Program Curriculum Upgrade Request

Institution Submitting Request:Utah Valley University

Proposed Title:Mechatronics Technology

Currently Approved Title:Mechatronics Technology

School or Division or Location:College of Technology & Computing

Department(s) or Area(s) Location:Engineering Technology Department

Recommended Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code[1] (for new programs):15.0406

Current Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code (for existing programs): 15.0406

Proposed Beginning Date (for new programs):Fall 2013

Institutional Board of Trustees’ Approval Date:9/5/2013

Proposal Type (check all that apply):

Regents’ General Consent Calendar Items
R401-5 OCHE Review and Recommendation; Approval on General Consent Calendar
5.1.1 / Minor*
5.1.2 / Emphasis*
5.2.1 / Certificate of Proficiency*
5.2.3 / Graduate Certificate*
5.4.1 / New Administrative Unit
Administrative Unit Transfer
Administrative Unit Restructure
Administrative Unit Consolidation
5.4.2 / New Center
New Institute
New Bureau
5.5.1 / Out-of-Service Area Delivery of Programs
5.5.2 / Program Transfer
Program Restructure
Program Consolidation
5.5.3 / Name Change of Existing Programs
5.5.4 / Program Discontinuation
Program Suspension
5.5.5 / Reinstatement of Previously Suspended Program
Reinstatement of Previously Suspended Administrative Unit

Chief Academic Officer (or Designee) Signature:

I certify that all required institutional approvals have been obtained prior to submitting this request to the Office of the Commissioner.

Signature: ______Date:

Printed Name:Ian Wilson

Program Curriculum Upgrade Request

Utah Valley University

AAS Mechatronics Technology


Section I: Request

Utah Valley UniversityDepartment of Engineering Technologyrequestsa restructure of the AAS Mechatronics Technology Program to be in line with the needs of local industry. This degree was originally approved by the State Board of Regents in 2007. UVU requests that these changes be implemented Fall 2013.

Section II: Need

The purpose of the Mechatronics Technology Program is to prepare students to work in the local manufacturing sector as automation technologists. These proposed program changes will align the Mechatronics Technology content with the needs of industry so that the graduates of the program will realize strong employment potential as well as immediate productivity as automation technicians.

These changes are in response to feedback from former students as well as potential employers. The changes in the program have been made to reflect the job requirements associated with an AAS level graduate and bring the curriculum more in line with the needs of industry. The previous curriculum was an applied programming curriculum with some mechanical design and electronics courses added to balance out the philosophy of Mechatronics. These changes reflect the need of industry for Mechatronics Technicians to develop and maintain automation systems.

One of the important changes is to align the programming courses with the industry need. The automation industry uses Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC's) in manufacturing applications so the classical programming classes, CS 1400 for example, have been replaced with EART 2250 - Programmable Logic Controllers One1, EART 2270 - Programmable Logic Controllers Two2, and MECH 1510 - Software Tools for Mechatronics. As a result of this change, the Mechatronics students are exposed to C[SB1] programming as well as industry standard ladder logic. These three classes provide 14 credit hours of programming experience so the new Mechatronics Program still maintains a strong programming content.

Section III: Institutional Impact

The redesigned curriculum includes significant changes to the Mechatronics courses, removes the demand for two Computer Science courses (six credit hours), and adds one EGDT CAD course (three credit hours). Both the CS and EGDT Departments support these changes. No new labs will need to be added as a result of these changes, and the lab space that is currently being used for this program will accommodate these changes. One new tenure track faculty has been added to support the AAS Mechatronics Program; however, this addition is necessary whether or not these changes are put into place.

Section IV: Finances

It is expected that program costs will stay the same for these changes. Even though the course content will change, the lab, classroom, and faculty loads will not be affected by these changes.

Section V: Program Curriculum

All Program Courses (with New Courses in Bold)

Course Prefix and Number / Title / Credit Hours
Required Courses
ENGL 1010 / Introduction to Writing / 3.0
ENGL 2310 / Technical Communication / 3.0
MGMT 1010 / Introduction to Business / 3.0
PHYS 2010 / College Physics I / 4.0
PHYS 2015 / College Physics I Lab / 1.0
PE/Health/Safety/Environment / PE/Health/Safety/Environment Choice / 1.0
EART 1050 / Applied Electrical Math / 5.0
EART 1130 / Basic Electrical / 4.0
EART 1180 / Basic Electrical Lab / 5.0
EART 2110 / Semiconductors Devices / 6.0
EART 2250 / Programmable Logic Controllers 1 / 5.0
EART 2270 / Programmable Logic Controllers 2 / 6.0
EGDT 1071 / 3 Dimensional Modeling – Solidworks / 3.0
MECH 1010 / Introduction to Mechatronics / 3.0
MECH 1020 / Mechanical Systems / 3.0
MECH 1510 / Software Tools for Mechatronics / 3.0
MECH 2030 / Sensor Technology / 3.0
MECH 2150 / Industrial Pneumatics / 3.0
Sub-Total / 64.0
Elective Courses
Sub-Total / 0.0
Track/Options (if applicable)
Sub-Total / 0.0
Total Number of Credits / 64.0

Program Schedule

First Fall Semester First Year
EART 1050 / Applied Electrical Math (fulfills Mathematics requirement for AAS Degree)
Algebra, phasors, graphs, sine waves / 5.0
EART 1130 / Basic Electricalonics AC/DC
Circuits and components / 4.0
EART 1180 / Basic Electrical Lab
Lab exercises in AC/DC circuits / 5.0
ENGL 1010 / Introduction to Writing / 3.0
Spring Semester First Year
MECH 1010 / Introduction to Mechatronics
Work, energy, power, Materials, Processes / 3.0
EGDT 1071 / Beginning Solid Modeling
Introduction to SolidWorks and solid modeling3 Dimensional Modeling--Solidworks / 3.0
MECH 1510 / Fundamentals of Programming
Software Tools for Mechatronics / 3.0
MECH 1020 / Mechanical SystemsComponents
Drives, bearings, shafts, fasteners / 3.0
PHYS 2010/2015 / College Physics I and Lab / 5.0
Fall Semester Second Year
EART 2250 / Programmable Logic Controllers 1I
Introduction to PLC’s, programming, and wiring / 5.0
EART 2110 / Semiconductor Devices
PN junction, diodes, transistors, amplifiers / 6.0
MGMT 1010 / Introduction to Business / 3.0
PES / GE courses in PES distributionPhysical Ed/Health/Safety/Environment / 1.0
Spring Semester Second Year
MECH 2150 / Industrial Pneumatics
Industrial pneumatic systems / 3.0
MECH 2030 / Sensor Technologyrs
Proximity, photoelectric, temperature, pressure, encoders, wiring methods / 3.0
EART 2270 / Programmable Logic Controllers 2II
Advanced programming, troubleshooting, applications / 6.0
ENGL 2310 or
ENGL 2020 / Technical Communication
Intermediate Writing-Science and Technology / 3.0

[1] CIP codes must be recommended by the submitting institution. For CIP code classifications, please see

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