Bach Flower Handout


Cheerful, humorous people using laughter to hide unhappiness. Wearing a mask to hide internal feelings.

Often take alcohol or drugs in excess to stimulate themselves and help them bear their internal feelings.


Feeling anxious but unsure why, vague unknown fears that can’t explain. Fears that something terrible is going to happen but unable to say what. Often fearful to tell others how feeling.


For those that feel the need to see more good and beauty in all around them. When irritated by other around them.

Help to be more tolerant, and understanding of the different ways each individual.


Kind, quiet, gentle people who are over-anxious to serve others, leaving them feeling more like servants than willing helpers. They do more than their fair share of the work and may in turn neglect their own interests in life. Helps allow these people say ‘No’ when appropriate.


For those without enough confidence in themselves to make their own decisions. Constantly seek advice from others. ‘What do you think I should do?’ Helps us trust our own judgements.

Cherry Plum

Fear of the mind being over strained, of losing reason or control. Fear of doing wrong, dreaded things where it is not wished but that a thought and impulse comes to do them. This remedy helps to remove the fear of losing control.

Chestnut Bud

Finding self in same unhappy situations, repeating mistakes, slow in learning life’s lessons. This remedy

helps us to gain from experiences and mistakes and learn there is another way.


Possessive and demanding, selfish and self centred. Tendency to try and manipulate people and situations, over-care of children, friends. Want those they care for to be near to them. This remedy helps to enable unconditional love, ability to give love without thought of anything in return.


For those who are dreamy, drowsy, not fully awake with no great interest in life. Quiet people, living more in future than present, in hope of happier times. Remedy helps to give a lively interest in present life, giving purpose, creativity and realism.

Crab apple

Self hatred, disgust, feeling unclean or contaminated. Feeling anxious to be free from the one thing which is greatest on their minds and which seems so essential to them that it should be cured. Cleansing remedy of both body and mind.


Overwhelmed by responsibility, temporary feeling of inadequacy. When doing life’s work, there may be times when the task seems to great. Remedy helps us feel capable and confident in our abilities.


For those that are easily discouraged, greatly affected by small setbacks. Depression. Remedy helps to give perseverance, the courage to keep going, less or not affected by setbacks.


Very great hopelessness, any belief that more can be done for them has gone. Feeling in a hole and can’t see a way out. May try things to please others while assuring those people that their is no hope of relief. Remedy helps to give hope and optimism, a more positive and motivated outlook.


For those who are always seeking the company of anyone who may be available, need to talk about own situation or troubles, self absorbed and self centred. They are unhappy if have to be alone for any length of time. Gives emotional self sufficiency.


When attacked by thoughts such as jealousy, envy, revenge, suspicion. Internally there is much suffering without much external cause. Hurt. The remedy helps to open to the situation and emotions, helps to be open-hearted and willing to share.


Nostalgia, living in the past, remembering times gone by, not living in the present. Not expecting happiness that has been had in the past. Helps to have emotional clarity of the past and live in the present.


For those who feel they do not have sufficient strength, mentally or physically to carry burden of life placed on them. Feeling that some part of mind or body needs strengthened to easily fulfil their work. Mental exhaustion, no enthusiasm for day ahead. Remedy helps to renew zest in life and gives certainty in abilities and strengths.


Impatient, irritable, hurried, with tension. Likes to work alone. Those who are quick in thought and action and who wish all things to be done without delay or hesitation. Find it hard to be with people who are slow. Gives patience, gentleness, understanding and acceptance of others ways, relaxed.


For those who do not consider themselves as good or as capable as those around them, they expect failure, feel they will never be a success, do not make a strong enough attempt to succeed. Gives self confidence, ability to take risks with a conviction that can succeed.


Fear of known things, worldly things, illness, pain, accidents, poverty, the dark, insects etc. Quietly bear their dread or fear, not discussing it. Shy introverted nature, over sensitive. Gives courage to face life’s challenges with enjoyment.


Deep gloom and depression with no origin or reason, like a cold dark cloud overshadowed them to hide the light and joy. Remedy gives stability, inner peace and joy.


