Subject/Course:__ Science & Science Fair_ Grade Level:__8_ Teacher:_Hollowell, Szymanski, Schlesselman

Month / Content/Essential Questions / Processes/Skills / Assessment / Resources / Modifications
August-September / Illinois Learning Standard-
11A3a-g, 13A3a,c
ELA Common Core Standards-8.W.8.3 SL 1-6, L 1-5, RL 8.4, RI 8.3, 8.7.
Math Common Core Standards- 8EE 5, 7, 8F2, 3, 8G9, 8SP 2, 4.
Safety and tools.
SI Metric System Scientific Method and equipment
Charts and graphs
EQ –
What does Science mean?
What are scientific methods?
How do we measure, display, record, and analyze data?
What are the two main branches of science?
Connect the safety symbols with the rules.
What is the difference between mass, volume, temperature, and density? / Skills-
Learning to measure accurately.
Steps of the Scientific method. Producing a Lab report.
Construct data tables and graphs.
Skills –
Applying Measurement skills, scientific method to lab activities and reports. / Summative-
Quizzes and Test
LW Lab Report Form
Section Reviews, Lab Reports / Chapter One Matter in Motion / Guided reading strategies
Directed reading strategies
RR teacher
Month / Content/Essential Questions / Processes/Skills / Assessment / Resources / Modifications
December / Illinois Learning Standard-
12C3a, 12D3a,b 13A3b
ELA Common Core Standards-8.W.8.3 SL 1-6, L 1-5, RL 8.4, RI 8.3, 8.7.
Math Common Core Standards- 8EE 5, 7, 8F2, 3, 8G9, 8SP 2, 4.
Gravity, Motion, Newton’s Three Laws.
EQ –
How is motion affected by gravity?
How is motion affected by friction and air resistance?
What are the differences among Newton’s 3 Laws?
What is momentum?
How are speed, velocity and acceleration calculated? / Skills-
Measurement of Motion: Speed Velocity, Gravity
Define, Compare Forces
Friction an oppositional Force
Gravity the force of Attraction
Explain the effect of gravity on objects.
State Newton’s Three Laws.
Give examples of force pairs.
Calculate acceleration of objects-F=ma
Calculate coefficient of static, sliding, and rolling friction.
Skills –
Measure, calculate and analyze speed, velocity and acceleration. Determine how gravity effects objects.
Distinguish the effects of motion on objects.
Calculating momentum, Analyzing sports and Newton’s laws.
Determine the difference between mass and weight.
Distinguish the effects of the conservation of momentum.
Connect momentum and Newton’s 3 laws of objects. / Summative-
Quizzes and Test
LW Lab Report Form
Section Reviews, Lab Reports / Chapter Two Forces and Motion / Guided reading strategies
Directed reading strategies
RR teacher
Month / Content/Essential Questions / Processes/Skills / Assessment / Resources / Modifications
January-February / Illinois Learning Standard-
Review periodic table, elements, atomic number and families.
Content- Bonding of Atoms due to electrons. Ionic vs Covalent bonding. Periodic Table.
ELA Common Core Standards-8.W.8.3 SL 1-6, L 1-5, RL 8.4, RI 8.3, 8.7.
Math Common Core Standards- 8EE 5, 7, 8F2, 3, 8G9, 8SP 2, 4.
EQ –
What are the components of an atom?
How is the Periodic table organized?
What are the differences between atomic number and atomic mass?
How do atoms become ions?
What is metallic bonding?
Why do Atoms bond?
What are the differences between covalent, ionic and metallic bonds?
How do valence electrons affect bonding? / Skills-
Identify and label types of bonds. Describe Ionic and covalent bonds.
Identify and label types of bonds. Describe Ionic and covalent bonds
Explain why ionic bonds are neutral and their chemical formula.
Calculate positive and negative ions.
Construct electron dot models.
Skills –
Compare and Contrast ionic and covalent and metallic bonds. Distinguish the reasons why atoms bond. / Summative-
Quizzes and Test
LW Lab Report Form
Section Reviews,
Lab Reports / Chapter one Chemical Bonding / Guided reading strategies
Directed reading strategies
RR teacher
Month / Content/Essential Questions / Processes/Skills / Assessment / Resources / Modifications
February-March / Illinois Learning Standard-
ELA Common Core Standards-8.W.8.3 SL 1-6, L 1-5, RL 8.4, RI 8.3, 8.7.
Math Common Core Standards- 8EE 5, 7, 8F2, 3, 8G9, 8SP 2, 4.
Chemical Reactions. Chemical Formulas & equations. Types of Reactions. Energy rates.
EQ –
How and why do chemicals react together?
What is a chemical formula?
How are chemical equations written and balanced?
What are the 4 signs of a chemical reaction?
What is the difference between endothermic and exothermic reactions?
What are the characteristics of the 4 types of reactions? / Skills-
Identify signs that chemical reactions occur. Explain what happened during chemical reactions. Write and balance chemical equations,
Skills –
Classifying reactions. Predicting reactions. Compare/contrast exothermic and endothermic reactions.
Distinguish among 4 types of reactions and uses. / Summative-
Quizzes and Test
LW Lab Report Form
Section Reviews,
Lab Reports / Chapter Two
Chemical Reactions / Guided reading strategies
Directed reading strategies
RR teacher
Month / Content/Essential Questions / Processes/Skills / Assessment / Resources / Modifications
April / Illinois Learning Standard-
ELA Common Core Standards-8.W.8.3 SL 1-6, L 1-5, RL 8.4, RI 8.3, 8.7.
Math Common Core Standards- 8EE 5, 7, 8F2, 3, 8G9, 8SP 2, 4.
Plate tectonics. Continental drift theory and deformation of the Earth’s crust
EQ –
What are the layers of the Earth?
What are the differences between the 3 boundaries and their characteristics? / Skills-
Name three types of plate boundaries.
Identify forces of earth movement
Measure the rate of movement.
Skills –
Distinguish models of the boundaries. / Summative-
Quizzes and Test
LW Lab Report Form
Science Fair Project
Section Reviews,
Lab Reports / Chapter Four
Plate tectonics / Guided reading strategies
Directed reading strategies
RR teacher
Month / Content/Essential Questions / Processes/Skills / Assessment / Resources / Modifications
April-May / Illinois Learning Standard-
ELA Common Core Standards-8.W.8.3 SL 1-6, L 1-5, RL 8.4, RI 8.3, 8.7.
Math Common Core Standards- 8EE 5, 7, 8F2, 3, 8G9, 8SP 2, 4.
Causes of Earthquakes. 3 types of faults. Measure strength and intensity of earthquakes.
EQ –
What causes Earthquakes?
Where do Earthquakes occur?
How does the New Madrid affect our area?
Are we prepared for the disaster? / Skills-
Locate epicenter of an earthquake. Methods for forecasting earthquakes and hazard levels. Models of seismic waves.
a)Problem statements
d)Group presentations
e)Research paper: New Madrid, Wabash valley, (history, location preparedness), Nuclear Power Plants.
Skills –
Planning for a disaster. Constructing earthquake proof buildings. Locating earthquakes around the world, / Summative-
Quizzes and Test
LW Lab Report Form
PBL Presentation
PBL Research Paper
Section Reviews,
Lab Reports / Chapter Five
Earthquakes / Guided reading strategies
Directed reading strategies
RR teacher
Month / Content/Essential Questions / Processes/Skills / Assessment / Resources / Modifications
May / Skills-
Label Volcanic features.
Name 3 types of volcanoes and magma content.
Compare craters, calderas and plateaus.
Makes a brochure of a specific volcano.
Skills –
Determine Relationships between volcanoes and plate tectonics. Summarize methods used to predict eruptions. / Summative-
Quizzes and Test
LW Lab Report Form
Section Reviews,
Lab Reports / Chapter Six
Volcanoes / Guided reading strategies
Directed reading strategies
RR teacher