Weekly Newsletter for meeting 263021st 2012
World President Kalyan Banerjee, District 9500 GovernorEric Russell, Dist Gov Elect. Marie Dorrington,
Club President John Mylchreest, SecretaryBrian Lucas. Address;PO Box 73 Kadina SA 5554.
Meets every Tuesday, 6pm for 6.30pm sit down at KADINA BOWLING CLUB,
Doswell Terrace KADINA, South Australia. Caterer’s Tel. 8821 4464 or 042 827 3202.
We serve in Kadina, Wallaroo, Moonta, the Copper Coast, nationally & internationally.
CLUB WEBSITE - MARKET manager’s tel. 0447 768 279
Meeting 2630
21 February 2012
Chairperson: Michael Gregg
Visiting Rotarians: Len Carruthers, Hugh Wearing (Maitland)
Guests: Graeme & Patricia Clarke, “Royce” Hart
Roatary Spots:
Val Grandison: Thankyou to those Rotarians that helped with the extra Market on Sunday for Rotary Week. Roster distributed for this weeks coming Saturday Markets.
Brian: Invitation to Moonta Bowling Club for a fundraiser for the Moonta Hospital. Friday 4/5/12 High Tea, $15:00, 2pm.
Colin: Polio – found box of clippings, including 1988 article on how long till Polio is eradicated.
Ossie: Chamber of commerce have asked us to cook breakfast 14/4/12 (Saturday after Easter). Food donated – we sell for $2.00. Start 7.30am, Commonwealth Bank Corner. Names: Peter D, Colin, Steve, Robert Venning, Brian & Frank.
Visiting Rotarian – Hugh: Pleased to visit NYP, but here on a sales pitch. Fundraiser for Health Centre: 25/3/12 Sunday Lunch with band Tamarask, wine auction, silent auction. Tickets $40.
Glenn Cooper at Yorke Valley Hotel Thursday 8/3/12
Raffle Draw: Drawn by Patsy Clarke – Blue D66 – Hugh Wearing.
Acting Sargeant Trevor Ellis: Steve Glover – attractive shirt – Monty Python Shoe. Val – tipped wine over bread (port supporters can’t hold their drink). Frank – pleasure of playing in same rink as Trevor – does his best – gets angry with himself. Colin: Port are going to finish bottom for eternity. Colin bets Trevor $50 that Port will finish above Crows. Wayne – Cardboard on Solar Hot Water Service. Ossie: Vision of Ossie on top of beehive. In reply Ossie vows that if Swans win flag e will be on the top at beehive corner (won’t happen). Paul T – Ferry. Michael – calling people to “Tea”.
President John
Bowls day 15/4/12 at Wallaroo
Glenn Cooper at Yorke Valley Hotel
Significant achievement award – nominations due soon.
District Handover Lunch: 15 July in Adelaide
Peterborough changeover 29/6. Pirie 7/7. NYP Saturday 30/6
****Partners night 3rd Tuesday in March. Notify Maxine if partners ARE attending.****
Board meeting 13 March.
Guest Speaker: Graeme Clarke – Working in PNG
Introduced by Val: Author, musician, electrical worker.
Trained as an Electrician in New Zealand in the 50’s. In the 70’s and 80’s worked in Fiji, Malaysia, Australia. In the 90’s PNG and India.
Three books published on his adventures – available for kindle.
Differences noted working overseas – culture, language, corruption – need to grease palms to get things done. He has had to contend with perilous sea journeys, murder, being stranded on desert islands.
1995: GM in PNG Airport redevelopment. Needed to be tested for HIV, fingerprints, criminal history. On arrival in Port Moresby saw why they needed a new airport. Met by hordes of taxi drivers with red mouth from chewing (and the spitting) betel nut juice.
First three months lots of red tape and application forms: Forms to Form a Company – Import Funds – License for General Contractor, License for Electrical Contractor, permit to employ, visas for staff.
PNG very dangerous place – homes had Razor wire, Guard dogs, Guards (armed with bow & arrow). Travel in convoys e.g. up to Highlands – need to be back off the road by 4.30pm or risk attack by Rascals. Rascals come down from Highlands for work – but no work so turn to crime. Police shoot first ask questions later. Water board shot up by Police because they turned their Water off for not paying the bill. Supermarkets have guard dogs, Soldiers often in the streets. 5 major crimes per day in Port Moresby – population 160 000.
Graham thanked by Michael Gregg.
Graham then led the Club in singing Happy Birthday to Rotary prior to cutting a celebratory cake.
Late Spot: Robert Cross – Helpers for Markets.
Meeting Closed by Presidaent John at 20:40.
CLUB DUTY ROSTER: Please find your OWN SUBSTITUTE if unavailable. **Note any Changes**
Meeting No. date & venue / 2631 28th February @ KBC / 2632 6th March @KBCCHAIR / Jackie Hart / Richard Herbert
CASHIER / Val Grandison / Michael Gregg
Set up & waiting / Frank Flavel / Steve Glover
Fellowship & waiting / Peter Dickeson / Trevor Ellis
3 min. International Toast / Robert Cross
3 min. Rotary Information / Gordon Woods
PROGRAM / Board meeting ? / TBA
Guest and apology notice in club apology sheet or to Maxine Koch on 8821 4464, (mobile telephone 042 827 3202) by 12 noon of meeting day.
Please note 3rd Meeting of Each Month is a Partner’s Night
Week for Rotary 20-26 February 2012