passed
Pre Condition: User is a member who is successfully logged in to church’s home page.
User clicks on Birthday Report link under Member Reports on the Home Page. / The Birthday Report Request screen is displayed.
User selects to report Birthdays by Month with button. User hits “Run Report.” / The specified Birthday Report by Month appears.
User selects to report Birthdays by Year with button. User hits “Run Report.” / The specified Birthday Report by Year appears.

3.6.2 Member Directory Report Member runs Directory Report.

Case / Expected Result / Actual Result / Date Tested / No. of Defects Found / *Source of Defects / Status:
(PASSED | FAILED | FIXED) / Date Passed
Pre Condition: User is a member who is successfully logged in to church’s home page.
User clicks on Member’s Directory link under Member Reports on the Home Page. / The Member’s Directory Report Request screen is displayed.
User selects to report Active, Adult, Male Members by clicking on check boxes. User hits “Run Report.” / The specified Member Directory Report appears.
User verifies that only Active Adult Male church members are on the report.
Case Ends

3.6.3 Organizations, Talents, and Interests Report Member runs Organizations, Talents, and Interests Report.

Case / Expected Result / Actual Result / Date Tested / No. of Defects Found / *Source of Defects / Status:
(PASSED | FAILED | FIXED) / Date Passed
Pre Condition: User is a member who is successfully logged in to church’s home page.
User clicks on Orgs/Talents/Interests Report link under Member Reports on the Home Page. / The Organizations, Talents, & Interests Report Request screen is displayed.
User selects to report on the Rotary Club under Organizations by clicking on check box. User hits “Run Report.” / The specified Church Rotary Club Report listing Rotary Members appears.
User verifies that the correct church members are on the report.
User clicks on “Printer Friendly” link on this specific report page. / A printer-friendly version of thee Rotary Club report appears in a new screen.
User clicks on Printer Icon on the upper right of screen. / A printer selection pop-up box appears.
User selects a printer and hits “Print” button. / Hardcopy of the report prints on the designated printer.
Case Ends

3.6.4 Wedding Anniversary Report Member runs Wedding Anniversary Report.

Case / Expected Result / Actual Result / Date Tested / No. of Defects Found / *Source of Defects / Status:
(PASSED | FAILED | FIXED) / Date Passed
Pre Condition: User is a member who is successfully logged in to church’s home page.
User clicks on Wedding Anniversary link under Member Reports on the Home Page. / The Wedding Anniversary Request screen is displayed.
User selects to report Wedding Anniversaries by Month with button. User hits “Run Report.” / The specified Wedding Anniversary Report by Month appears.
User selects to report Wedding Anniversaries by Year with button. User hits “Run Report.” / The specified Wedding Anniversary Report by Year appears.
User verifies that the correct church members are on the report.
User clicks on “Printer Friendly” link on this specific report page. / A printer-friendly version of the Wedding Anniversary Report by Year appears in a new screen.
User clicks on Printer Icon on the upper right of screen. / A printer selection pop-up box appears.
User selects a printer and hits “Print” button. / Hardcopy of the report prints on the designated printer.
Case Ends

3.7 Download Member Data Entry Form

3.7.1 Member downloads Member Data Entry Form.

Case / Expected Result / Actual Result / Date Tested / No. of Defects Found / *Source of Defects / Status:
(PASSED | FAILED | FIXED) / Date Passed
Pre Condition: User is a member who is successfully logged in to church’s home page.
User clicks on Member Data Entry Form Download link under Member on the Home Page. / The Member Data Entry Form Download Request screen is displayed.
User clicks on Printer Icon on the upper right of screen. / A printer selection pop-up box appears.
User selects a printer in pop-up box and hits “Print” button. / Hardcopy of the Member Data Entry Form is printed on the designated printer.
Case Ends

3.8 Download Pledge Entry Form

3.8.1 Member downloads Pledge Entry Form.