See guidance for completing the form on the back
The form must be submittedto the faculty/institute administration
Studentnumber:Candidatenumber:Norwegian ID number (11digits):
Address: E-mail:
Coursecode:Course name:_
Exam part:Subjectteacher:
Date oftheexam:Date of examinationresult:
Regulations relating to Examinations at the University of Stavanger Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the University of Stavanger on March 25th, 2010 in accordance with the Act of
01.04.05 no. 15 relating to universities and colleges.
This is an unofficial translation. Where there are linguistic differences the Norwegian version of the regulations is the official version.
Section 4-5. Justification of and appeals against grades
1. Justification
a.The candidate are entitled to a justification of the grade determined for their performance. If there has been an oral test or a practical skills assessment, the claim for justification must be submitted immediately after the grade has been announced. For other forms of assessment, if the candidate is informed of their grade electronically and may submit a claim for justification using a similar method, the claim for justification must be submitted within one week of the announcement of the grade. For other types of announcement, the claim for justification must be submitted within one week of the time the candidate learned of the grade, and never more than three weeks after the announcement of the grade.
b. Justification must normally be provided within two weeks after being requested by a candidate. The justification must account for the general principles, which were used as a basis for the assessment and for the assessment of the candidate's performance. Justification may be provided verbally or in writing, depending on what the examiner decides.
c. Written assessment guidelines must be made available to students after grades have been determined.
Guidance for completing the form
This form shall serve as the students' documentation with regards tothe deadline for appeals. It is therefore important that these points are followed. Students are personally responsible for completingtheformcorrectly,andensuringthatalldateshavebeenfilledinandtheformsigned.
For the student:
- All sections of the form need to be filled in. The form may be submitted directly to the subject teacher. If the subject teacher is not available, the form should be deliveredto the department’sadministration.
- The form will then be signed by the administration which also makes two copies. Onecopy will be sentto the subject teacher, and one will be kept by the administration. The student keeps theoriginal.
- The student should personally contact the subject teacher for a justification of the grade. If the justification is given orally, the student must ensure that the form is dated with the datetheexplanationisgiven,andthatthesubjectteachersignsthestudent'sform.
- Ifthejustificationisgiveninwriting,thesubjectteacher'scopyoftheform(sentbythe administration) should accompany the justification, signed anddated.
- Ifthestudentwishes tolodgeanappealagainsttheexamresult,thisformshouldfollow the complaint, so that it is possible to check whether or not the deadline for complaints has expired. It is the student’s responsibility to document that the deadline has not expired.Thecomplaintshouldbesubmittedonaseparateform.
For subject teacher:
- Ifthestudentisgivenanoraljustificationforthegrading,thedateforthisaswellasthe subject teacher's signature should be added to the student's copy of the form. The student will take the form withthem.
- If the justification is given in writing, this should be dated. The date and the signature should be addedto the subject teacher's copy of the form (sent by theadministration). This copy will be sent the student, along with thejustification.
For the administration:
1.Whenthestudenthascompletedtheform,itshouldbedatedandsigned,thenstamped byadministration.
2.A copy should be made of both pages which will be sent the subject teacher. This should serve as information to the subject teacher that the request has been put forward, and used when the subject teacher sends a written justification to the student. One copy is kept by the administration. The student keeps theoriginal.
Deadlines with possible complaint of grade
If the student has requested a justification of a grade within the time limit, the deadline for submitting a complaint is 3 weeks after the justification has been given. If the student has not requested justification of a grade, the deadline for submitting a complaint is 3 weeks after the announcement of the examination result.