WEDNESDAY, 3 FEBRUARY 1999 - 3.00 pm

Present:- Councillors Calvert, Morrison (M), Roach, McGhee, Robertson (Y), Mulholland and Campbell, Councillor McGhee, Convener, in the Chair.

In attendance:- The Depute Chief Executive, Ms L Brabender (for the Executive Director Legal, Information and Support Services), the Director of Central Services, Mr F Williamson (for the Director of Planning) and Mr S Hartley (for the Director of Transportation and Roads).

The following paragraphs are submitted for information only, having been dealt with under the powers delegated to the Sub-Committee.


(a)Change of Use and Extension to Form Residential Care Home:

Alt-na-Craig,Lyle Road, Greenock (IC/98/326)

SUBMITTED: Report dated 19 January 1999 by the Director of Planning regarding an application by C & S Todd for change of use and extension to form residential care home at Alt-na-Craig, Lyle Road, Greenock (IC/98/326), consideration of which had been continued from the meeting held on 6 January 1999 for a site visit.

The report recommended that planning permission be granted subject to a number of conditions.

Councillor Roach declared an interest in this matter and took no part in its consideration or decision.

DECIDED: That planning permission be refused for the following reasons:-

(1) As the proposals are contrary to Local Plan policies DCc and DCo in respect of the proposed high density of development which would lead to overdevelopment of the site;

(2) As the proposed development would result in loss of amenity by way of lack of privacy and light and the generation of an unacceptable level of noise and disturbance in adjoining properties; and

(3) As vehicles entering and exiting the site would create a traffic hazard to the detriment of road safety.

(b)Non-Food Retail Development (in outline):

Regent Street, Greenock (IC/94/305)

SUBMITTED: Report dated 18 January 1999 by the Director of Planning regarding an application in outline by Mr Chhokar/British Telecom for non-food retail development at Regent Street, Greenock (IC/94/305), consideration of which had been continued from the meeting held on 6 August 1997 at the applicants’ request to allow them to submit further information.

The report recommended that planning permission be granted subject to a number of conditions.

DECIDED: That consideration of the application be continued to allow all current similar applications to be considered together and that it be remitted to the Director of Planning to report to the Sub-Committee on the status and priority of such current applications.



Planning and Traffic Management Sub-Committee - 3/2/99

154Partial Demolition of Existing Derelict School Buildings and Sports Hall, Conversion of154

(c)Remainder to 16 Flats and Garages and Erection of 16 Dwellinghouses and Garages:

Former Quarriers School, Quarriers Village, Bridge of Weir (IC/97/416)

SUBMITTED: Report dated 21 January 1999 by the Director of Planning regarding an application by Cala Homes (Scotland) Ltd/Noah City Developments for partial demolition of the existing derelict school buildings and sports hall and conversion of the remainder to 16 flats and garages and the erection of 16 dwellinghouses and garages at the former Quarriers School, Quarriers Village, Bridge of Weir (IC/97/416), consideration of which had been continued from the meeting held on 6 January 1999 to allow the Director of Planning to discuss the overall impact of the development on the Quarriers Village conservation area with the Director of Transportation and Roads, Quarriers Homes and the applicants.

DECIDED: That, subject to the applicants lodging a Bond to guarantee completion of the schoolhouse restoration and implementation of the speed reduction measures, planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:-

(1) That none of the new build houses shall be occupied until the conversion of the school into 16 flats has been completed in accordance with the approved plans to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning in writing, to comply with the terms of Historic Scotland’s Memorandum of Guidance on Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas;

(2) That none of the flats and houses shall be occupied until the roads improvements granted under planning permission IC/98/318 together with the provision of “give-way” markings at Church Road/Faith Avenue and Church Road/Hope Avenue have been implemented to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning in writing, in the interests of road safety;

(3) That the shared surface road shall be finished in tarmac to match the tarmac finish of the existing roads within the conservation area;

(4) That no development shall commence until samples of all external materials have been submitted to and approved by the Director of Planning in writing;

(5) That no development shall commence until full details of the revised boundary wall and railings have been submitted to and approved by the Director of Planning in writing - the proposed wall to be constructed in sandstone dismantled from the school extension which is to be demolished; and

(6) That the approved scheme of landscaping shall be implemented in the first planting season following completion of the development and any specimen that in the subsequent 5 years, becomes diseased or damaged shall be replaced in the next planting season with a similar specimen unless the Director of Planning gives his prior written consent to any variation that may be sought, conditions (3) - (6) being imposed in the interests of visual amenity and to protect and enhance the Quarriers Village conservation area.

(d)Alterations to Stone Wall:

Torr Road/Faith Avenue, Quarriers Village, Bridge of Weir (IC/98/318)

SUBMITTED: Report dated 21 January 1999 by the Director of Planning regarding an application by Cala Homes (Scotland) Ltd for alterations to the stone wall at Torr Road/Faith Avenue, Quarriers Village, Bridge of Weir (IC/98/318), consideration of which had been continued from the meeting held on 6 January 1999 to allow the Director of Planning to discuss the overall impact of the development on the Quarriers Village conservation area with the Director of Transportation and Roads, Quarriers Homes and the applicants.

DECIDED: That planning permission be granted.


SUBMITTED: Reports by the Director of Planning on the following applications which were submitted, together with letters of objection and support where submitted, and dealt with as follows:-

(a)Provision of New Primary School, Playground and Road Realignment:

Darroch Park, Gourock (NI/98/18)

The report recommended that the application be notified to the Secretary of State under the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Development by Planning Authorities) (Scotland) Regulations 1981 requesting authorisation to implement the development.

