Learning and Improvement

Case for Consideration for Review

This form is for the purpose of referring a case to the Worcestershire Safeguarding Children Board (WSCB)Serious Case Review group for consideration to undertake a Serious Case Review (SCR) or a Learning Review as outlined in Chapter 4 of Working Together to Safeguard Children, 2015.

`Professionals and organisations protecting children need to reflect on the quality of their services and learn from their own practice and that of others. Good practice should be shared so that there is a growing understanding of what works well. Conversely, when things go wrong there needs to be a rigorous, objective analysis of what happened and why, so that important lessons can be learnt and services improved to reduce the risk of future harm to children.' (Working Together 2015: 72)

For cases that do not immediately meet the SCR criteria this form should only be completed when the WSCB interagency guidance has been followed and have not resulted in an outcome in the best interests of the child, or where it is clear that there are lessons to be learnt for future practice. This form can also be used to refer cases with a positive outcome for review in order to learn from examples of good practice.

How can I refer a case for review?

  • Any professional can refer a case in to the Serious Case Review sub-group. If you know of a case that meets any of the above criteria then you should first discuss a possible referral with your Designated Lead for Safeguarding in your organisation.
  • Cases that have potential for a Serious Case Review and notification of any single agency reviews should be referred immediately using the attached form.
  • For all other cases you should firstly make sure that you have followed the WSCB Escalation Process where appropriate. Where this has not resulted in a resolution then you should complete the attached form.
  • The form will need to be signed by your Designated Lead for Safeguarding and sent to:

Michelle Hudspith

WSCB Admin

The Green Gardens

104 – 106 Spetchley Road



or by email :

The case will be considered for a review by the Serious Case Review sub-group and you will be informed of the outcome.


Referrer’s name , agency and contact details
Name(s) and date(s) of birth of child(ren)
Address(es) of child(ren)
Name(s) and date(s) of birth of parents and other significant adults
Notification that the following review is being undertaken:
Date review commenced
Date review completed / Domestic Homicide Review Critical Learning Review
MAPPA Review CDOP Report
Root Cause Analysis
Other: ………………………………………
Explain why the case is being referred to the Serious Case Review sub group.
Refer to Working Together 2015, Chapter 4 to explain:
  • What serious harm has come to the child(ren)
  • What are the concerns about how local services have safeguarded the child(ren)
  • What attempts have been made to escalate concerns with those involved?
  • What elements of good practice were there that could be highlighted and shared?

Please tick which Working Together 2015 criteria Chapter 4, supports the suggestion that an SCR or another type of multi-agency review should be considered / The criteria (Please tick all that apply)
abuse or neglect of a child is known or suspected; and either — (i) the child has died; or (ii) the child has been seriously harmed and there is cause for concern as to the way in which the authority, their Board partners or other relevant persons have worked together to safeguard the child.
a child has died in custody, in police custody, on remand or following sentencing, in a Young Offender Institution, in a secure training centre or a secure children’s home, or where the child was detained under the Mental Health Act 2005. Regulation 5(2) (b) (i) includes cases where a child died by suspected suicide.
child protection incident which falls below the threshold for a serious case review
Please ensure you tick any of the following questions if they apply to the case.
Was there clear evidence of a child having suffered, or been likely to suffer, significant harm that was:
not recognised by organisations or professionals in contact with the child or perpetrator; or
not shared with others; or
not acted on appropriately?
Was the child abused or neglected in an institutional setting (for example, school, nursery, children’s or family centre, YOI, STC, immigration removal centre, mother and baby unit in a prison, children’s home or Armed Services training establishment)?
Was the child abused or neglected while being looked after by the local authority?
Was the child a member of a family that has recently moved to the UK, for example as asylum seekers or temporary workers?
Did the child suffer harm during an unauthorised absence from an institution, or having run away from home or other care setting?
Does one or more agency or professional consider that its concerns about a child’s welfare were not taken sufficiently seriously, or acted on appropriately, by another?
Does the case indicate that there may be failings in one or more aspects of the local operation of formal safeguarding children procedures which go beyond the handling of this case?
Was the child the subject of a child protection plan at the time of the incident, or had they previously been the subject of a child protection plan?
Does the case appear to have implications for a range of agencies and/or professionals?
Does the case suggest that the LSCB may need to change its local protocols or procedures, or that protocols and procedures are not being adequately understood or acted on?
Are there any indications that the circumstances of the case may have national implications for systems or processes, or that it is in the public interest to undertake a SCR; or to undertake another type of learning reviewwhere there is multi-agency learning arising from the case?
Please list other agencies that are involved and inform them that you are making this referral.
Was the child(ren) currently or previously on a Child Protection Plan? Give details.
Any other information relevant to decision about whether or not to instigate a SCRor other type of learning review where there is multi-agency learning arising from the case?
What is your expected outcome from this referral?
Was this notified to Ofsted , if so what date / For guidance

The Designated Lead for Safeguarding in your agency should sign below if they are in agreement for this referral to be made to the WSCB Serious Case Review sub-group.

Signed:……………………………………….Print name:………………………………….

Designated Safeguarding Lead


Record of Discussion at SCR Sub Group

Discussion / Decision


After reviewing the information from all agencies it has been agreed that this case:

a)Meets the threshold for a Serious Case Review

b)Does not meet the threshold for a Serious Case Review

c)Warrants an alternative Multi - Agency Learning Review

d)Warrants a Multi- Agency Audit

e)Warrants a Single Agency Practice Review

f)Warrants a Single Agency Audit

N.B. Please refer to SCR sub group guidance regarding level of Case Reviews

Definition of terms

Review: Is an evaluation designed to identify potential service delivery, practice and procedural improvements.

Audit: The process of systematic examination carried out to assess how successfully processes have been implemented.

Recommendation to Independent Chair of WSCB

It is recommended/not recommended that this case is subject to a Serious Case Review for the following reasons:

If the case does not meet the criteria for a Serious Case Review and another review process has been agreed, please give details below (please refer to the guidelines):

Signed: ......

Serious Case Review Sub Group Chair

Date: ......

Independent Chair Decision

Signed: ......

Date: ......

Useful website addresses:

SCR Leaflet for professionals:

SCR leaflet for parents:

Inter-agency guidance:

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