Academy of Model Aeronautics

5161 East Memorial Drive, Muncie, Indiana 47302
(765) 287-1256 – Voice • Competitions Fax (765) 286-3303



(To be inserted by Headquarters) (To be inserted by Headquarters)


PROPOSAL TYPE (Check One): X Basic  Cross Indicate Original Proposal Number

 Urgent/Safety/Emergency  Interpretation

 General Section  Executive Council X Outdoor Free Flight  Indoor Free Flight  CL Speed

 CL Racing  CL Navy Carrier  CL Aerobatics  CL Combat  CL Special Events  RC Aerobatics  RC Scale Aerobatics  RC Pylon Racing  RC Helicopter  RC Soaring  Scale  Electric

 Special Events  RC Combat

Brief summary of the proposed change.

This proposal adds radio operated motor stop to the already allowed radio operated dethermalizer function.

Exact wording proposed for the rulebook. (List paragraph numbers where applicable. Example: Change “quote present rule book wording” to “exact wording required”.

The applicable rule is under FREE FLIGHT GENERAL paragraph 2. General

Change the words ………”except that the dethermalizer function may be radio operated”………

To: … except that both motor stop and dethermalizer functions may be radio operated irreversibly….

Change the name “ (RFODT) Radio Frequency Operated DeThermalizer” wherever it appears

To: (RFOFR) Radio Frequency Operated Flight Restriction ______

Logic behind proposed change, including alleged shortcomings of the present rules. State intent for future reference.

The intent of the proposed change is to increase safety at contest events. The present rule allows radio DT but not radio motor stop. This needs to be corrected. We have all seen that when a power model is DT’d under power the wings will often break or fold and the model then becomes a dangerous missile. Further, power models can sometimes lose theirs upward climbing pattern and veer to the side and then down. Radio motor stop will reduce the danger to people and property in this situation. If the motor is stopped by ground command then, after a short slowdown period, the model can be safely DT’d. ______

New event test data/information (new events only), please provide what testing of this new event has taken place to include number of participants and number of contests.

______Reference note: The same motor stop rule proposed here is already in effect in the current FAI Sporting Code. ______


Effect, if any, on current AMA records.



Note: The Contest Board Chairman may, in coordination with the submitter of the proposal, at any time prior to submitting a proposal to the Contest Board for Final Vote, edit proposal wording to increase clarity and to avoid ambiguity provided the proposal intent is not changed.

1. Proposer_____Richard J. Ivers______AMA #___683557______

Street Address__11 Stoneleigh Rd.______

City____W. Newton______State____MA______Zip___02465___

Day Telephone (_617_)___969-8857______Evening Telephone (_____)__Same______

Date of Signature____December 29, 2009______