Eng 82 FA 2015 T/Th –NoSL
/ Value / Earned /



÷ Tally

/ %

Wk1: Participation Day 1

/ A T E / Week 1
Study Buddies / 3 / 3
Textbooks & Supplies / 11 / 14
Project Management Plan –Week 1 / 5 / 19
Participation Day 2 / A T E
Wk2: Participation Day 3 / A T E / Week 2
Project Management Plan – Week 2 / 5 / 24
EQ 1 & 2 / 2 / 26
R: Intro / 19 / 45
Novel Notes 1-3 / 24 / 69
Syllabus Pop Quiz / 10 / 79
Participation Day 4 / A T E
Wk3: Participation Day 5 / A T E / Week 3
Project Management Plan – Week 3 / 5 / 84
BSSC PLATODiag Print out / 20 / 104
EQ 3 & 4 / 2 / 106
Novel Notes 4-6 / 24 / 130
R:C1: Vocab in Context / 35 / 165
Academic Success Tips / 15 / 180
GK – Tallied Grade Keeper / 5 / 185
Participation Day 6 / A T E
Wk4: Participation Day 7 / A T E / Week 4
Project Management Plan – Week 4 / 5 / 190
EQ 5 & 6 / 2 / 192
Novel Notes 7-9 / 24 / 216
Vocabulary Unit 1 H/W / 60 / 276
R:C2: Main Ideas / 33.5 / 309.5
Participation Day 8 / A T E
Wk5: Participation Day 9 / A T E / Week 5
Project Management Plan – Week 5 / 5 / 314.5
EQ 7 & 8 / 2 / 316.5
Novel Notes 10-13 / 29 / 345.5
R:C3: Supporting Details / 40 / 385.5
Vocabulary Unit 1 TEST / 50 / 435.5
Participation Day 10 / A T E
Wk6: Participation Day 11 / A T E / Week 6
/ Value / Earned /



÷ Tally

/ %
Project Management Plan – Week 6 / 5 / 440.5
EQ 9 & 10 / 2 / 442.5
Novel Notes 14-17 / 29 / 471.5
R:C4: Implied M.I. / 30 / 501.5
R: Midterm Question / 3 / 504.5
Team Paragraph / 15 / 519.5
Participation Day 12 / A T E
Wk7: Participation Day 13 / A T E / Week 7
EE Conference Warnings: Attendance / Grade / 519.5
Grade Check & Course Corrections / 10 / 529.5
Project Management Plan – Week 7 / 5 / 534.5
EQ 11 & 12 / 2 / 536.5
Novel Notes 18-20 / 24 / 560.5
Vocabulary Unit 2 H/W / 60 / 620.5
Participation Day 14 / A T E
Exit Exam #6(58/84,63/?1A) / 70 / 690.5
Wk8: Participation Day 15 / A T E / Week 8
Project Management Plan–Week 8+LAB / 10 / 700.5
EQ 13 & 14 / 2 / 702.5
Novel Notes 21-25 / 34 / 736.5
T.P. Midterm Exercises / 12 / 748.5
G: Midterm /


/ 799.5
Vocabulary Unit 2 TEST / 50 / 849.5
Participation Day 16 / A T E
Spring Break Week – Get ahead! / ---- / ------/ ---- / ------/ --
Wk9: Participation Day 17 / A T E / Week 9
Project Management Plan – Week 9 / 5 / 854.5
EQ 15 & 16 / 2 / 856.5
Share Something Written / 20 / 876.5
Novel Notes 26-30 / 34 / 910.5
Participation Day 18 / A T E
Wk10: Participation Day 19 / A T E / Week 10
Project Management Plan – Week 10 / 5 / 915.5
G & L Worksheet / 20 / 935.5
G & L Cards / 30 / 965.5
R:C5: Relationships I / 40 / 1005.5
Eng 82 FA 2015 T/Th –NoSL
/ Value / Earned /



÷ Tally

/ %
R:C6: Relationships II / 59.5 / 1065
EQ 17 & 18 / 2 / 1067
Novel Notes 31-35 / 34 / 1101
Participation Day 20 / A T E
Timed Exit Exam (17/84,22/1A) / 38 / 1139
Wk11: Participation Day 21 / A T E / Week 11
Project Management Plan – Week 11 / 5 / 1144
EQ 19 & 20 / 2 / 1146
Novel Notes 36-37 / 19 / 1165
R:C7: Inferences / 44.5 / 1209.5
R:C8: Purpose & Tone / 36.5 / 1246
Vocabulary Unit 3 H/W / 60 / 1306
Participation Day 22 / A T E
Wk12: Participation Day 23 / A T E / Week 12
Project Management Plan – Week 12 / 5 / 1311
EQ 21 & 22 / 2 / 1313
Vocabulary Unit 3 TEST / 50 / 1363
Participation Day 24 / A T E
Wk13: Participation Day 25 / A T E / Week 13
Project Management Plan – Week 13 / 5 / 1368
EQ 23 & 24 / 2 / 1370
R:C9: Argument / 44 / 1414
R:C10: Critical Rdg/F vs. O / 35 / 1449
Geek GirlTest ~ / 40 / 1489
Eng 82 FA 2015 T/Th –NoSL
/ Value / Earned /



÷ Tally

/ %
Participation Day 26 / A T E
Wk14: Participation Day 27 / A T E / Week 14
Project Management Plan–Week 14+15 / 7 / 1496
EQ 25 & 26 / 2 / 1498
Participation Day 28 / n/a / Holiday
Wk15: Participation Day 29 / A T E / Week 15
Project Management Plan–Week 15 –Conf. / 2 / 1500
Grade Keeper Check / 10 / 1510
EQ 27, 28, 29, 30, & 31 / 5 / 1515
Exit Exam #4(54/84,60/1A) / 70 / 1585
Final Exam(30 for Exit) / 40 / 1625
Lab Portfolio / 538 / 2163
Participation Day 30 / A T E
*BONUSScavenger Hunt *10 / *10 / 2163
All H/W on time *20 LHP / *20 / 2163
+Bonus-Deductions= / * / 2163
Conference Sub-total / 2163
Week 16:Conference<-100> / A T E / < > / 2163
Total Points and Percentage / 2163
BSSC PLATO Grade Level

Exit Exam Test 6 (5-7 grade level) wk 8 Score ____ P F Need 58/Eng 84 ~ or ~ 63+ = 1A potential w/”A” on coursework

Timed Exit Exam Test Score ______P F ~ Need 17/Eng 84 ~ or ~ 22+ = 1A potential w/”A” on coursework

Exit Exam Test 4 (7-9 grade level) FINAL Score ____ P F Need 54/Eng 84 ~ or ~ 60 + “A” on coursework for Waiver to English 1A

English 82 TP Final Exam _____% Exit Y N (Need 30 for Exit Exam to English 84)

Instructions for using this grade keeper:

  1. In the “Earned” column, put how many points you earned for the assignment listed on the left.
  2. In the “Total” column, put how many total points you have accumulated in class so far. Add the amount you put in the “Earned” column (left) to the amount in the “Total” column (above).
  3. To find your percentage in class, divide as follows: “Total” column (total points you have earned so far) divided by the points in your “Tally” (total points possible so far) column. You should come out with a number that has a decimal point. Move the decimal point over to the right two spaces to find your percentage in class.

Example: Note-This is just an example. Please keep track of your attendance: A=Absent, T=Tardy, E=Left Early

/ Value / Earned /



÷ Tally

/ % / Tally=Total possible points in class so far!

Wk1: Participation Day 1

/ A T E / Earned =3,total so far = 3,3(total in class)3(total possible)=1.00, move . to right = 100%
Study Buddies / 3 / 3 / 3 /  3 = / 100
Textbooks & Supplies / 11 / 7 / 10 /  14 = / 71 / Earned 7,Total so far = 3(above) + 7(earned)=10,1014(Tally)=.71, move . to right = 71%

NAME______SEC # ______DATE______ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE ______




The assignment(s) must be turned by the next class session. Late homework will NOT be accepted the last two weeks of class!



Instructions for using this pass and getting full credit for one day’s assignment(s):

  1. Put your name, section number, date, and original due date on the pass and on your homework
  2. On the lines below, please print what you could have done differently to have your homework in on time (see ideas below)
  3. Staple the assignment to the pass (IN ORDER), and put it in the homework folder

To have my homework in on time, I could have ______



I suggest that you save this pass and try not to use it.

Some ways to avoid having to use this pass are the following:

  1. Have a friend, family member, or study partner bring your assignment to class the day it is due.
  2. Have someone run your assignment to your study partner’s house
  3. If you know you will be absent ahead of time, turn your homework into the homework folder before it is due and notify me that it’s there.
  4. Have a friend, family member, or study partner bring your assignment to the Humanities Division Office (H-322) to be put into my mailbox
  5. (Last resort) Email the assignment by midnight the day it is due if you are absent
  6. Place the information directly onto the email instead of on an attachment
  7. Print a hard copy of your assignment and put it in the homework folder when you return to class attached to the email that I received it.
  8. Be sure to write “Emailed on ______(date)” on the assignment for full credit