IEEE Nigeria Section 2013 Robotics Workshop and Competition

The Quotation for materials in the IEEE Nigeria Section 2013 Undergraduates Robotics and Automation Workshop and competition is based an aim to actualize and impact Nigerian University students with the workings of a second generation Robot. During the 2012 workshop the students were successfully taught about first generation robots, types of robots, joints (degrees of freedom) robotic characteristics and robot intelligence.

This follow-up edition is aimed at taking the demonstrations made in the first edition using pneumatic robots to the next level. The 2013 edition expects to use robots made of metallic frames (against the wood used in the first edition) as exoskeletons coupled with standard servo drivers to achieve mobility through a customized basic robot design. The robots which shall be interfaced with generic microcontroller boards would be controlled via serial/USB boards and PC.

The 2012 R&A Workshop was crowned by a competition between four (4) attending universities and this involved the students in teams of four (4) per school replicating the construction of a robot arm which had been earlier presented during the workshop in limited time. For this task, the materials were all provided. And a team of Judges comprising of Lecturers who are IEEE members individually scored the teams. The initiative which shall be repeated during the 2013 edition would go further to test the student’s computer aptitude by providing a special prize for the best interface/robot programming team.

Below is a breakdown of the materials and logistics required to actualize the 2013 edition of the IEEE Nigeria Section Robotics and Automation Workshop/Competition;

Quotation for materials

S/N / Description / Quantity / Cost (N) / Total(N)
1. / Microcontroller board (KEDA) / 5 / 7,500 / 37,500
2. / Servos / 17 / 750 / 12,750
3. / Servo extensions/ Y Connectors and cabling. / 25 / 400 / 10,000
4. / Power Supplies / 5 / 3,500 / 17,500
5. / Bolts and nuts (packs) / 4 / 4,000 / 16,000
6. / Robot External Skeleton (Cut Iron sheets) / 5 / 9,000 / 45,000
7. / Gears Spacers and washers (packs) / 5 / 600 / 3,000
8. / Interface Cables / 6 / 1,500 / 9,000
Sub-Total / 150,750


S/N / Item / Number of persons/Items / Cost(N) / Total(N)
1. / Transportation / 20 / 10,000 / 200,000
2. / Accommodation (3 nights) / 20 / 10,000 / 200,000
3. / Feeding (7 meals) / 20 / 1,500 / 210,000
4. / Prizes / 6 / 15,000 / 90,000
5. / Banners and adverts / 6 / 5,000 / 30,000
Sub-Total / 730,000
TOTAL / 880,750

The total for the workshop and competition which is N 880,750 (Eight hundred and eighty thousand seven hundred and fifty thousand naira) that is equivalent to $ 5,505 (Five thousand five hundred and five US dollars)

The Workshop/competition is expected to last 2 full days and the students would be expected to arrive a day before. AS such 3 nights would be most ideal.

Prepared by

Raphael Onoshakpor

Vice Chair

IEEE Nigeria Section

Coordinator – IEEE Nigeria Section R&A Society