Welcome to the November edition of the Peeptoon Post.
This month has not been especially busy for the members of the ECA but the things we have been doing and the things that are happening in the village are featured in this edition.
So read on...
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The Christmas lights switch on:
We've been discussing the opportunity provided to us by the Tranent & Elphinstone Community Council to help arrange the Christmas lights switch on in the village. The switch on will be held on Friday 2nd of
December at 6pm and we're inviting everyone from the village to join us all at the Christmas tree on the day for the big switch on.
At the time of printing this edition we are currently trying to negotiate with the primary school in the village about having the children from the school singing Christmas carols and, hopefully, switching the lights on too.
We'll try and update you all through the ECA's Facebook page with more details about the switch on.
Elphinstone Remembrance Day:
On Sunday 13th November, there was a Remembrance Day event held in the village and we are happy to report that it was a great turnout.
The Elphinstone Miners Welfare & Social Club very kindly opened their doors to allow the gatherers to come in, warm up and have a good old chat.
The Miners Club have reported that there was just over 50 people in attendance after the event on Main Street and we are hoping this will perhaps grow as the years go on.
So thank you to everyone who came along on the day.
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Speeding Traffic in our village...Again:
Members of the ECA attended a meeting with representatives from East Lothian Council at John Muir House, Haddington a couple of weeks ago.
As you may know we've been trying to negotiate some kind of resolution to the issue of speeding traffic in our community, that has essentially gone on too long.
We were promised by East Lothian Council earlier this year that a raised platform speed reducing measure would be installed outside the school, but at the meeting we attended, it seems this will now not be happening.
Unfortunately there seems to be an unwillingness to address this matter in advance of any work being carried out on the proposed development in the village, so we may have reached an impasse.
As a group, we will continue to highlight this issue to any and all groups/organisations that we feel could help bring about a solution to the speeding traffic in our village.
If you feel strongly about this issue, then we would suggest you get in contact with either East Lothian Council or one of the elected councillors that represent this area, to voice your concerns and to make sure your voice is heard, because that is exactly what we will be doing as well.
Elphinstone Primary School Christmas Fayre:
Elphinstone Primary School Parent Council – Xmas Fayre and Raffle
Tickets for the BIG Xmas Raffle are now on sale, ask any school parent or the school office or the ECA if you would like some, all the money raised goes to benefit every child at the school and nursery.
The prizes we have are: A brand new kids bike, afternoon tea for two at Carberry Tower, a wee trip in a super car, £30 Venturing Out voucher, £20 Odeon Voucher, a bottle of Prosecco, Chocolates, Lollys Cards Voucher, Pasta Food Hamper, Kids Bowls + many more
Thanks to Aldi, Homezone, PK Supercars, www.tcmo.co.uk, Carberry Towers, Lollys Cards, www.venturingout.co.uk and the families of Elphinstone for their generous donations.
Families and Friends of the school are invited from 10am to 12pm on 16th December to the Community Centre for stalls, carols, tombola and to see Santas Grotto.
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Macmerry Men's Shed:
The Macmerry Men's Shed is looking for new members, so we're helping them with a bit of advertising.
The Macmerry Men’s Shed is a place where a man who has time on his hands can go to make things, use tools, relax and make friends.
Our Shed is designed to appeal to men in ways which traditional “community groups” don’t. Men generally like to get involved in practical tasks and get to know people by working alongside them, rather than sitting down face to face. Our aim is to make our Shed feel familiar and welcoming.
An important ethos in our Shed is that our members pursue their own interests and choose what they want to do. Self-directed activity is more satisfying and fun.
Many older men are keen to use their life-learned skills & experience. They may find retirement boring or find that they miss the banter of the workplace. Men tend to rely heavily on their job for social contact. When this ends, they miss their old friendships, but have few opportunities to make new friends.
Older men have a wealth of experience, stories and knowledge to share. The Macmerry Men's Shed hopes to provide a place for this to happen. Younger men benefit from the chance to be shown new skills as well as exchanging their own knowledge of more modern technology or culture.
Many people imagine that Men’s Sheds are all based in wooden huts. However, thanks to East Lothian Council, we are able to run our Shed in the Macmerry Village Hall every Tuesday & Thursday, from 11am to 5pm.
So if you are interested, or know someone who might be, then get in touch with David Dickson on: 07713 276 568 or pop along to see us, as our doors are always open.
What's coming up in the Miners Club:
Well there are a few things coming up over the next few weeks, so here is a quick list and make sure you mark it in your calendars.
Saturday 26th November: Hank Swanson & his Heartbeat Machine. Hank will be playing songs that are guaranteed to get you out of your seats dancing the night away.
Saturday 3rd December: Xpression are back! the duo are back by popular demand. We highly recommend you head up to the Miners Club to enjoy this show, it's well worth it and the best thing is it's FREE.
Saturday 10th December & Saturday 17th December is Willie Fishers disco and karaoke. A diverse night out because you can either dance to your favourite songs or sing them.
Now here's the big one: If you're starting to think " What am I going to do on Hogmany?"
Well look no further than this:
On Hogmanay the Elphinstone Miners Club are proud and excited to bring you Norman Boyd. A fantastic mix of singing and comedy. This is sure to be an amazing way to bring in the New Year.
Tickets are just £6 and there is also a buffet on offer as well. You will be hard pushed to find a better night out on Hogmanay, so why not keep it local and head on up to the Elphinstone Miners Club, not only will it be a night to remember, it's also not that far to stagger home from!!!
Kids say the funniest things:
They certainly do and the kids in the village are no exception. So just for a wee change here are some of the jokes the kids in the village have offered for this edition.
Why didn't the skeleton want to go to the party? Because he had no-BODY to go with!!! from Matthew Stable
What's brown and sticky? A stick
from Ollie Fleming
What's invisible and smells of carrots? BUNNY FARTS!!! from Jamie Moore
Knock-knock, who's there? Bear. Bear who? BEAR BUM!!! from Murray Mitchell.
Knock-knock, who's there? House. House who? House you too? from Cole Aitken.
Thanks for reading the Peeptoon Post
Finally some more images from the Remembrance Day event in the village: