Sausage Sizzles

Before your fundraiser:

  1. Send out a “save the date” to all your helpers/volunteers. Put the date of your event in your diary.
  1. Please read carefully the information that has been provided to you from the facilitator. If you are holding a sausage sizzle at a location such as Bunnings, they will give you important guidelines on how many sausages, bread, onions and sauces to order and other items you are required to bring.
  1. If the guidelines have not been supplied to you by two weeks prior to your scheduled date, it is recommended you contact the relevant facilitator and request this information.
  1. Approach local Butchers and shops to request donations of sausages and or bread and soft drinks. Please note, sausages are required to be purchased / donated from a reputable food safety accredited supplier.
  1. Forward the Public Liability Certificate to the stall organiser eg. Bunnings manager. You can obtain a copy of the current Public Liability Certificate from the Fundraising Team. This special insurance policy has been arranged to cover QIMR Berghofer staff members who carry out certain fundraising activities. (Please read the Public Liability Section of this pack to see who is and isn’t covered).
  1. Arrange your own cash float. $100 in change is recommended (2 x $10, 4 x $5, 20 x $2 coins, 10 x $1 coins, 20 x 50 cent coins).
  1. Arrange a team of volunteer helpers for your stand.

We suggest that you have a roster that includes one person who is an experienced and willing cook, one person to be the cashier and take orders, one person to place the cooked sausages in bread and give to customers, one person to fetch drinks and one person to supply the cook with raw sausages and onions and keep an eye on the drink levels. By allocating a specific task this will also minimise the risk of cross contamination i.e. food handling and money. Maybe you would also like to have “floating volunteer” to be available to be a spruiker and they could also assist in rubbish removal and general cleaning.

  1. Marketing collateral: If you would like QIMR Berghofer signage or a donation tin for your stall, please ask the Fundraising Team.
  1. If you collect the sausages the day before, ensure that you take them home straight away and keep them refrigerated at all times.

On the day:

  1. Transport the following to your Sausage Sizzle Location. (and please refer to information provided by the stall facilitator for any additional detail)

•Esky/Coolers with sufficient ice

•Sausages, bread & onion



•All cleaning equipment

•Containers etc

  1. Meet with the Manager on Duty to confirm set arrangements.
  1. Ensure you have a copy of the Public Liability Certificate.
  1. Place your QIMR Berghofer collateral on display.
  1. Start cooking and selling!

After your fundraiser:

  1. Count funds raised and remove your cash float amount
  1. Deposit your funds raised. Use your credit card and donate your funds raised online directly to the relevant fundraising page/s.
  1. Send thank you letters / emails to any businesses or people who helped to support your fundraising stall.