Information for Car Riders

School drop off hours are 7:30am-7:55am. We have a 7:55am bell that serves as a 5 minute warning to our academic start time. Once the 8:00am bell rings, your child is considered tardy. The red sign will be turned to let you know that the 8:00am bell has rung and your child is now tardy. Once the 8:00am bell rings and the sign is turned, you mustpark your car and come into the office to sign in your child (even if staff is finishing up unloading other cars that may have arrived before the sign was turned).

Unfortunately, we cannot control the traffic on Mallard Roost and Salome Church Roads. Bradford Preparatory Charter School (across Salome Church from us) now overlaps arrival and dismissal times with us. Please be prepared for traffic delays and give yourself extra time to get to school. Please exercise caution and patience at all times.

The role of our Stoney Creek staff is to provide supervision of students and to assist in moving along the car pool line. Please pull as far forward as possible before allowing your child to exit the vehicle so that we can unload as many students as possible in the Unloading Zone at one time. Staff is not required to open car doors. I know many staff members enjoy opening the doors to greet you and your child, but unfortunately, we do not have enough staff members to ensure every door is opened. Please do not wait for a staff member to approach your car in order to let your child out. Your child should exit the vehicle on the passenger side as soon as you come to a complete stop in the Unloading Zone.

If you need extra time loading/unloading, please stay in the car pool line and pull all the way forward to the “Extra Time” loading zone which is marked with white diagonal lines just before you depart the drop-off line.

CMS Board Policy requires compliance with school rules and regulations. It is a violation of CMS Board Policy to create an unsafe environment on school campus. Please adhere to the following:

  • Be aware of other cars in the carpool lane and do not create unsafe conditions for others.
  • Watch for directions from staff about where and when to move through the line.
  • Students must exit the vehicle on the passenger side (school-side). Never have your child go around the car.
  • Traffic moves ONE WAY through the parking lot.
  • The designated Unloading Zone is the only approved area to drop-off students. Childrenshould not be dropped off (even if the 8:00 bell has rung).