/ D4.4a – Interim Roadmap for ERA-NET+

Coordination of the European Future Internet Forum of Member States

D4.10– Proposal for a Memorandum of Understanding between Member States

Willie Donnelly, Kevin Quinn, Brian Foley

Document Number / D4.10
Document Title / Proposal for a Memorandum of Understanding between Member States
Version / 1.0
Status / Final
Work Package / WP4
Deliverable Type / Report
Responsible Partner / WIT
Dissemination level / PU
ceFIMS / Version 1.0 / Page 1 of 6


The ceFIMS project has undertaken a wide range of data-collection, analysis and strategic actions. The culmination of these activities is represented by the project’s database and accompanying reports: and the publication of a final roadmap document. When taken together, these two deliverables identify the key elements of a framework for maximising synergies and supporting stronger collaboration among Member States, and between EU and Member States, in their initiatives and investments in Future Internet research.

Following on from these data-gathering and roadmapping actions and in an effort to progress discussions and maintain momentum, the ceFIMS project has prepared a draft proposal for a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Member States to consider. This MOU has been drafted as a support to Member States in their efforts to reduce fragmentation and overlap in their FI investments and to identify areas where they can cooperate. The draft MOU is being presented as a focus for Member States and European Commission discussions on how to create interfaces that support and recognises the value of on-going communication, the sharing of information and the closer collaboration. The draft proposal for a MOU has been put together in line with a vision of enhanced cooperation among key Future Internet stakeholders and closer alignment in European and national FI research strategies.

The draft proposal for an MOU is intended to help focus Member States’ future discussions and needs to be seen within the context of and read alongside, the other project deliverables, most notably the roadmap. The ceFIMS roadmap discusses a potential collaboration framework which includes the institutional changes required to support future collaboration, thematic areas for potential research collaborations, appropriate collaboration mechanisms and how Member State collaboration fits with existing European-level initiatives. Progress has been made on clarifying some of the issues during the lifetime of the project. Progress has also been made on engaging Member States on these issues and the impression is that Member States are increasingly open to finding mechanisms that could support collaboration and add value. The early signs of enhanced collaboration have begun to emerge during the lifetime of the ceFIMS project, including the emergence of the idea of ‘collaboration cohorts’ and ‘communities of interest’. The methodology (focused workshops, data exchange, bilateral dialogue) which led to these tentative discussions, can be reproduced to deliver additional communities of interest. This ‘start small’, focused approach on a given theme offers one of the most promising ways forward where ‘light’ collaboration over time, has the potential to lead to more ‘heavy’ coordination.

All of these factors have been taken into account in the preparation of the draft MOU. It is now hoped that this draft MOU can support Member States efforts to decrease fragmentation and support investment synergies, and in particular help to secure the buy-in of the key FI stakeholders (European Commission, governments, policy-makers, funding agencies, research performers and industry) in this process.

Finally, it is important to note that the roadmapping process and this accompanying MOU, should be seen as a journey. This MOU is not the final destination. As Member State contacts increase and discussions progress, new directions and new opportunities emerge. Therefore this MOU must be flexible and agile enough to respond to these new directions and new possibilities. As the policy context evolves and government priorities and resources change, so too the collaboration framework will change. The most important elements in all of this (which is central to this MOU) is the continued engagement of, and on-going dialogue between, the key stakeholders. It hoped that this MOU along with the other outputs from the project will provide support and focus for this continued engagement and the development of enhanced collaboration among Member States in Future Internet research.

Proposal for a Memorandum of Understanding between Member States

  1. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Member States and Associated Member States[i]
  1. Covering the period from ______to ______[ii]
  1. The objective of the MOU is to contribute to the Europe2020 strategy by supporting Future Internet investment synergies among Member States and between Member States and the EU, through enhanced cooperation and collaboration.
  1. In order to support this objective the parties agree to:
  • share knowledge, experience and best practices on Future Internet initiatives, experimental and test infrastructures and national Future Internet strategies.
  • identify and actively engage with key national Future Internet stakeholders including national actors, activities and programmes.
  • create appropriate communication interfaces that can support enhanced information-sharing, identification of thematic areas of common interest in Future Internet and lay the foundation for enhanced collaboration.
  • work towards overcoming the barriers and challenges[iii] to realising pan-European cooperation and optimising consistencies and complementarities across national FI activities and alignment with EU-wide programmes and initiatives.
  • closely liaise with existing pan-European groups and forums and recognising initiatives already launched in other regions of the world, work towards maintaining Europe’s position as the global Future Internet leader.
  1. The parties specifically agree to:
  • actively contribute information to European-level databases and data-gathering initiatives (such as ceFIMS database) on national initiatives, e.g. national FI projects, investment programmes, research agencies / councils that are engaged in supporting Future Internetresearch, and national strategies identifying national research priorities in the area of the Future Internet.
  • engage in the process of analysing this information in order to identify potential synergies, and identifying areas for bi-lateral and multi-lateral collaboration.
  • communicate the views of national and regional FI stakeholders to the European FIF and other relevant European-level forums, in order to secure greater synergies between Future Internet planning and investment at National and European levels and the sharing of best practices, solutions, applications and services.
  • provide inputs to the strategic direction of European-level R&D&I initiatives and programmes, based on analysis of national priorities in order to secure closer alignment between Member States and EU-level Future Internet infrastructural and research investments.
  • explore areas of common research interest (including technological and end-use applications) based on national and European-level thematic priorities and challenges[iv]. Identify interested parties, build a community and identify appropriate collaboration models and mechanisms[v], including novel and ‘soft’ ways of sharing value, the development of communities of interest and pilot initiatives.
  • develop an effective network of institutionalised national FIF Chapters, taking account of the national contexts, that can reach out to a wide range of national and regional Future Internet stakeholders. Actively engage these national Future Internet stakeholders.
  • develop and support the role of the national FIF Chapters to act as an effective two-way communication bridge between EU and national levels including acting as communication facilitators between the European-level FIF and the national FIF organisations.Act as a two-way communications channel between the European-level Future Internet ecosystem and national Future Internet stakeholders.
  • support the greater engagement of national industry (paying special attention to SMEs) in European FI initiatives such as the FI-PPP and Horizon 2020. Increase awareness of the FI-PPP process and other European-level initiaitves[vi] among national policy-makers to ensure greater awareness of these initiatives in setting national investment priorities. Consider how best to optimise the FI-PPP model in the innovation system of the Member State..
  1. This agreement may be amended at any time with the mutual consent of the parties.
  1. Date of the Memorandum of Understanding.

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[i]Authorised Representatives of Member States or Associated States (inter alia ministries, research agencies, research funders, research performers or other appropriately mandated representatives) who have a common interest in closer collaboration. Additional Member or Associated States can sign the MOU at any time.

[ii]Period of Agreement to be decided

[iii]Including multiplicity of research programmes, legal, governance, social social and cultural barriers

[iv]Also taking account of potential areas identified through the work of FIF and ceFIMS

[v]Possible collaboration mechanism include but are not limited to, ERA-NET+, Joint Programming, ad hoc’ cooperation between national innovation agencies and communities of interest

[vi]Including FET Flagships (FuturICT),Horizon2020 and Structural Funds