P-Card Training Aid
Create a New Account
1. Select Accounts from main menu bar and click on Manage.
2. Query an active existing cardholder account to use as a template for the new cardholder. For example, a new fitness center employee could be templated from another active fitness center employee’s cardholder account.
3. Open the account that will be used as a template, and click on the "Create New Account" button on the General Information tab.
4. Under Type of Account click on the dropdown and select Individual.
5. Depending on the requirement use the Type of Employee dropdown to select either:
a. New Employee (if an employee record needs to be created for the CH in PaymentNet)
b. Existing Employee (if an employee record already exists for the CH in PaymentNet)
6. Input the Hierarchy ID that the person will fall under and click out of the box to allow the screen to refresh.
7. Enter the User ID for the new CH. This should be first initial, middle initial, last name. For example, John Q. Public should have a user ID of jqpublic. TAB out of the box to allow the screen to refresh. Note you must use the TAB Button here.
8. All the information for the other employee will blank out and allow the information for the new cardholder to be input. This includes:
a. First name, MI, Last name (total of all three cannot exceed 19 characters)
b. Last four of the SSAN (SSAN will be ***-**-1234). CH must remember to confirm identity with the bank
c. Address: this should be the Resource Management address. All cards must go to the IPC for distribution. (Click on the toggle box between statement address and cardholder address and the lower address should fill itself in.)
d. Mother's maiden name. CH must remember to confirm identity with the bank.
e. Put a note in the notes box as to the reason for the account creation with the date and initials of creator (i.e. 6/27/07 New fitness director needed card BAS)
f. Transaction Default Account codes must be entered in the account record during account creation. DO NOT ENTER INTO THE EMPLOYEE RECORD. (Click Edit and select appropriate codes)
g. Account Custom Fields are used to note warrants and delegation letters the cardholder may have on file
9. Click Continue at the top of the page, and it will take you to the Controls Tab.
10. Enter the Credit Limit (monthly spending limit), the Single Amount Limit (Single Purchase Limit), and the MCC codes the cardholder will need. An MCC Group listing can be located at www.afnafpo.com. DO NOT ENTER A MONTHLY TRANSACTION LIMIT. Click Continue.
11. The MCC Group Controls tab will display. Do not enter information on this tab, just click Save.
12. The system will generate a number and move the card to "pending" status (that will change to "new" once the bank has built the card and mailed it). The notice at the top will say information submitted for processing. DO NOT CLICK THE “ISSUE NEW CARD” BUTTON! Issue New Card is used only for an existing card that has had a last name change (divorce, marriage, etc.), or has become demagnetized or otherwise unusable.
The system will automatically generate a new employee record. In order to complete the employee record:
1. Go into Employees/Manage and open up the employee record that was automatically created.
2. Enter or update any information on the General Information tab, and click Save.
3. Click on User Access tab. Click on the “+” to add an additional role.
a. Select NAF Cardholder for Role (unless the cardholder is a purchasing agent)
b. The hierarchy ID will already be populated
c. Select “Self” for Scope
- Click Change Passphrase, and assign a passphrase.
- Click Save
The new card should arrive within 7-10 business days. In the event that the card has not arrived after that timeframe, please contact the P-Card team at to obtain the status of the card.
Prior to the new card arriving, ensure all training has been completed and documented prior to providing the card to the cardholder. Additionally, you must send two emails to the CH. In one, give them the initial password you set up in their record. In the second, attach a copy of the P-Card Placemat and give them the org id (AFSVA01 and their userid (should be the first initial, middle initial and last name of the CH). That way, they can get into the system when their card arrives.