Call for Detached Youth Work Services by Agenzija Zghazagh

1. Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, within the Ministry of Education and Employment, is inviting applications for a Youth Work Provision of Service to be provided Under the Agency’s Detached Youth Work Service which will be based in Cottonera and Paceville.

2. The responsibilities of the Youth Worker at the Detached Youth Work Service include ability to:

  • Find creative approaches to engage with young people in a variety of settings including streets, parks, open space, pubs and cafes;
  • Offer support, informal education and learning opportunities to groups and individuals;
  • Acknowledging young people’s rights and providing opportunities for them to understand and exercise those rights and be active participants within their communities.

3. The successful service candidates should hold a diploma or higher qualification in Youth and Community Studies and at least five years experience in youth work. Other related diplomas or degrees will not be considered.

4. The successful service candidates will be offered an 18 monthcontract agreement with Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and his/her services will be terminated at the end of the contract or at the discretion of Aġenzija Żgħażagħ.

5. The working hours will be 6 to 12 hours per week and mayinclude weekends, late evenings and early mornings. The applicable rate of remuneration is €10.50 an hour if the candidate has a diploma and €12.50 per hour if the candidate has a degree or higher.A disturbance allowance of €2.50 per hour will also be allocated for service provided after 10pm.

6.Youth Workers will also be requested to conduct a background study prior to the launch of the service. This will include identifying and liaising with others who are working in the same area (other agencies, community groups, residents, and other youth service provision), identifying potential target groups of young people although not necessarily making contact at this stage and looking at other aspects of the local community which will impact on young people’s lives.

7. Youth Workers will be expected to work in pairs and remain in contact distance with their co-worker at all times.

8. Certificate copies of qualifications must be attached to the application along with a police conduct certificate.

9. Original certificates and testimonials are to be submitted for verification at the interview.

10. Eligible candidates providing such service will be interviewed by a selection board to assess their suitability for the post.

11. Applications, together with a summary of qualifications and experience in the European Curriculum Vitae Format must be received by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, (ex Umberto calosso) St. Joseph High Road St.Venera SVR 1013 in a sealed envelope addressed for the attention of Rowena M Borg by not later than 06th April 2015 noon.

12. Applications by post should be sent by registered mail, allowing sufficient time to ensure delivery by the above deadline. These applications will be acknowledged in writing by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ within seven days.

Late applications will not be considered.

For further information or queries please phone Rowena M Borg on 22586737 or via e-mail