Application Form, NSO SARN Peer Advisor 2013
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Application Form
New Student Orientation SARN Peer Advisor 2013
- Please read the peer advisor job description at before answering the questions in this application and coming to an interview.
- Completed applications consist of an application form, a resume, and a faculty reference.
- Please type your responses directly into this document and then e-mail your completed application form and resume toLorna Scott in the Student Affairs Office/Deans’ Office at . The completed application should be no longer than three pages in total.
- Deadline for receiptof all application materialsisTuesday, April 30, 2013 at 5:00 p.m..
Review of judicial and academic history: By submitting an application, you give the Deans’ Office permission to check both your academic and judicial status.
Ineligibility for the position:Due to scheduling conflicts, you are ineligible for this position if, in the 2013- 2014 academic year, you will be an Orientation Intern, OrientationLeader, Usdan Center staff member, Senior Interviewer,serving on residential life staff or participating in any time consuming activity the week prior to and during New Student Orientation.
Name: Class Year:
Major: Phone:
Email: Wes ID:WesPO:
Please note that the only peer advisor positions available are for New Student Orientation.
- How did you learn about applying for the position?
- What academic interests have you pursued at Wesleyan?
- What extracurricular activities, organizations and leadership roles have you been involved in?
- What leadership roles do you intend to engage in next year? What other major time commitments do you foresee you will have next year?
- What skills do you bring that would be helpful to you as a SARN Peer Advisor.
- Please add any other information (e.g. talents, academic and co-curricular interests, career goals) that will help us evaluate your candidacy.
- The SARN peer advisors program has been designed to facilitate students’ access to academic resources on Wesleyan’s campus. How do you think peer advisors can fit best into Wesleyan’s existing network of academic support services (faculty advising, departmental majors advising, academic support services provided through SARN, etc.)? Given Wesleyan’s commitment to academic rigor and excellent advising, what role do you think you could play in the context of these resources?
- SARN peer advisors are often asked to give peer advice to students regarding time management, study and exam preparation strategies. Considering this, please describe in detail 1) generally how you manage your time during the semester; 2) how you prepare for exams throughout the semester and before the exam; and, 3) how you plan and prepare for papers or other academic projects.
- Please list three topicsthat you think students would find interesting to learn about over the summer from postsfor the Peer Advisor blog (
Questions? Please contact Associate Dean of Student Academic Resources, Scott Backer (, x2332).