ASAMS Annual Meeting 2015

The annual meeting was called to order by President Dan Shoor at 8AM on May 14, 2015, Orlando, FL at the xxx Conference Center. The meeting was attended by approximately 60 members.

DR Shoor introduced the current ASAMS officers: David O’Brien, President Elect, Charles Clinton, Treasurer; Pat Storms and Kim Toons, members at large. Renee Boyd, Secretary, was unable to attend. Committee Chairs included: Cheryl Lowry, MOC; xxx Blocker, Membership; Mark Mavity, Publications; xxx Nassir, Constitution & Bylaws; Al Parmet, Ethics; xxx Westphall, Awards & Nominations; Paul Young, Website.

Treasurer’s Report: DR Clinton reported that there is $11,1241 in the ASAMS account. There have been minimal expenses this year.

Nominations Committee: DR Westphall announced that the ASAMS nominating committee had been very successful this year, including their support to elect DR Hernandez Ortega as AsMA VP and DR xxxxx as AsMA treasurer.

DR Westphall then presented the proposed slate of officers for election this year: President Elect, Pat Storms; Brian Agee and xxx Westphall for Members at Large. Additional nominees were solicited from the floor; hearing none, the slate was approved by voice acclamation. DR Clinton and DR Boyd will remain Treasurer and Secretary, respectively, for one more year. T-Bone will be chiar next year; DR Warren Silberman will provide assistance to this committee.

FAA Announcement: DR Berry (Deputy FAA Surgeon and AsMA Past President) encouraged the ASAMS membership to remain actively engaged with AsMA and our specialty society ASAMS. Boarded AM physicians have traditionally led AsMA and it remains vitally important for ASAMS to continue to influence the Society (e.g. AsMA).

DR Berry also announced several unanticipated FAA openings for Flight Surgeons, to include 3 positions in the Medical Certification Branch at the Civil Aeromedical Institute (CAMI) in Oklahoma City, OK and a Deputy Regional FS position in Dallas, TX. Applicants need to use USAJobs to apply and should ensure they answer all appropriate questions regarding qualifications.

Constitution & Bylaws Committee: DR Shoor presented a report on behalf of DR Nassar. The committee recommended adding a line to the Bylaws regarding ASAMS Life Membership; specifically, the Bylaws does not mention the necessity of a AsMA Life Member ship prior to an ASAMS member requesting ASAMS life membership. As a constituent AsMA organization, it is not possible to have life membership in ASAMS without life membership in AsMA. Those attending approved the change by voice acclamation. DR Shoor concluded the C&B report by announcing there will be a proposal for online voting at the next ASAMS annual meeting.

Membership Committee: DR Blocker and DR Young reported that there are currently 258 active members and 86 non-members. Updates and dues payment by current ASAMS members should be accomplished via the ASAMS website, which should be available in several weeks. Currently the website is being updated to link ASAMS dues with AsMA annual dues. DR Young stressed this is a trial program for AsMA and members should provide feedback – this program will be rolled out to all constituents and feedback will facilitate the roll out for all AsMA constituents. New members should turn in a paper application and first year dues to DR Clinton.

ABMS Board Certification: DR Ortega, DR Lowry and DR Susan Northrup led an extensive discussion on Maintenance of Certification (MOC). Bottomline is this (sometimes controversial) requirement will not disappear despite current actions by other large specialty organizations.

Part 1: Physicians must be in good standing, specifically, an unrestricted license to practice medicine. If you have a restricted license, this will need detailed explanation to the Board. Some states provide active duty military members a fee-discounted, restricted license. This will need to be explained (or you could drop that license in lieu of a full-restricted license and save yourself a lot of work).

Part 2: Physicians must demonstrate commitment to life-long learning. Applicants for re-certification must present 250 hours of approved CME, to include 100 hours of MOC core curriculum (Occ Med and Prev Med also count towards this AM requirement) earned over the past 10 years.

Part 3: Physicians must pass an Aerospace Medicine exam. The exam covers the basics and will not be as picky as your initial AM board exam.

Part 4: