ENG 3C: Chapter Seminars

Chapters 16-23 from Crabbe

My group members are: ______

Our chapter is: ______

Your job is to present (with your group) the important information contained in one chapter of Crabbe. You should present the chapter’s information based on the requirements below. You do not have to present them in this order, but all the components must be covered.

You will be the experts on this chapter and your classmates will have to take notes from your presentation. This means that you must carefully edit and spell check your work, using the instructor as a resource, if you have questions.

Create a power point presentation that includes appropriate visuals for your chapter and all the key information that your classmates would need to understand this chapter. Your presentation must include a 1-2 minute ice-breaker activity in order to engage the class and help us to make connections outside of the work studied. An example of an ice-breaker might be a relevant game, or reflection question (4 corners exercise) or story-telling, etc.



  • Provide a brief plot summary.
  • Outline the main plot points as we practiced in class.


  • Identify the characters that are present in your chapter.
  • Describe the characters (focus on personality). What are their main traits? (for this, use quotations and references to specific pages in the novel)
  • Have the characters grown or changed in any way?


  • Outline the main conflicts in your chapter (person vs.?).
  • Who is involved in these conflicts and why are they happening? Use textual evidence to support your points.


  • Can you find a message that the author is developing in this chapter? Express as a theme statement and provide textual examples to support it.


  • Identify any literary devices in the chapter. Does the author use any similes, metaphors, personification, irony, symbolism, etc.?
  • Explain why the literary devices are effective.

A hard copy of your assignment is due on the day of presentation.

Evaluation Sheet for Crabbe Seminars

Name______Chapter #_____

Knowledge and Understanding:

  • Information presented is accurate
  • Demonstrates understanding of plot progression in the chapter
  • Conflict is clearly identified and explained
  • Identification of literary devices reflects solid understandingLevel ____

Thinking and Inquiry:

  • Evidence of careful and active reading in the analysis
  • Literary devices are identified and effectively explained
  • Analysis of character growth is accurate
  • Discussion of theme reflects a thorough analysisLevel ____

Communication (oral and written):

  • Hard copy is submitted on time
  • Information is well organized, edited and proof read
  • Topic headings are clear and followed by relevant information
  • Group members have shared the work load equally
  • Effective use of voice in order to hold audience attention
  • Notes to be copied are clearly introduced to the class
  • Smooth transitions among the speakers reflect practiceLevel ____


  • Ice-breaking activity is relevant to the topics discussed during

the presentation

  • Activity engages the class
  • Activity reflects the group’s attempt to make connections outside

of the work studied

  • Activity meets time requirements (1-2 minutes)Level ____


Overall level: ____