Staff Report
Company: Consolidated Gold Win Ventures Inc.
Location: MooseBay, DefeatLakeand Zigzag LakeAreas / Application: MV2004C0038
Date Prepared: August 10, 2005 / Meeting Date: August 24, 2005
Subject: Mineral Exploration – New Type“A”Land Use Permit
  1. Purpose/Report Summary

To obtain a Board decision on a new Land Use Permit for Consolidated Gold Win Ventures Inc. (CGW) to conduct mineral exploration in the MooseBay, DefeatLake and ZigzagLake areas.

  1. Background
  • Application received September 13, 2004
  • Incomplete application letters sent on September 23, October 19, November 2, and November 16, 2004
  • Application deemed complete on December 7, 2004
  • Sent out for review on December 7, 2004
  • Review comments due December 31, 2004
  • Board requested further study on January 13, 2005
  • CGW responded on July 25, 2005

Summary of Operations

  • Exploration drilling of one (1) to three (3)bore holesat eight (8) target sites, including three (3) targets in the FC Claim Group, and one (1) target in each of the JJ, Cleft, ZZL, Moose and GSL Claim Groups.
  • The majority of the operation will be helicopter supported.
  • Depending on the needs of the applicant, a temporary six (6) man camp, in the form of a trailer, may be set up near MooseBay.
  • Possible establishment of a temporary helicopter supported camp at the Cleft, JJ, and ZZL targets.
  • Fuel storage of 410 litres of diesel, twenty (20) litres of gasoline, a one hundred (100) lbs cylinder of propane, and forty(40) litres of lubricants.
  • Equipment includes: one (1) Boyles 38 drill, two (2) assorted pumps, one (1) tractor, and a helicopter.
  • Construction and maintenance of a winter road from Yellowknife to the Moose Bay Area.
  • Wastes, including empty fuel drums and food containers, and lake-based drill cuttings will be contained and transported to the Yellowknife landfill site.
  • Land-based drill cuttings will be deposited in a sump away from lakes or nearby streams.
  • The applicant has requested a term of five (5) years.
  1. Discussion

The MVLWB contacted the applicant, Mr. Laurence Stephenson, several times to inform him that the application was incomplete and further information, such as community involvement and archaeological resources information, was required. On December 7, 2004, the application was deemed complete and sent out for review.

During the review process, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and the Yellowknives Dene First Nation (YKDFN) requested further information and study. DFO requested further clarification on physical parameters of the lakes proposed for water withdrawal, ice drilling locations, and detailed fish species and habitat information to assess potential impacts to fish and fish habitat. The YKDFN stated that no consultation had occurred between the applicant and the YKDFN (please see the attached letter). They also stated that the MVLWB should refer the application for an environmental assessment if the applicant did not demonstrate meaningful discussion and consultation with the YKDFN. According to the YKDFN, a preliminary archaeological field inventory and assessment conducted in 2003 and 2004 showed a high potential for the discovery of archaeological and other heritage sites near Great Slave Lake. As such, the YKDFN recommended that the MVLWB review the assessment before making decisions on the application.

On January 13, 2005, the MVLWB deferred the application for further study based solely on the YKDFN’s comments (see attached). Specifically, the MVLWB requested that CGW contact the YKDFN to discuss the draft final report, “Archaeological Investigations, Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories” prepared by Callum Thomson and provide the MVLWB with a letter documenting the discussion.

On July 25, 2005, CGW submitted a letter in response to the MVLWB’s request for further study (see attached). According to the letter, CGW has attempted to contact the YKDFN via email and fax. CGW also states that they would seek input from the YKDFN prior to conducting activities and work with the YKDFN and Callum Thomson if any of the proposed areas had high potential of “conflict”.

To ensure the YKDFN had an opportunity to comment on CGW’s recent correspondence, MVLWB staff contacted the YKDFN to inform them of the Board meeting date in which CGW’s application was to be presented. As of August 16th, no comments from YKDFN have been received; however, any correspondence received in the interim will be presented to the Board at the August 24th meeting.


Although the Board did not request further study based on DFO’s request for further information, MVLWB staff followed up with DFO and have added Land Use Permit Conditions 23 and 24 to address their concerns. Further, the information that DFO requested will be submitted to DFO via the applicant for the Letter of Advice.

  1. Review comments

Please see the Review Comment Summary Table and the letter from the YKDFN.

  1. Security

The MVLWB Security worksheet calculates $11,664.13, rounded to $12,000.00, for the security deposit for MV2004C0038.

The Inspector would recommend a security deposit if the security model calculated an amount greater than $50,000.

  1. Conclusion

All environmental impacts and public concern should be mitigated through conditions appended to the Land Use Permit.

  1. Recommendation

I recommend that Land Use Permit MV2004C0038 be issued.

  1. Attachments
  • Reviewer Comment Summary Table
  • MV2004C0038 Application
  • Security Template
  • Preliminary Screening Report
  • DraftLand Use Permit and Cover Page
  • Letter from YKDFN to MVLWB, Dec. 31, 2004
  • Letter from MVLWB to CGW, requesting further study, Jan. 18, 2005
  • Letter from CGW to YKDFN, July 25, 2005

Respectfully submitted,

Angela Plautz

Regulatory Officer

Consolidated Gold Win Ventures Inc. Page 1 of 4

MV2004C0038 MooseBay, DefeatLake and Zigzag LakeAreas