Appendix 1

University of Warwick

Gap Analysis and Action Plan

Progress on Action Plan – January 2014

To support the implementation of The Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers*

*Research Active Staff expanded in 2013 to include Research, Teaching and Academic Staff (circa 2000 staff)

Principle 1: Recognition of the importance of recruiting, selecting and retaining researchers with the highest potential to achieve excellence in research
Concordat Clause / In place / Still to do / more development / Lead(s) / Achieved / Dates / Timescale
1.1 / All members of the UK research community should understand that researchers are chosen primarily for their ability to advance research at an institution / University Strategy - Research & Scholarship - to make the University an undisputed leader in Research & Scholarship (University Strategy website)
Clearly defined University Recruitment Policy
(HR Recruitment Website) / Regular review of Research Strategy to maintain relevance and appropriateness. To continue to embed quality expectations with existing staff through objective setting including annual review and throughout the recruitment process.
Warwick’s commitment is to be demonstrably a centre of world class research and innovation across all academic disciplines. It is therefore essential to maintain focus on the quality and impact of research and to ensure that this becomes embedded into our quality expectations in our internal processes, in particular those to support and develop existing staff and in the appointment processes when we seek to recruit new talent. / PVCs for Research to review Strategy.
HR to lead on Recruitment Policy. / The University Strategy has been refreshed and will inform the Research Strategy agenda / Ongoing - 2015
1.2 / Employers should strive to attract excellence and respect diversity (see Principle 6). Recruitment and selection procedures should be informative, transparent and open to all qualified applicants regardless of background. Person and vacancy specifications must clearly identify the skills required for the post and these requirements should be relevant to the role. / University role profiles have well-defined role requirements for Research staff.
There are job descriptions and person specifications for each role.
The University Recruitment and Selection Policy is committed to ensuring that professional and effective recruitment and selection takes place which both meets legislative requirements and reflects our commitment to equality and diversity: (University Recruitment website)
Two e-learning modules are available, one on Recruitment and Selection and one on Diversity in the Workplace. (University Equality & Diversity Training website) / In November 2013, HR began an in-depth review of the Recruitment & Selection process, with a view to it becoming more effective, efficient, stream lined and to improve lead times.
Review completion data on the Recruitment and Selection module and continue to promote to recruiters. New interactive e-learning modules to be launched in February 2014.
. / HR
Monitored by LDC/HR / Recruitment and Selection Rapid Improvement Process took place in November 2013 over a 4 day period, where members of HR and other departmental staff met to discuss possible ways to improve the recruitment and selection process. This process identified a number of related projects, which will be dealt with during the course of 2014.
In February 2014 a recommendation was made to the Equality and Diversity Committee to make the Recruitment and Selection e-learning module compulsory for all staff involved in recruitment and selection panels. The recommendation was approved subject to an appropriate timeframe being implemented for staff to complete the module, starting with the Chairs of Panels / Review to be completed Dec 2014
Completion rates reviewed annually
1.3 / Research posts should only be advertised as a fixed-term post where there is a recorded and justifiable reason. / Fixed Term Contracts Guidelines are already in place and clearly understood: (University HR Fixed Term Contracts Website)
In addition the University has comprehensive Redeployment Guidelines (University HR Redeployment Website) / Launch LDC web resources for Researchers, following discussions with RSF. / HR Advisors / Website launched May 2013. Clear justification needs to be made on ‘Request to Appoint’ forms as to why individuals are being employed on a fixed term basis.
Information available on LDC website for research active staff and includes career development. / Ongoing
1.4 / To assure fairness, consistency and the best assessment of the candidates' potential, recruitment and progression panels should reflect diversity as well as a range of experience and expertise. In order to promote these values, individuals who are members of recruitment and promotion panels should have received relevant recent training. Unsuccessful applicants should be given appropriate feedback if requested as this may be of assistance to the researcher in considering their further career development. / The University has clear guidance on recruitment which follows these principles: (University HR Recruitment Website)
All roles are advertised with a job description and person specification detailing essential and desirable criteria and candidates are matched against the criteria.
Recruitment panels reflect diversity, where possible, to promote the University's ethos of an inclusive working environment for all.
Two e-learning modules are available - ‘Recruitment and Selection’ and ‘Diversity in the Workplace’. It is encouraged and recommended that all staff involved in recruitment and selection exercises take both modules: (University Equality & Diversity Training website)
The Academic Promotions Committee has received training on equality and diversity and all promotion applicants are provided with feedback. / A complete review on Recruitment and Selection is taking place throughout 2014 by HR.
Spot checks on the panel information will be made to ensure panel diversity.
It was decided in 2013 to update and re-launch these modules in 2014.
Completion rates of recruitment training will be monitored and the module will be further promoted to recruiters.
An annual event has been instituted in April 2013. 41 members of staff attended a ‘Demystifying Promotion’ event on 9 April 2013. The event clarified the promotion process and responded to delegate questions on how to prepare themselves for promotion. Members of the University Promotion Committee presented talks and answered questions at the event. Feedback from the event was excellent which prompted this to become an annual event. / HR
HR/LDC / As part of the Recruitment & Selection Review the ‘Request to Appoint’ Form will be revised to take into account information on the recruiting panel, to ensure where possible panels are of a diverse composition. Appropriate recording of this data needs to be implemented to ensure checks on panel composition are possible.
In February 2014 a recommendation was made to the Equality and Diversity Committee to make the Recruitment and Selection e-learning module compulsory for all staff involved in recruitment and selection panels. The recommendation was approved subject to an appropriate timeframe being implemented for staff to complete the module, starting with the Chairs of Panels
