Important information regarding the recording and reporting of accidents, dangerous occurrences and near misses in the School of Biological Sciences.

The University’s definition of an ‘ACCIDENT, DANGEROUS OCCURRENCE AND NEAR MISS’ is an unplanned event, including physical violence, which may or may not result in injury or ill health to individuals, damage or loss of property, plant, materials or damage to the environment; Please see below and attached for details of recording and reporting of such incidences.

The proper reporting of accidents, dangerous occurrences and near misses is essential. Such records provide information which can lead to improved working practices, and may be required in the event of legal or insurance proceedings. Written reports are required whether or not personal injury or damage to property (personal, School or otherwise) has resulted.

The incident should be recorded in the School Accident Book which is held in the School Office (MBC 01 402, contact Mrs Mary Devlin) or by Dr Henk van Rein in QML or Ms. Ling Bai in IGFS). The University Accident Report form AC1 (along with the Accident Book) is to be completed by the supervisor of the person involved in the incident. Damage to property should be reported in a dated, signed, written statement, which should be lodged in the above office, for forwarding to the School Safety Officer. All personal details will be kept confidential.

The responsibility for ensuring that an accident is reported lies with the most senior person present (and uninjured), or with the first person to arrive at the scene, if there are no uninjured witnesses. The provision of first aid, damage control and/or the summonsing of assistance, should take priority over reporting. Following an incident involving the provision of first aid, a report of actions taken must be provided to the School Safety Officer.

The incident should be investigated by the line manager/supervisor, Safety Officer, Trade Union representative or University Safety Service to establish the root cause of events which occurred and ensure remedial action is taken where necessary.

March 2014