Date of Meeting: October 6th.2014

Present:Brian Blythe (Chairman)Jean SallowsMalcolm Makins

Alan WrightChris BrownPeter Hunnam

Howard BruntJohn StarlingJoanne Keeler

Kathryn Clarke


Members of the public present raised concerns about traffic, speeding and the position of the new crossing in Mill Lane and the lack of signs pointing out that it was unsuitable for heavy traffic after Mill Farm.

a)Police Report No police were present but their report indicated that nine crimes had been recorded in August and fifteen in September. The next SNAP meeting will be held in Horsford Church Room on Nov. 6th. at 7.00 p.m.

b)Planning No objections were raised to conversion and extension of a barn at North Farm, Green Lane, demolition of extension and erection of extensions and a garage at Lt.Orchard, Church Street and demolition of a garage and erection of garage/car port at Low Meadow, Church Street.

c)Allotments The Clerk reported that all plots were occupied with one resident on the waiting list. Invoices would be sent out in the next few days.

d)Full Council

  1. Apologies None
  2. Declarations of Interest were recorded from Chris Brown, Jean Sallows and Joanne Keeler as HVHMC members and from John Starling and Joanne Keeler as BroadlandDC members.
  3. Minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed and signed.
  4. ReportsBus Shelter the new shelter was in position on Holt Road adjacent to the Brickmakers P.H. and had received favourable comments. 4x4 Activity The Clerk clarified that Dog Lanepast Bell Farm to the entry to Drayton Drewray woods was classified as a soft road and could be used by any vehicles. The right of way beyond that point was a restricted byway and vehicular traffic was restricted to those with a lawful purpose i.e. the landowners or their agents. He also clarified that Green Lane and Mill Lane (past Mill Farm) right through to the A140 were also classified as soft roads and the maintenance standard was only to be able to be passable by 4x4 or similar vehicles.
  5. Vice-Chairman Howard Brunt was elected to fill the vacancy as vice-chairman.
  6. Co-option After some discussion it was decided not to fill the vacancy due to the proximity of the next election in May 2015.
  7. Dog Fouling Leaflet Howard Brunt presented the final draft and confirmed that the total cost would be £226 + VAT. The Council accepted this cost and authorised Howard to instruct the printers accordingly.He would liaise with councillors with regard to distribution on his return from holiday.
  8. Village Hall The Council had received a letter from the Treasurer of the Village Hall outlining three major projects including relaying the floor in the original hall, installing a new kitchen and blocking the west apex window. The letter requested the Council to allocate £26,250 from the New Homes bonus. The Council discussed this at length before agreeing to commit £15,000 with immediate effect to enable grant applications to be submitted and to consider the matter further at the November meeting.
  9. NorfolkALC Autumn Conference The Council agreed the £45 conference fee for the clerk to attend.
  10. CorrespondenceMill Lane The Clerk had been copied in on a large amount of correspondence between a resident and Norfolk CC on the location of the pedestrian crossing. The Clerk was asked to contact Norfolk CC for an update on the scheme and the possibility of any amendments. Youth ClubAndrew Drummee had written to say that it would close on Dec.16th. The Council resolved not to invest any funds in the provision of youth workers to keep it open. Sharps Hall Notification had been received that a liaison group was being set up consisting of representatives of residents, contractors, highway and district authorities. Alan Wright volunteered to be the Parish Council delegate. Drayton Lane / Reepham Road Notification had been received of a proposed roundabout at this junction as part of the NDR plan. The Council expressed it’s approval. Sharps Hall Road NamesBroadland had said that they had received a suggestion that the main road should be called John Pirsins Way instead of Memorial Road. The Council rejected this suggestion.
  11. Accounts passed for paymentE-ON Footway Lighting DD £365.84 E-ON Footway Lighting DD £365.84 Colliers Church Field Lease £1000.00 HVHMC Room Hire £42.00 HVHMC Tree Surgery £60.00 Bus Shelters Ltd. Replacement Shelter £4698.72 A.C.Leigh Allotment Keys £32.40 Horsford Public Pits Annual rent £130.57 J.Graves Salary and expenses **** HMRC PAYE **** B.Blythe Chairman’s allowance £75.00 T.T.Jones Lighting Maintenance £1308.06 Anglian Water Crown Hill Allotments £62.60 Anglian Water Corner Lane Allotments £129.83 HVHMC Litter Clearance (3rd.qtr) £1040.00 HVHMC Grant (2nd. instalment) £2803.50
  12. Clerk’s and Councillors’ Reports Malcolm Makins expressed his thanks to the twenty volunteers who had made the “tidy day” such a success, Peter Hunnam expressed concern that there were no public toilets available on the recreation ground. It was decided that opening up the village hall toilets for general use was not a practical proposition and nothing more would be done at this stage. Jean Sallows asked the Clerk for details of an independent play equipment inspector that he had used in another parish and asked if this could be funded from the funds earmarked for safety surface repair. This was agreed.


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