The next ‘Demystifying Promotion’ even is scheduled for 10 March 2014 and is open to all research, teaching and academic
LDC have produced a leaflet ‘LDC’S Learning and Development Provision for Research Active Staff’ which lists resources available to help new starters – this is available both in hard and electronic copy from the LDC webpages, and is a useful resource for Annual Reviews and promotion discussions. / Dec 2014
1.5 / The level of pay or grade for researchers should be determined according to the requirements of the post, consistent with the pay and grading arrangements of the research organisation. / The University has a harmonised grading structure and terms & conditions which are transparent for all staff: (University Payroll Current Salary Scales Website) / Review of grading structure to ensure the requirements of the research post are consistent with the wider pay and grading structure / Reward Manager / The University undertook an Equal Pay Audit in 2011 and reported that: "there is no evidence revealed by the Review of inequitable disparities in base pay distribution within grades on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, disability, age (other than incremental progression), contract type or full/part time working among employees in grades 1a-8. The conclusion reached by this review is that there is equal pay for work of equal value, whether in relation to gender, ethnicity, disability or hours worked'. The Review was considered by the Vice Chancellors Advisory Group who made the following recommendations: (1) How can the University create a culture hospitable to women; (2) Prompting, preparing and mentoring women for promotion; (3) Re-launch Women's Network; (4) Undertaking Departmental action plans where pay gap is greatest; (5) Applying Athena SWAN principles throughout the University; (6) Encouraging mobility of women to accept appointments; (7) Developing benefits package attractive to women. Item (3) has already been actioned and the Womens Network Group, chaired by Professor Pam Thomas, Chair of the Faculty of Science, has met three times and will continue to meet on a termly basis. Item (5) is already underway and WBS has been chosen to take part in the pilot of the ECU Gender Equality Charter Mark (GEM), with other Warwick departments preparing to start work on future submission in October 2014.
Principle 2: Researchers are recognised and valued by their employment organisation as an essential part of their organisation’s human resources and a key component of their overall strategy to develop and deliver world-class research
2.1 / Employers are encouraged to value and afford equal treatment to all researchers, regardless of whether they are employed on a fixed term or similar contract. In particular, employers should ensure that the development of researchers is not undermined by instability of employment contracts. This approach should be embedded throughout all departmental structures and systems. / Fixed Term Contracts Guidelines: (University HR Fixed Term Contracts Website)
In order to ensure that researchers on fixed term contracts engage meaningfully with the University, LDC offers a webpage “portal” to a range of internal and external information sources of value to researchers: (University LDC website) / To consider whether it is feasible to give defined CPD time for researchers. Feedback to be gathered from Research Staff via Research Staff Forum and the Research Committee on the option and feasibility.
Pilot project currently being jointly developed in Warwick Medical School with RSS and LDC to ensure people development is resourced and that staff have a clear statement of what can be expected in terms of development. / HR/RSS/Academic Stake holders
2.2 / Commitment by everyone involved to improving the stability of employment conditions of researchers and implementing and abiding by the principles and terms laid down in the Fixed Term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations (2002) and Joint Negotiating Committee for Higher Education Staff (JNCHES) guidance on the use of fixed-term contracts will provide benefits for researchers, research managers, and their organisations. / Fixed Term Contracts Guidelines were developed to reflect legislation and best practice: (University HR Fixed Term Contracts Website)
The Guidelines were developed following a review of the JNCHES guidance. / HR to provide reports to the Equality and Diversity Committee annually on the numbers of fixed term contracts to enable review in respect of the Fixed Term Contract Guidelines. Any ambiguities on FTCs would be presented at the Research Committee / HR / The breakdown between fixed term, indefinite roles and part-time and full-time are collected in the annual workforce profile report which is presented at the Equality and Diversity Committee each October. The report is then progressed through Senate and Council meetings. Information can be extrapolated and presented at the Research Committee if necessary. / Annual. Next report is due October 2014
2.3 / Research managers should be required to participate in active performance management, including career development guidance, and supervision of those who work in their teams. Employers should ensure that research managers are made aware of, and understand their responsibilities for the management of researchers and should provide training opportunities. / The University provides a Research Team Leaders Programme to equip Research Team Leaders with the key skills in leading and managing their teams: (University Research Team Leaders Programme Website)
In addition Research Team Leaders can attend the Warwickshire Administrative Management Programme (WAMP) and the Warwick Leaders Programme (WLP) (University LDC Website)
Annual Review process enables discussion about career development/progression between Research Staff and their managers. (University LDC Annual Review Website)
Six month career development meetings with line managers are being actively encouraged within departments. / Research Team Leaders’ Programme will continue to be open to research managers. Review feedback following each programme. Programme ran from 23 Jan to 7 March 2013 and had 15 attendees.
LDC is developing a leadership programme for mid/senior career researchers and academics which will run in 2015.
The University is sending two female members of staff on the Aurora Leadership for Women course due to start in November 2013, with a view to sending further staff members in future years if the course is successful. / LDC/Research Team Leaders / In 2012/13 the University achieved an 82% completion rate from departments where staff have undertaken Annual Reviews. For the next round of Annual Reviews due to begin in January 2014, we aim to work to improve completion rates.
LDC’s new booklet ‘LDC’s Learning and Development Provision for Research Active Staff’ will assist staff during their Annual Review to identify career development needs. / Review following each programme
Oct 2014