A82 WORKING GROUP MEETING – 29th April 2008


PRESENT:Chairman Cllr Brian Murphy, Scott Dingwall, Alasdair Ferguson, Cllr Michael Foxley, John Hutchison, Stewart MacLean, Cllr Elaine Robertson, Cllr Bren Gormley, Chief Inspector John Chisholm,Emma Tayler

1.APOLOGIES:Cllr Duncan MacIntyre, Cllr Roddy McGuish, Robin Curry, Dave Duthie, Robert Hawkes

2.Update on previous actions agreed - noted as follows:


Action / Comment
Brian Murphy / To forward Stornoway meeting details to Ally. / complete
To try and influence suitable date change for petitions committee with John. / Brian & John been in contact
Bren Gormley / Progress funding from HC / Complete, awaiting funding coming in £2,000
To organise presence at SNP conference / Complete, successful only negative comments were in response for the need to progress rail developments
John Hutchison / To ask Donald Manford to also identify key people in Uist and Barra. / VAL assisting with identification
To pursue a new date for petitions committee – May or 24th June. / Indication that virtually certain to be re-programmed for 24 June
To contact Stewart Stephenson’s diary secretary in view to getting confirmation of meeting date. / Complete – although 2 May now postponed
To approach Mary Scanlon re: Parliamentary Community safety Question / Still pursuing Patrick Harvie, will approach Mary Scanlon if no positive response this time.
To put together Parliamentary question on NPF2 / Still to do
To submit campaign response to NFP2 / Gone in
To draft letters for members to individually respond to NPF2 – pick out 2/3 key points. / If required
To draft letter to go with campaign material to councillors / Key points in draft
To circulate draft NPF2 response to press group / done
To write to Malcolm Reed in reference to STAG – offer of support from campaign group.
Emma Tayler / Emma to liaise with Jan regarding potential dates/attendees for Skye meeting / Agreed at mtg no longer any need to pursue
To contact Bren re: SNP conference / complete
To arrange erection of West end banner with TEC services / complete
To organise with John transfer of campaign funds to holding place / Complete, funds in ALCC account
To find out details of future Ward Forum meetings in relevant wards. / Agreed to circulate letter to Councillors in first instance
To find out date of Open Golf Championship. / Stewart MacLean in discussion with organisers
To speak to press office re: collating media references / done
To speak to Dot Ferguson re: Leader funding / Done, fund will be open in June
Ally Ferguson / Ally to write letter re mtg with HC Convenor & Vice Chair (TEC services committee) and forward to Emma for posting / On hold
To pursue production of DVD with Stewart / Done, DVD production in progress
Donald MacDonald (A&B) / To pursue issue of getting funding released from A&B / Done, waiting to go through A&B committee for funds to be released in next 2 weeks
To speak to Neil MacKay re: getting written confirmation of use for Bonny Bonny Banks song for all media coverage inc. DVD. / Still awaiting confirmation
A&B Councillors to pursue meeting with Jim Mather / On-going
To identify representatives from A&B for Stornoway and Skye meetings.
Stewart MacLean / Arrange for the erection of the Corran banner / complete
To pursue production of DVD with Ally / Done, DVD production in progress
ALL / To identify suitable site for Lochybridge area banner / Stewart to pursue with Distillery

Argyll & Bute representation

The group reiterated the need for continuity wherever possible from Argyll & Bute partners re; attendance at meetings. A suggestion was made that it may be beneficial to Councillors if a Council officer was in attendance also to assist in any work that was generated from meetings.

Letter to Councillors

JH circulated a draft of key points. Comments were noted from the group with main observations being - more positive emphasis required, more mention of Western Isles, A82 contribution to growth target, map required putting A82 into context. Agreed the letter should be in circular style from the A82 partnership.


A financial breakdown was circulated with papers prior to the meeting. It was noted that £3,000 had been ring-fenced for the DVD production. Argyll & Bute monies have now been agreed and should be in the account within the next 2 weeks. Highland Council monies have been agreed through TECS, still awaiting instruction re: draw down. Un-committed funds (taking into account income due in and ring-fenced commitment) will be £2,539.00 for future activity.

4.Campaign Action Plan

JH circulated an update. Noted: Brian met David Stewart MSP on the 17/3. Meeting in Skye no longer required. Western Isles meeting has taken place.

5.Visit of Stewart Stevenson MSP 2 May

Meeting with Stewart Stevenson MSP has been postponed due to the Grangemouth dispute. Awaiting new date. A finalised programme was circulated. The A82 partnership has been informed and a brief press release issued with comment from Bren. Agreed letter should go to Ministerial office acknowledging postponement and seeking new date confirmation.

6. Other Ministerial meetings

Elaine informed the group that a meeting with Jim Mather MSP was due to taken place week beginning 5th May. The group reiterated that MSP support for the Campaign needed to be highlighted in the public eye (media).

7.Parliamentary Questions/Answers

JH circulated responses.

8.DVD – Consideration of tenders

Due to timescales tenders were considered by email correspondence. Following conclusion the contact has been awarded and is in progress. It was however noted that confirmation of the agreement to use the Runrig soundtrack was still required as a matter of urgency. It was further agreed that some form of commentary would be useful.

9.Public Awareness

Resource distribution information was circulated prior to the meeting. At the time of the meeting the following resources were still available: Stickers – 4050, Leaflets – 9,550, badges – 100.

It was noted that 2 banners had been removed that were originally erected by Argyll & Bute. These need to be re-instated in a suitable area. Lochybridge area – Stewart to pursue with Distillery.

10.Petitions Committee

Indication that virtually certain to be re-programmed to 24 June

11.Broadening support Geographically

Stornoway meeting – Brian met with Donald Manford, Chair of the Transport committee and others. It was a good meeting with a lot of support expressed from the Western Isles. Press were in attendance however media coverage was disappointing.

Other areas – Agreed the importance of having South Uist and Barra on board. Mutually agreed that in the first instance the letter to Councillors will go some way to broadening the support. It was noted however that commitment from other areas was required if the campaign was to maintain momentum in regards to the focusing of efforts on the stretch of road from FortWilliam to Inverness in the future.

16. AOCB

Funding – HIE funded original TRIBAL report. If taking this a stage further might look at this. Tony Jarvis is the principle contact for transport in HIE. Leader funding coming on stream – Dot Ferguson will have more info on this.

17. Next Working group meeting:

Working group - Tuesday 29th April 2008, 12.30-2.30pm North Committee Room, Lochaber House

Main Partnership –Friday 9th May 200812.30 – 2.30pm, Council Chambers, FortWilliam.