September 14, 2015 Technical Committee Public Meeting: Lycoming County Executive Plaza, 330 Pine Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

(Attendance Sheet is Attached)


Chairman Mullins called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM.


March 9, 2015 Technical Committee Public Meeting

Mr. Hausammann motioned for approval of the meeting minutes which was seconded by Mr. Logue and unanimously approved.


There was no public comment.



Mr. King distributed a spreadsheet showing 25 administrative actions that have been made to the FFY 2015-18 TIP from 4/1/15 to 9/1/15. As none of these actions constitute a formal amendment, this handout was presented for informational purposes only and no action was taken by the Technical Committee.


Lycoming County Comprehensive Plan Update Kick-off

Mr. Hausammann led the discussion by explaining that the last update to the Lycoming County Comprehensive Plan and the six growth area Multi-Municipal Plans occurred in 2006. In accordance with the PA Municipalities Planning Code, (PA MPC), comprehensive plans must be updated at least every 10 years. Although our plan update process will exceed the MPC requirements, it will not constitute a complete re-write of the 2006 plans as much information in the earlier plans is expected to remain valid. 9 Planning Area Teams will be established for each region to determine what information should remain and be further developed in this plan and items that have been completed or are no longer pertinent will be eliminated. A major outcome will be for each PAT to identify several high priority initiatives for implementation. It will not be a long laundry list but rather a very strategic focused list that can be achieved to realize the most significant community benefit. The four initial public outreach kick-off meetings are now underway and will be concluded by the end of September. PAT meetings will start to convene in October. Plan adoption is anticipated for Spring 2017. The WATS Committees will be kept updated throughout the plan development process as the end products will serve as the foundation for the next WATS Long Range Plan Update scheduled for completion in December 2018.

Trade and Transit Center II Update

Mr. Kilpatrick provided a status report on this project. The project construction phase is well underway and a ground breaking ceremony was held on May 21, 2015. Much of the building foundation work is complete and construction activity will continue to occur throughout the remainder of 2015 with completion anticipated in Spring 2016.

Airport Terminal Building Replacement Status

Mr. Hart reported that the Airport Authority continues to make progress in submitting the required environmental assessment documentation to FAA. The only remaining environmental item will be an air quality assessment and the Authority is exploring professional assistance to complete this work. Environmental clearance from FAA is expected to occur shortly after the air quality assessment is completed. Once clearance is obtained, detailed project design can commence. The Authority has initiated the consultant selection process for building design. It is hoped that construction can start in mid – 2016 and be completed by Fall 2017.

FFY 2017 TIP Financial Guidance Status

Mr. Murawski noted that the PennDOT Financial Guidance Work Group is nearing completion of its work, however uncertainly continues due to lack of passage of the federal transportation reauthorization legislation by Congress. Once that occurs Financial Guidance can be issued to the MPO’s/RPO’s so that financial constraint funding targets can be established for development of the FFY 2017 TIP’s. If Congress fails to pass reauthorization legislation this Fall, then Financial Guidance will still be issued with the assumption of flat federal funding levels over the next four years.

New PennDOT Project Website and STC Outreach

Chairman Mullins guided the Committee through the new PennDOT website enabling users to receive better transportation project updates and information. Also, the STC has greatly improved its public outreach through on-line surveys where the general public can indicate their top transportation issues and concerns. It is anticipated that STC Commissioner. George Khoury will be able to attend the December WATS Coordinating Committee meeting to further present the STC public outreach findings and next steps.

PennDOT District 3-0 Projects Update

Mr. King updated the Technical Committee on several major projects underway in Lycoming County such as the US 220/PA 405 interesection now under preliminary design; US 220 Corridor Management project between Jersey Shore and Williamsport again in preliminary design and the West Fourth Street and West Third Street reconstruction projects in the City of Williamsport which are being coordinated with a downtown traffic study of the one way vs two way street system now underway by the City using Larson Design Group as the consultant. Mr. Murawski noted the County is also an Act 13 funding partner in this major study.

Muncy Area Corridor Access Management Plan Status

Mr. Murawski noted that this study is nearing completion. One more meeting will be scheduled with the study steering committee to review the final future land use growth and transportation project recommendations later this Fall. A presentation to WATS will be given in the Winter-Spring 2016 timeframe.

Susquehanna Riverwalk Extension

Mr. Murawski informed the Committee that it is anticipated the County will apply for PA DCNR grant funds in April 2016 to initiate project design. The proposed 3 mile bikeway from the Riverwalk at Maynard Street to Susquehanna State Park is identified in the PA DCNR State-wide Outdoor Recreation Plan as a Top 10 trail gap which should give priority funding consideration for this project.


Mr. Murawski informed the Committee that eight new Local Technical Assistance Program courses have been scheduled in Lycoming County during 2016 in response to municipal high priority training needs identified in a survey issued by the LCPC.


Chairman Mullins declared the meeting adjourned at 11:15 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mark Murawski, WATS Secretary