After discussion, Councillor Campbell moved that the application be not notified to the Secretary of State for the following reasons:-

(1) On the grounds of road safety given the proposed siting of the development close to a busy junction and as the increased traffic generated by the proposal would create congestion at that junction; and

(2) As the proposal would result in the loss of valuable public recreation space within Darroch Park when a more suitable alternative site is available.

As an amendment, Councillor Robertson moved that the application be notified to the Secretary of State as recommended in the report. On a vote, 1 Member voted for the motion and 6 for the amendment which was declared carried.

DECIDED: That the application be notified to the Secretary of State under the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Development by Planning Authorities) (Scotland) Regulations 1981 requesting authorisation to implement the development.

(b)Change of Use of Former Restaurant to Betting Shop:

68 East Hamilton Street, Greenock (IC/98/351)

DECIDED: That planning permission be granted.


SUBMITTED: Reports by the Director of Planning on the following applications which were submitted, together with letters of objection and support where submitted, and dealt with as follows:-

(a)Externally Illuminated Fascia Sign, Internally Illuminated Projecting Sign, Sign Panel and

Painting of Shopfront (in retrospect):

61/63 West Blackhall Street, Greenock (CA/98/49)

DECIDED: That advertisement consent be refused as the development, by virtue of the design and location of signage and the colour of the shopfront, introduces a discordant element into the street scene to the severe detriment of the visual amenity of West Blackhall Street.

(b)Erection of Advertising Hoarding:

Laird Street, Greenock (CA/98/52)

DECIDED: That advertisement consent be refused for the following reasons:-

(1) As the proposals are contrary to Policy DCr(iv) in the Local Plan which states: “...advertisements on the gables of roadside buildings will, in general, be resisted.”; and

(2) As the proposed hoarding would introduce a discordant element into the street scene, to the severe detriment of the visual amenity of the immediate area.


SUBMITTED: Report dated 22 January 1999 by the Executive Director Legal, Information and Support Services advising that following the decision of the Sub-Committee at the meeting held on 4 November 1998 to refuse an application for amendment of an existing planning condition to permit a hot food take-away use at 4-6 Crawford Street, Port Glasgow (IC/98/271), notification had been received that the applicant had appealed to the Secretary of State against that refusal.



SUBMITTED: Report dated 15 January 1999 by the Executive Director Legal, Information and Support Services advising that following the decision of the Sub-Committee at the meeting held on 4 November 1998 to refuse an application in outline for the erection of 5 dwellinghouses at Hydro House, West Glen Road, Kilmacolm (IC/98/169), notification had been received that the applicant had appealed to the Secretary of State against that refusal.



SUBMITTED: Report dated 13 January 1999 by the Director of Planning advising that following the decision of the Sub-Committee at the meeting held on 7 January 1998 to refuse an application for the erection of a conservatory and balcony at 18 Carnoustie Avenue, Gourock (IC/97/370), and the subsequent appeal by the applicant to the Secretary of State against that refusal, the Reporter appointed by the Secretary of State had issued his decision which is to dismiss the appeal and uphold the Sub-Committee’s decision to refuse planning permission.



SUBMITTED: Report dated 14 January 1999 by the Executive Director Legal, Information and Support Services advising that following the decision of the Sub-Committee at the meeting held on 3 June 1998 to refuse an application for the erection of a non-food retail warehouse and the formation of car parking at the Waterfront Retail Park, Greenock (IC/98/79), and the subsequent appeal by the applicant to the Secretary of State against that refusal, the Reporter appointed by the Secretary of State had issued his decision which is to dismiss the appeal and uphold the Sub-Committee’s decision to refuse planning permission.



SUBMITTED: Report dated 12 January 1999 by the Director of Planning advising that following the decision of the Sub-Committee at the meeting held on 2 December 1998 to refuse an application for consent to display 2 illuminated advertisement hoardings at Newark Street, Port Glasgow (CA/98/44), notification had been received that the applicant had appealed to the Secretary of State against that refusal.




SUBMITTED: Report dated 20 January 1999 by the Director of Planning on the decision of the Sub-Committee at the meeting held on 2 December 1998 to grant planning permission for housing developments at Irwin Street/Lansbury Street and Gibson Street/Bell Street/Cobham Street, Greenock (Para 1288(d) & (e)) and advising that a number of public footpaths through the sites require to be removed.

DECIDED: That authority be given to the Executive Director Legal, Information and Support Services to use the Road Closure Order procedure relative to all public footpaths within the sites at Irwin Street/Lansbury Street and Gibson Street/Bell Street/Cobham Street, Greenock.


SUBMITTED: Report dated 21 January 1999 by the Director of Planning on the decision of the Social Work and Housing Committee at the meeting held on 19 May 1998 (Para 563) in respect of the demolition of tenements and the removal of roads at Clydeview Road and Flintmill Lane, Greenock.

DECIDED: That authority be given to the Executive Director Legal, Information and Support Services to use the Road Closure Order procedure relative to the removal of roads at Clydeview Road and Flintmill Lane, Greenock.



SUBMITTED: Report dated 21 December 1998 by the Executive Director Legal, Information and Support Services recommending the making of a Stopping Up Order to permit the infilling of the pedestrian underpass at Belville Street, Greenock.

DECIDED: That The Inverclyde Council be recommended to make a Resolution under the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 in relation to a Stopping Up Order to permit the infilling of the pedestrian underpass at Belville Street, Greenock and thereafter that it be remitted to the Directors of Transportation and Roads and Central Services to arrange for implementation of the Order.