Overburdened, doing too much, struggling and fighting strongly to get well. Brave people, fighting against great difficulties without loss of hope or effort. Helps restore energy with endurance, accept limits.


Exhaustion, weeping with tiredness, fatigue, tires easily, often after a long period of struggle. No more strength to make any effort. Gives Balance, restores sleep, strength and vitality, regeneration and help to convalesce.


Guilty, self reproach ‘I’m sorry’. Blame self. Even when successful they think they could have done better, not content with efforts made. Hard working and suffer from faults they attach to themselves. May even take responsibility for others mistakes. Over works to prove self worth. Remedy helps to recognise self worth and importance, self acceptance with a fair balance attitude to responsibility.

Red Chestnut

Anxious and fearful for the welfare of others, they suffer much for those they are fond of and often anticipate some unfortunate thing may happen to them. Gives ability to send thoughts of safety for others, allows you to radiate confidence and support.

Rock Rose

The remedy of emergency where the person is terrified, or condition is so serious that others have great fear. Extreme fear, panic, paralysed by fear, helplessness. Gives courage when faced with great challenges, peace and strength.

Rock Water

For those who are very strict in their way of living, deny self many of the joys and pleasures of life as they think it will interfere with their work. Wishing to be well and strong, they have high expectations and ideals. Remedy allows more flexibility, an enriched emotional life and less pressure on self.


Plagued by uncertainty and indecision, being unable to decide between two things, first one seeming right then the other. Can flit between things, don’t finish anything, lack of balance. Remedy helps with quick decision making, taking action, balance and determination.

Star of Bethlehem

Mental and physical shock, grief and trauma, sudden bad news, during a time of great distress which produces time limited sadness and unhappiness. A comforting remedy for those in need of physical and emotional cuddles and protection.

Sweet Chestnut

Extreme anguish and despair that seems unbearable. When the mind or body feels like it has borne the limits of it’s endurance and must now give way, seeming like there is nothing but destruction left to face. No hope or peace. Remedy supports to give courage and faith, hope of being free of anguish and despair.


Those with fixed principles and ideas, they are confident they are right and are rarely changed in this. Wish to convert others to their views. Angered by injustice, can be overbearing/fanatical; suffer stress and tension as they find it hard to switch off and relax. The remedy helps allow tolerance and calmness; ability to pull back from time to time to restore body and mind.


Very capable people, certain of own abilities and success, this confidence leads to bossiness, dominance. They like obedience and think they are always right, and others know less. Remedy helps to be an understanding leader, guiding to inspire and lead others without force.


Protection from outside influences. For when become over sensitive to ideas and influences from other people or events when normally have definite ideals and ambitions in life.

Helps with change and to protect.

Water Violet

For those who in health and illness like to be alone. Quiet people who move without noise, speak little and gently. Independent and capable, self reliant. Aloof and reserved, often clever and talented, can be more approachable in work environment. Helps people to appreciate relationships.

White Chestnut

Mental arguments, unwanted thoughts that go round and round, causing distress, drives out peace and interferes with ability to think of the work or pleasure of the day. Obsessive worrying thoughts. Remedy helps give inner calm, a quiet clear mind and controlled thoughts.

Wild Oat

Uncertainty about path in life and career, have ambition to do something of prominence and richly fulfilling but have no definite calling. When at a cross road. Helps find own niche, expression of talents.

Wild Rose

Resignation, apathy, gliding through life, taking things as they are without any effort to improve things and find some joy or fulfilment. Remedy helps give ambition, purpose, vitality and a will to live.


Resentment and bitterness, poor me, problems blamed on others. Feel undeserved of such misfortune or trial. Looks backwards and inwards. Remedy helps take responsibility for life’s situations with optimism and faith.

Rescue Remedy

‘First aid or emergency drops’ Contains 5 remedies:

Star of Bethlehem for shock

IMpatiens for agitation

Rock Rose for terror

Cherry Plum for loss of self control

Clematis for faint, far away feelings

Rescue Remedy helps in any emergency situation, or when fear or emotion may overtake a person.