Review Sheet for the Middle Ages

  1. Middle Ages- Began after the Roman Empire collapsed.
  1. Church- Unified the people, provided order and education.
  1. Feudalism- Social class system in the Middle Ages. Your social class was determined from birth and the amount of land you owned. Land was exchanged for Military service/loyalty.
  1. Religious Themes- Life, music, art, architecture in the Middle Ages revolved around religion.
  1. Crusades- A series of wars that lasted about 200 years. The Christians tried to regain the Holy Land (Jerusalem) from the Muslims.
  1. Charlemagne- created an empire during a time of much warfare and fighting, encouraged education, spread the Christian religion throughout much of Western Europe and Asia
  1. Peasants/Serfs- Bound to the land. Feudal system depended on this social class and their hard work/labor.
  1. Manorialism- Middle Ages economy and land was most important commodity.
  1. Self-Sufficient- Needing no outside help. Manors were self-sufficient. Life was too dangerous to travel in the Middle Ages so manors became self-sufficient.
  1. Gothic Architecture- Stained glass windows, taller larger cathedrals.
  1. Long Term Results of the Crusades- Revival of learning, decline of feudalism, cultural interaction with Middle East. Cultural diffusion increased.
  1. The Crusades were one of History’s “most successful failures”- The Christians did not achieve their goals, but the fighting brought about many desirable changes in Europe.
  1. Knights, Samurais- Held positions of power in feudal systems.

the vocabulary word with the correct definition.

Roman Empire / 2.
Church / 3.
Feudal System / 4.
Land / 5.
The Crusades were one of History’s “most successful failures”
6. Self -Sufficient / 7.
Long Term Results of the Crusades / 8.
Crusades / 9.
Manorialism / 10.
Gothic Architecture
11.Peasants/Serfs / 12.
Knights, Samurais / 13. / 14.Religious Themes / 15.
Unified the people, provided order and education. / 17.The Christians did not achieve their goals, but the fighting brought about many desirable changes in Europe. / 18.
A series of wars that lasted almost 200 years fought to capture the Holy Land from Islamic Rulers / 19. Feudal system depended on this social class and their hard work/labor. / 20.
Revival of learning, decline of feudalism, cultural interaction with Middle East. Cultural diffusion increased.
In feudal society, people had power and higher status if they had more ______/ 22.
The Middle Ages began after which empire collapsed? / 23.
Needing no outside help. / 24.The art, music and architecture of the medieval period in Europe generally dealt with / 25.
Stained glass windows
Taller/larger cathedrals
created an empire during a time of much warfare and fighting, encouraged education, spread the Christian religion throughout much of Western Europe and Asia / 27. Middle Ages economy and land was most important commodity. / 28. Held positions of power in feudal systems. / 29. / 30
Land was exchanged for military service and loyalty
Malcolm X / 2. Brown vs Board of Education / 3
Montgomery Bus Boycott / 4
Martin Luther King, Jr. / 5
Rosa Parks / 7
Cesar Chavez / 8.
Civil Rights Act of 1964 / 9
Segregation / 10
Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)
Sit-Ins / 12
Thurgood Marshall / 13
The Great Society / 14
Little Rock Nine / 15
Freedom Riders
16. A Civil Rights Leader whotried to end racial segregation with peaceful protests. / 17. civil rights leader represented the “Black Power” movement and did not support integration with whites / 18
Congress established this to provide health care to the elderly (older people) / 19Leaders of the MIA organized this event after Rosa Parks was arrested. Blacks did not take buses for a year. / 20. President Johnson’s domestic reforms that created Medicare and Medicaid, better housing, schooling $
21. lead the courtroom battle in the Brown V. Board of Ed. Case.
Became a Supreme Court Justice. / 22. a strategy African-American& white students, use when they refused to leave “whites only” lunch counters / 23
Supreme Court Case that led to the integration of public schools / 24. outlawed any discrimination against people with disabilities. Made buildings more easily accessible / 25
Black and white bus riders traveled together to segregated bus stations in the South.
26.Blacks and whites are kept separate
“Separate But Equal”
Plessy v Ferguson / 27. the first black students that began integrating in one high school. President used federal troops to make sure students were safe / 28. formed the United Farm Workers (UFW)- Better pay and working conditions for migrant farm workers. / 29
A woman arrested for sitting in the whites-only section of a public bus / 30The act banned segregation in public places. It also outlawed discrimination in the workplace on the basis of color, gender, religion, or national origin.