Can you recognize the voice of God? A fun game to see how well you can listen for the master's voice and know the Will of God.
TOPICS:Holy Spirit, Knowing God, Listening, Prayer
Blindfold 7 balloons (6 of one color, 1 a different color)
Approximately20 minutes /
Before class, blow up and tie 7 balloons. One balloon should be a different color, for example, six blue balloons and one green balloon.
Object of Game: The object of this game is for a blindfolded child (called the servant) to stay inside a circle of kids and retrieve a certain balloon for his or her master. The master will give instructions to the servant to help them find the balloon, while the other kids making a circle whisper other things to distract the servant.
Ask a volunteer to be a servant. Then have all the other children get in a circle, each sitting about an arms length from each other, and dump all the balloons inside the circle. Explain to the class that each servant has a job to do for their master. But they will need to listen very carefully, because they will be blindfolded. Then choose one child to be a master. Explain to the master that they are to give the servant verbal instructions to direct them to pick up the green balloon. For example, go left, stop, turn around, reach down, etc.) Also, let the rest of the class know that their job is to distract the servant by whispering other things while this is going on. The master can speak in a normal voice, but the rest of the kids must only whisper. After you blindfold the servant, and before the master begins, mix up the balloons.
Once the servant picks up the correct balloon, everyone can let out a cheer. Then let the master become the next blindfolded servant and pick a new master. Play until everyone has had a chance to be the servant. Explain that our relationship with God is similar to this game. Sometimes we need to block out all the noises and distractions of this world in order to hear God's voice. He may be speaking to us through the Holy Spirit, but we need to be listening. Through prayer, reading the Bible, and glorifying God, we can learn to tell the difference between His voice, and the voice of the world. Then God guides us no matter where we go. The Bible says, "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way, walk in it.'" (Isaiah 30: 21 NIV)
An activity to show that we hear many things with our ears, but we can also hear the voice of God when we listen with our hearts.
TOPICS:Holy Spirit, Knowing God, Listening, Prayer
See list of objects below Paper and pencils for each child One index card
Approximately 10 minutes /
Bring at least six of the following objects to class, along with an index card with the word GOD written on it.
alarm clock / baby rattle
drum (or other small instrument)
wind chimes
noisemaker (party favors)
CD player
Before the children arrive, place all of the objects you brought along with the index card on a table. Then write the following on the board: What do all of these objects have in common? Do not share your answer.
As the children arrive, give them each a pencil and a piece of paper and ask them to look at the objects on the table. Then have the kids read what you wrote on the board. Explain that they are to write down their answer when they feel they know what it is, but not to share it with anyone at this time. After everyone has arrived and had a chance to view the items, compare answers. Who guessed correctly?
The correct answer is that we can hear all of them, even God. Explain how we can hear all the items on the table with our ears, but we can also hear God when we listen with our heart. In addition, the Holy Spirit will help us. We may hear God through the words of the Bible, through our pastor, perhaps even through our parents or Sunday-school teachers. Most often, we will hear Him when we pray. If we listen carefully, with all our heart, God will speak to us. The Bible says, "The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic." (Psalm 29:4 NIV)